— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №140503
I, the pigeon Pankraty, flying on April 12, 2017 over the building of the Municipal Administration of the city of XX, did not notice an unidentified white lethal object hanging in the sky. In this regard, I collided with this object, resulting in it apparently not having enough flight experience.

If there are representatives of the rock music of the 90s here, this is just a gift for you. With Mumiatrol intonations,
I am the pigeon of Pankrates.
I flew in April.
Over the city of Enski
I can't hear the hustle

Then do it yourself ;)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140502
Doctor, I feel like someone is running behind me all the time with a bag of potatoes. I don’t like cooking and I don’t want to get married. How do you tell him to retreat? and :)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №140501
I am engaged in air gymnastics - canvas (long fabric from ceiling to floor, in our hall 7 meters), next to two ladies are engaged in a ring, periodically de-fatizing the projectile with nearby vodka. I sit, resting near an improvised bar, a lady from the ring stood on the canvas high, remember, I watched her from below. Nearby, a local Petrosyan is drawn, looks around the painting, gives a joke:

Are you so drunk and lazy?

I look at him, the vodka, the girl on the canvas, I return to him:

Of course! Would you be able to run 7 meters without insurance? Do you know how scary?! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140500
A colleague serves cakes baked by a girl.
It says: "Eat carefully, they have a high content of desire to get married"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140499
When I was a kid, my mother sometimes instructed my father to pair the child’s legs if she had no time to deal with my treatment. He put the basin in the bath, poured a pot of boiling water, a couple of glasses of water from underneath the crane and went to the couch to read a book, sometimes looking through the open door. While he was going to the post, I quietly got out of the hot pelvis and stood next to me: I can’t see through the board. When his legs were frozen from the iron, he turned them into the water. And one day, my mom got through it... But before I got rid of it, she drove her hand into the water, changed her face and said three words to my dad: “Now you’re a pair... No more executions have happened.

[ + 31 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140498
A homofob does not become a happy self-sufficient person, satisfied with his life. It doesn’t matter who you prefer to sleep with. A homophob is not an alpha male, not even a beta male. And, feeling some kind of vulnerability, he is looking for someone who is in the hierarchy of the cluster lower than he is, in order to dominate that someone, thereby compensating for his sense of inferiority. By the way, it may be caused by the fact that he suppresses his own homosexuality. “I am a normal full-fledged man, and not a gay there; it is an attempt to expose as a criterion of position in the hierarchy of the herd the usual quality of his person and to exalt him as dignity. I don't like cabbage, but shoot me if I begin to consider it my dignity and humiliate those who love them. If a man boasts that he is not gay, he has nothing to boast about.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №140497
It is a pity when the factory pass stops you.

The guard, and asks, “Man, what is melting under your jacket?”

You have a buzz there...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140496
Let me start with what we have in our kids. A new teacher appeared in the garden, the impression which she produced this respect. It was immediately seen by her that the woman of the old hardening, who is feared and respected not only by children, but also by parents.
For us, the first bell ringed at the moment when I came to pick up the daughter she gladly did not run out to meet. I will not make a big retreat, she doesn't drink milk and can't tolerate bread with avidly. In those days when giving these products babysitters tried to replace it with compot or tea. So here is: the child is not, I go to the class, and she lets soppy on a glass of milk. In my questioning sight, she says, Oh, I forgot! Well we go home and the daughter says she made her drink milk and complains of stomach pain.
The next case was the most shocking. The child had a birthday and we collected sweets for her, assuming that each child will get four sweets plus the teachers. After work, I take the child and she tells everyone that this educator distributed one candy!!!! The next day I take my daughter and ask the teacher, what was it? She apparently did not expect such a turn of events, turned red, tried to justify herself. I just told her that it should be on your conscience.
It all ended with her being fired because she divided into two parts and gave half. The rest is natural.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №140495
It seems to me that the manufacturers are deceiving us, because the gel after shaving from the irritation of the niqab does not help, as everyone irritated me so and continue to irritate

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140494
From the discussion of the article "Soldiers" on Wikipedia:
Are the men unable to
of course. Together with the females, this is the whole meaning of the process.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140493
The most profitable is selling weapons and drugs.
Forgotten about organ trafficking
C: I didn’t forget, I just didn’t post my plans.
You don’t drink, right?
R: What do you mean?
C: Well, you offered me human and organ trafficking.
I started building a business plan.
C: You could be a part of it.
C: or in parts
C: No, not so: you would be part of it))
R: Rather, it would be organically supplemented)
It is very accurate!)) Give it five!
Q: Can I send it to you by mail?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №140492
When relatives have an exacerbation, it is very important to turn off the light and throw a grenade. I came from a walk, I dressed the child, my mother came to visit and began to take the brain off the threshold. From the section "will only be followed".
M: You probably forgot to buy me soap! A clean Thursday! What do you think? How could you? An ungrateful creature, a stupid crown.
I am borrowed! I bought it and put it on the shelf in the kitchen.
M: You definitely bought "H" and not "U"? Probably confused!
I am: "X" Lie on the shelf.
Then there is a flow of consciousness mixed with insults and phrases "your life is fucking! "and the son of Marwanna has achieved everything!". He takes soap. is leaving.

I eat valerian, I try to distract myself - I open up some joke test. On the question "what you associate with the family" I hang, because they offer photos of cake, dogs and a picnic, and I have nothing but a steel pile and in my mind it is not.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №140491
Today’s weather is so good that I’ve seen the center of the solar system!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140490
“It is only one way to prevent the ‘colored revolution’ in Russia – to start already dealing with the economy of our country.”

c) Otto von Bismarck

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №140489
Gladiator battles in the remson.

Spring has arrived, exacerbating the population. Together with astute.
There is one camera.
The American Passat B5.
and EZS?
and yes.
43,000 in exchange.
What if I leave mine?
Why is she to you?
I sell.
Murdoch will be killed.
It is not your business. How much to remove?
and 7000.
Is it oil?
and ah. With the sunshine.
and refined. 1 liter for ladies. A kilo of potatoes.
It was a long time, but I came with the ACP.
I look at his purchased box – I don’t actively like it. Flows atf, the oil smells of burning friction.
Where did you take her?
The man has one.
Write it up.
He does not respond.
Probably not working.
You say that you want to take money out of me! I know you!
and OK. The money forward. And sign here that we are not responsible for the result.
What if I don’t sign?
Then take the car.
He signs, but he signs. Waits for the take-off of the acp, throws it into the trunk of a friend and leaves.
He comes for the car tonight. She is not expected to go. WOW, scream – “You put it wrong!“”
I meditate, dreaming of bloody vengeance.
Take her!
and 3500
For what?! to
For my country, my son.
I have you, you have me, everywhere about you... what a boring...
But I want to give it so that I hold my hands behind my back.
He pulls the ashes into the neighboring boxing room with colleagues.
The FFU.
In the morning his astral brother calls. I also bought – I want to put.
For your dead box, you are ready to do it.
and OK.
Bringing the car and the drill box that we removed from the car of the first frame. It is impossible to make a mistake - I pulled her shell off myself. They say Moscow is big. of the village. Not the world is a thin layer.
I begin to crawl. I call the owner. Moore so and so. Just removed this ACP - it is not working.
In response to all. and double two:
You say that you want to get money from me! I know you!
Fuck you, the goldfish.
We change, we put, we start – it doesn’t work. Who would doubt.
Oh, scream, I will tell you all, scammers.
The telephone call is clearly turned off.
The mood grows in the eyes.
Do you want me to be sold for a gift?
Where will you find him for me?
In the neighboring box. I will call my colleague.
Sasha, when will that pass out?
Tonight at 6. How did he borrow me...
Do you like to watch bulls?
You will see today.
She was sitting until evening. Six, seven, and eighth, no one goes away from work. My employees, regardless of families, are waiting for performances.
And here...oppanki...and somebody from the straw came down, probably my sweet one is going...

It was worth it. The battle of the two pitches raised the mood of the whole reembassy. In the course of the play, they even turned the hose of work (which I kindly put up) - and rolled in a brown hose, hammering each other on shameless haras. I was filled with the laughter of the full hyena and gave advice.
Put it in the dog! Go to Husains! On his eggs, on his eggs!
He also whispered and whispered.

Then the battle of the sides passed to the moral side of the matter. Thanks to my peacekeeping efforts (and he even called you a Sidor! You are naked. And the yellow fish. Yes to! Yes to! The Frog! And the Earth Worm! The discussion was deemed unconstructive and continued.
For 30 minutes, they cheered our shameless eyes. They split up friends to see anybody else.
What to do? Our work is boring, we don’t go to theaters. At least what a fun.
And a damn.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140488
For three days in the Kremlin, they are feverishly looking for imports of what the US would ban them. How did everything needed: iPhones, cars, planes, yachts...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140487
A bird-eaten spider is fun. Large and swollen. You open the door to Jehovah’s Witnesses (almost prohibited in Russia) they tell you about the guard house, and Vaska looks at them from his shoulder and rubs his legs.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140486
XXX: There is a proposal to postpone our meeting. It is Easter! I need to paint eggs with the kids. The husband alone can’t.
YYY: I don't want to offend anyone's religious feelings, but I have a suspicion that we are not allowed to go to heaven for a very different reason, not because someone's eggs are not painted :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140485
> the pocket of the cock is not wet

Oh, here is where you are hiding, the wicked warrior of the android reptilians from Nibiru! The spacecraft has been looking for you for a long time.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140484
and max:
You will not believe
and max:
drowned my phone in the pocket of the jacket that was on me) dried it out. I put my phone in my pocket. The pocket of the fox is not wet and there is water left in it like in the aquarium, there is the phone and drowned.
and max:

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna