— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140283
<@CaH4e3> open office of course places shit... here is whoever there would say anything.. in the Excel in the table with dates all dates are converted according to a specific template, but April 31 is not so.
<@CaH4e3> is displayed as a full date
<@CaH4e3> not abbreviated
<@CaH4e3> fucks, all other dates shortened
<@CaH4e3> and in the table automatically
<@CaH4e3> and this is
<@CaH4e3> you make 30 numbers
<@CaH4e3> everything is fixed right away
<@CaH4e3> though
<@CaH4e3> where do I come from April 31
<@CaH4e3> and

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №140282
It's early in the morning, I want to sleep very much, and my daughter's work in the afternoon.

I decided to start the day with a pleasant and went to the bath with the foam, to think about plans and in general.

Meditate for 10 minutes.

The door to the bathroom opens, an absolutely unfamiliar muzhig enters with a beard, suitcase and a fuchsia, and begins, whistling, to dress up.


There is a iron door in the tambour. There is another iron door in the apartment.

I almost drowned.

It turns out. The other day, my husband agreed to change the pipes. In the morning, the sleeper called him, the sleepy husband opened the door and drowned back to sleep, the sleeper went to work.

So she woke up. The slider, when he turned around and saw my eyes in the mountains of foam, also woke up.

The day started badly.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140281
I heard at the stop two schoolchildren discussing a car accident:

And you can imagine that he has such shit on the hood! Such a fucking!

...Something suggests me that with the word "squeeze" the growing generation has serious problems...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140280
<Carl Mars> Leave the Red Planet to the Communists, capitalist dwarfs.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140279
YYY: How tired these users are, you repeat the same thing five times, and they just get upset that I can’t explain.
XXX: Friend, you are in the provider work...You have not forgotten? The company’s policy is simple. Your face is friendly or on the table until it becomes friendly.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №140278
The office, originally from the category "wages are small, but the schedule is good", has been badly damaged in three years. The salary from a small one has become ridiculous, and the schedule after the change of the bosses has gone awry, because the new management treats employees as slaves and likes, for example, to give a big and urgent task half an hour before the end of the day. Accompanied by a lecture about the fact that you can’t get up and leave on the clock, you have to DO ACT first.

Generally speaking, I am fired from this crapper, and they don't want to fired me, they put the conditions from the series of "found coffee for seven weeks, separate the rice from the harvest and grow a pink bush under the window, then we will give you the labor!"

In fact, it tried me. Mobilized acquainted lawyers, consulted, organized, as I could, a Kuzkin mother to such an employer. As it turned out, I am now very disliked by almost all former colleagues, because we all tolerate it, and she, you understand, rattles out like the smartest!".

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №140277
The more I encounter religious fanaticism, the more I like atheism.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №140276
The girl’s Facebook post today:
“Everything was very close, very fragile and subtle. My Senna – there is my son’s school, my technician – there is his chess. 6 lessons on Mondays.

All day in a wet place. She sat in the car to go pick up the little one from the garden – and was upset. From tension, from fear, from weight in the chest, from sadness. Immediately a family couple knocked in the glass with a wheelchair: “Girl, are you okay? exactly? Can you call someone? Do not touch until you are calm. Here are your paper clothes and chocolate, very delicious! Take it, we still have it. Everything will be fine.” and moustaches in the neck. People are like that, and life goes on.

Myha and I seized Alina from the Post Office Headquarters, who saw my offer to bring in the Yandex navigator. Alina lives in Victory Park, and we live in Frunzenskaya. Every closer, the subway does not work, traffic is paralyzed, the weather is so. Alina, along the way, served Miha with an apple, and he with her secular conversation and verses, which he teaches for the morning of April 12. “Misha, you have a very good mother, you will grow up – please be like her.” God, Alina, what are you talking about? Again a hustle in the neck. At Frunzenskaya, Alina was transferred to the found on the road there, in Yandex, Audy, which will bring her and three more people home.

The entire navigator in triangles - leads to all ends. On Komenda, on Prosumen, on Dybenko, in Vsevologsk, in Kupčino, in Ulyanko... They promise water, food, child seats. Resilient and alive people around. Free taxis, free gasoline for volunteers, on the Moscow Prospect, a guy from the car distributed to those who went on foot, bottles of water and bananas.

A wonderful city, amazing people. By the evening in social networks appeared a bunch of messages such as "Who can not leave - come, I live near Petrogradskaya. Let’s drink tea and smooth the cats.” Hungry for cats. The cats. to hunger. This is the strongest anti-stress.

And again, these turmoil, and unlimited condolences to all those affected by today’s trouble.“(c)

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140275
Slavery was legal.
Colonialism was legal.
Apartheid was legal.
The Holocaust was legal.
Stalin’s repression was legitimate.
The famine was legal.
Legality is a sign of power, not justice.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140274
Ariel: My husband and I have been bustling together often lately. When we start, we can’t stop until we eat the whole piece.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140273
XX: You were so bad yesterday, and the phone was busy for 40 minutes?
Wow, these dwarfs are already oh... spring exacerbation in them!
Q: Are you talking about the subway administration?
WOW: Well yes. voluntary rally against terrorism. And the quotas are down, how many people should be! High school students also require it, and they are not adults! And on TV will be pizza... showing volunteers. As for taxi drivers in Peter, what prices hit, and on the smy - for free.
Should terrorists be afraid and repent? Or are they doing it for them?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah What do you mean for them?
WOW: So such a crowd of women and children is a gift for these goats.
The debility of the Podolsk leadership is already a diagnosis.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140272

He was not a servant, not a man.
Not born, not a grandmother.
Not a cat, not a cat.

Not dead, not God

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140271
What will schools do without teachers, factories without workers, clinics without doctors, bankers without office plankton? Wouldn’t it happen that employers are the first to call out and push vacancies up to heaven, so as not to suffer monstrous losses and create collapse?

Oh, you are a simple soul... neither public schools nor public hospitals will suffer terrible losses. Everyone will be stressed. The director / chief physician will report that he is heavily engaged in the search for personnel, and will continue to receive his unworthy salary, and so on, higher in the chain. Their well-being is extremely weakly dependent on the "results of the work of the "confident organization" - mainly on the correct reports "up". They have very little right. To take and increase the salary of the teacher / doctor arbitrarily, not in accordance with the approved "on the very top" staff schedule and tariff grid? Here, after such a director / chief physician can fly away from the chair to the unemployed. Therefore there will be Nothing but a crowd of hungry unemployed and a crowd of the “unemployed” people. Whether there will be a flourishing of private schools and hospitals... but it is unlikely. Because to pay for these inexpensive services, the people simply do not have money.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №140270
The new company of Elon Musk will connect the human brain to the computer
The Bolsheviks learned to connect the human brain to the man himself.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140269
<Julio> And you have the feeling that you want to give someone in the wreath, but you don’t know who and why?
<Pedro> Continuously

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140268
XXX: A woman’s voice behind the window – “What are you shouting at me?” And immediately hysterical (and most likely drunk) male - "Well, I am on the emotions!"

Yyy: Oh, the universal answer! Can I use them?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140267
He was lying in the resuscitation department after a stroke... A man – “fresh” – just suffered a stroke, lay down and was sent to us. He entered the corner chamber, sat down, left the chamber and... lost himself. He went out into the corridor and began to wander through the department. I entered the women’s room. For two minutes he stood on the threshold of the eyes on the lying women, and those in turn looked at him. Then he suddenly asked the nurse there:

Where is the guide? ! to

Caregiver (natural woman Larisa with a sense of humor, and in the future "caregiver"):

I am for her! What did you want?

When are we leaving? We all stand and stand.

Man, where are you standing?

In the Blessing! The train is still standing.

What is your coupe?

At the end of the corridor!

- So you go in the couch, go to bed, or the train will hit, and you will stay on the perron.

thank you! I was running! ... →

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140266
A young man of the class “like the entire civil fleet” appeared on the stage. This was similar to all the Tolkienists I knew and a bit to Tolkienism as a cultural phenomenon. He started reading immediately, interrupting the host who tried to introduce him. It was a song. In a sense, it was literally a song that he read in a re-reader, which was guessed on the refrens, and on the fact that he read in the rhythm of his usual performance under the guitar.

Technically, the poem was a ballad. The wounded goat ran to the royal throne, collapsed, pulled the fox out of under the shirt and reports: the troops are defeated one after the other, the unborn of the winters and already four cities with unreadable names of Celtic sound are captured by the enemy. And the king – whether the government was in exile or in an alternative residence – is concerned:
Did the capital not fall?
Three times I am interested. Orthodox in our way.
When he asked this question for the third time, I couldn’t stand it and shouted out of the room:
Kathmandu is a double!

The contest was broken, we were asked, and we went on to drink. As if not interrupted.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140265
My daughter graduated. She is the only girl who was not allowed to participate in the dance because she is small. At the same time, she is the only girl who is professionally engaged in dancing, having a bunch of awards and grades, including international. The child was crying first and then laughing. I seem to have discovered a new law of pattern interaction: adhering to one leads to the rupture of the other.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140264
I think you should intervene.

My daughter graduated. She is the only girl who was not allowed to participate in the dance because she is small. At the same time, she is the only girl who is professionally engaged in dancing, having a bunch of awards and grades, including international. The child was crying first and then laughing. I seem to have discovered a new law of pattern interaction: adhering to one leads to the rupture of the other.

Because I don’t remember that in our school at all there was a question of ‘permission’ or ‘prohibition’. Depriving a child of graduation dance due to growth is beyond the boundary. It smells of discrimination and flying hats from the heads of the administration.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna