— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142484
PishuOdinBred: In Paradise goes the one who in the struggle, fighting not dirty hands by the Eighth. Tell me I repeat. In fact, it is not so. Just an interesting topic. My horizon is wide. I know what the eighth is. The eighth is a sign of our renewed liberal time, a time of fictional heroes, stupid protests and loud exposures. The Osmium is a fertilized soil for journalist opus, which is instantly captured by the rest of the world. If the Eighth has a strong light energy that balances his "black hole", he becomes a true Eighth for you - a friend, a helper, a nurse and a housewife.
Idzo: And I read, I thought, I thought – metaphors, all things. I even found meaning! Then I read your nick. The Scotch! and :(

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142483
I watched a video about the breeders of Bengal cats.
D: Let’s open our pet.
I: Who will we divorce?
D: The Lohov

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142482
Article on the Eighth. $200 thousand for 1 gram - this is the price of the most expensive metal in the world called the isotope Osmia-187. Externally, it looks like a black powder with a purple shade and is the most dense substance on our planet.
The comments:
XXX: And why do we need it???? to
YYY: I join the question. Do you really need it for that price?
zzz: trucks for fishing equipment ох@#tyles are obtained

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142481
xxxh: came such a guy, crack, and let’s forge your screwdriver in the wires. A small bow is jumping through. I can’t stand it, I ask – Will you get the electricity? And he is so, cuddly - Well you will do artificial breathing! I, dark to him - I can't breathe, but there is a wooden swab, I will be able to repel, in case of anything. The hands.
YYY: They are like stripteaseers, cuddling, making money.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №142480
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and ras. אױ װײ) is a racial Jewish exclamation expressing annoyance, disturbance, irritation, discontent, disappointment, confusion, existential metaphysical grief, or simply batthort. It translates as “Oh!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142479
XXX: I wonder, does a vegetarian swallow or spit? and :)
YYY: If the man is a goat, he splashes, and if he is a cucumbers, he swallows.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142478
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Abkhazia has banned employees from detaining and inspecting cars with foreign numbers.

Mass dismissals have begun.

[ + 29 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142477
Vladimir Ivanov 24.06.2017 at 23:29

You have to play football naked. Immediately the motivation to play at speed when you are chased by a huge naked black man.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №142476
from ZH:
The PC Rabbit:
In America, dogs are married, blacks are lynched and children are eaten.
We need to go...

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142475
In the 1970s and 1980s, every printer was registered with the KGB.

For today’s young people who don’t know that in the 1970s and 1980s the KGB staff ratio to the number of printers in the country was about 10 to 1, it sounds, of course, scary.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142474
Sometimes the diagnosis kills a person faster than the disease itself.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №142473
He visited the child in the camp, walked around the territory, found a phone. He lies on his own path, still warm, probably just fell out of the pocket of some swelling. At first they wanted to take the guard, but on the way decided that we can call on any number, find out the name of the owner, and return the phone to him. Even more pleasant.

There were only two contacts in the phone book. “Mom” and “Papa”. After a moment, I pressed “Papa.”

Hi my son! There was a pleasant baryton in the tube.

Sorry, this is not my son. I said. We found the phone, we want to return the owner. Is this your son’s phone?

Yes my son. The interlocutor answered confusedly at the end. How did he get to you?

I say I found. I walked and looked at the phone. Probably fell out of the pocket. He is in which squad?

Who is?

Bariton was frankly dumb. "I should have called my mom," I thought, on the other hand, it was easy for me to understand the confusion of my father when a strange man calls from the child's number. I patiently repeated.

Their son. Which team is he in, you know?

He is not in the squad.

Is he the leader?

What a leader? Where did you find that phone?

Here in the territory.

In what territory?! to

in the camp area.

What camp? Is that a joke?

You know, I don’t want to joke. I came to the camp to visit my child, we found the phone. The Friendship Camp. Do you know where your child is?

I know where my child is! This has nothing to do with any camp. Either you are mocking, or you are making a mistake.

This is easy to find out now. I said.

We just approached the guard house.

Name the child's name and age. I asked for bariton.

And while one of the guards was shrinking the sheets with children’s lists, my interlocutor sang in the tube, digesting what was happening. I specially kept the phone closer to the guard so that the baryton could hear the answer from the first mouth.

There is one! Finally the guardian said, repeating the name and the name of the child. The Sixth Division. Corps three.

Have you heard? I asked on the phone. - Now we will take the child's phone, and you will find out for yourself if it is your child or not yours.

and well. The interlocutor answered with a loud voice. and thanks. Where do you say that camp is?

In the costume. It is from Yaroslavl.

The fucking! Bariton suddenly broke out.

What is? I asked. Something is wrong?

No, it is all so. I am sorry. Bariton said.

And after a moment of silence, suddenly evil passed through his teeth:

All is so! Just wondering, if the child in the camp, then with whom did this shit go to Egypt?! to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №142472
Andrei Malakhov does not know what to talk about with normal and decent people.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142471
Mixed texts, in which the scrolls are arranged as, confused and confused, “eat” and “eat”, but, shit, steadily write “you”, when it is not necessary and not necessary. Let the fool pray to God.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №142470
And we have some frost, and it is cold. The cat slept and then went out. He went out, sat on the wing, saw - badly, went back. He stumbled on me. I say, I can’t do anything, brother, I can organize the jerk, but I’m powerless against the rain.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142469
On the fourth day of the call from the left number, I looked in the net- from the alphabank, a advertising robot, and my blacklist also looked at their negative rating and drops calls.
One robot calls, another throws) war of robots:-D

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142468

The word "helixers" I hear for the first time, always said "spiders"

Between "class" and "type" there is an intermediate category - "subtype". A high school student does not need to know this. The class "spiders" (spiders, scorpions, ticks) is included in the subtype "helixers" (spiders, merostoms, sea spiders), which is included in the type "articular-footed". Main categories: life - domain - kingdom - type - class - order - family - species. Scientists use a lot of intermediate categories, such as "subcategory", "superfamily", subspecies" and so on. Google is "biological systematics"

A joke for teachers. The robbers caught the school teacher.
Give the clock!
I will not give you the clock, but take a good guide!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142467
I: What are you going to do, Poppy?
She is: Nothing.
And then drink tea.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №142466
The xxx:
It was a long time ago.
The xxx:
At the end, they were smiling, but missed out of the shift.
The xxx:
And I seemed to understand where I went instead of the shift.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №142465
The Budget Committee supported the bill, but noted that it needs to be substantially completed for the second reading. According to him, the bill is illiterate, but the deputies are now forced to adopt it, because the problem that is raised is very important - this is all you need to know about Russian legislation.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna