— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140483
> Which parallel world are you from? And here somehow the average man always wants about twice as much and more often than the average woman would have enough.

A normal world, a classic healthy devacha with a width of two modern standards, with a scarf, potato, round cheeks, more appetite than a man and the same, ghm, energy. It’s just like a blessing ;)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140482
Russians expect “European” changes in the PDC
The rules of traffic are planned to be as close as possible to European standards.

Comments:"What are the European roads?"

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140481
- %sysadmin_name%, I was told to clear the cookies and cache in the browser so that I would see the site admin.
and clean up.
I cleaned it, it doesn’t work!! to
How did you clean?
I don’t know how to clean it!!! to

So we live.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140480
XXX: We all gave kids at work
XXX: In honor of Easter
YYY: Hoyacees appreciate you

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140479
On the eve of the anniversary, I drank a little and decided to download the song to the ringtone. I took 180 rubles, but nothing happened. And the song, actually, produced by the Siberian punk group and is called "30 years - there is no mind". Now I sit down and think — not just that I wanted to put her on the ringtone...

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140478
People with certain mental illnesses are prohibited from getting married.

Only not for the “preservation of the genome”, but because you don’t use vegetables to make yourself a sex toy. Vegetables may not like, and can not object, only complaining washes. It, indeed, will be grieving, because the body has been formed as standard and is experiencing a constant painful need, but it is at least not as terrible as giving to someone's arbitrariness the hell won't tell you what fantasies.
And this is not due to specific diseases, but to deprivation of capacity for aggregate severity. Yes, acquired (meningitis the same) - too, although it does not affect genes. It is not necessary to attribute the level of thinking of the grandmother on the bench with fascist mockups such as "they are psychic, they were forbidden to do children!" to the current legislation, and much more it is not necessary to justify some other fascist mockups by allegedly existing analogues in the legislation.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140477
I do not understand homophobes. Why can’t they just admit that they hate homosexuals because of an old good instinct that combines sex and a position in the herd? Ordinary atavism, like the horror of cockroaches or the desire to show who is the main here, even at the expense of themselves. Fear of blood type. Or almost all-around love for sweet and fat. Or look at people who are disgusted. Or the xenophobia. Instincts formed at a different time, in a different environment, and have not had time to fade out because of the slowness of natural selection. Why put large demagogic explanations under them? Still so understandable...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140476
I want to ask if anyone hated the silver bracelet with a butterfly!
If anyone finds me, please write me in the Ls or in the comments.
Yyy: I didn’t find, found an orthographic heart attack!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №140475
When I was a kid, my girlfriend and I often walked in the sandbox. Here she told me the story that one day she dug sand and dug it to such an extent that she saw the subway running trains. I believed and digged until night, until my parents took my hand, and every time I came there and started digging. I was very upset when my parents told me there was no metro in the city at all.

[ + 22 - ] [11 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140474
Thinking before sleep: why were the Germans in the First World War the Boschi, and in the second - the Fritschi?
YYY: Bosch is a surname, Fritz is a name. The number of families has increased for the second time.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №140473
I take my aunt home (she was at our guests) and let her teach me, say we must try, then see, she votes? Take it on! An extra penny...

It caused me to listen to it, took it and stopped it... the girl swept her head in the window, and so freely...

To the Baltic for Minet Keen?

Not on the way...

I go, I keep silent.

The girl is silent...

Ten minutes from so far away.

Such a criminal situation is now...

Taxi drivers kill, money is taken.

You don’t take anyone away, little or nothing.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140472
This one-and-a-half-meter shade had a smell, especially in the summer.

decided to sell. It is a purely symbolic value. In the store it is 10 times more expensive. No one call.

He got the canvas and put it for a 4K frame. They took.

Oh well ok.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №140471
I sit in the dining room, all around with smartphones, tablets...
In this regard, the question - in which hand of the label is to hold the smartphone, and in which table device?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140470
A is
Hi to
B is
A is
I like to suck.
B is
A is
B is
What next?
A is
I do not know
B is
Do you like difficult questions?
A is
Give it
A is
Are you soon?
B is
What is the advantage of the TOKAMAK type power plant compared to the current reactors of the nuclear power plant?
B is
Here’s how you see
A is
The more energy produced, the simpler the cooling system, the safer?
B is
And why didn’t he get to the main energy?
A is
Complicated question

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №140469
Knowledge of English is an urgent need today. It’s like walking, talking, writing, reading and counting. Does anyone boast of this? And English with all of the listed in one row. But the phrase "I know how to walk" I did not find in any resume, but "I know English"

On the one hand, I cannot fail to agree with your righteous anger. On the other hand, say, in the last year you have had a lot of applicants who do not know how to walk? And just among the population of the Russian Federation, is there a lot of people from 18 to 80 who can’t walk? How many of them do not speak a foreign language? The same thing.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №140468
"I would like to remind you
There is a Constitution -
The main law of the country, in
of which there is 41 article..." - I want to remind you that for reading this very constitution on the street loud in our rache you can warm up in the department.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140467
Advertising in public transportation:
"A driver is required for the route number".
At the bottom of the hand with a curved handwriting:
"Do not go, they are steep"

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №140466
Review of the lot on the famous Chinese online store:
- "Cobura hidden wearing.It is the same belt for the spine. Good reviews are a double benefit!"
The commentary:
- "For killers with scoliosis"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140465
My cat’s dad loved to swim in the bath. And to dig in the laundry) But here the cat mother did not dig in the laundry. But I didn’t like water either. So why did he take the worst from these two wonderful cats?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140464
My friend, a perfectionist, constantly boasts that he always has a round number on his card, so that you can withdraw all the money without any balance. I put 12 copies on the card today. Because let them.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna