— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157317
I once lived to adults very years completely without seizures, and heard about them only from my grandmother, who forbade me to swim the river, because "he will swim my foot with seizures and you will sink." For me it was a meaningless set of words, what does “convulsive” mean, what does it mean? I was swimming and crossing the river.

I also broke my hour. Once I tightened the jeans in the sample, then the skinny in облипон was fashionable, and so I had to put my voluminous bodies in them with effort. I drag my foot into that wow-out shirt... And then all the knife up to the butt turned so that it darkened in my eyes. I sit like this on a sample puffy, squeezed by pain, I breathe so slightly, and I think, "I die, ashamed, in cowards with goats and socks, on which the skeletons have tried the whole kamasutra, well, I will entertain the pathologists."

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №157316
Age is not when all your plans fail, but when you stop building new ones.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №157315
Having appeared for a massage in a beauty salon near the house, he was informed that an additional fee was set for men in the amount of 200 rubles for any type of massage. To say that I was surprised, it would not be quite true - I shrugged. Not in the sum of the matter, compared to the cost of the massage it is funny. The fact of this collection.
What is this gender discrimination? I took a massage in the most exotic corners of the planet, the price for both sexes is the same everywhere. And wild at all. You will come next time - and you will have an additional collection on red. Or in the skull. What is the logic of collecting on men during massage? You’re going to cut us off without a price, hopefully?
The administrator was sorry to watch, apparently I was not the first to ask her these questions. I decided to do some shit:
- You understand, men are generally larger, the work of a massage worker requires more...
I am amused.
So you and the fat babies take this collection. They will live for weight loss, they will only benefit. And for the stimulus just weigh before the massage, with a fixed price - 1 kilogram of the client 50 rubles, for example. Or collect for every extra centimeter of waist. You will not recognize your baobabs in a month!
The administrator breathed.
You are all chickens, and I am sad. Our massager has changed, this collection is a categorical requirement for a new one. Otherwise, she will be fired, and she has full orders. For our company it is out of competition. Yes, you try, the men to her walt stump.
Forced erotic massage for 200 rubles. Can I get a regular massage, and without collecting?
There is no erotic there. Rather, it’s a curse of nature. I warn - the girl is decent, no intimate affection does not suit and does not accept. And in general, she is a great massage worker, and the men just bustled her. So I set my tax. I am in shock, but I understand her purely female.

Interested I went. Because of the natural political correctness, in a sign of respect for the legislation of the Russian Federation and to avoid political clashes in the discussion, I will categorically silence the nationality of the massager. But her bust! In this story it is impossible to keep him silent. Like two mature melons pulled out of the coat. Whatever the savage struck with a quite decent massage, periodically something cheerful, warm and elastic fell on me or shuffled on the touch. Unforgettable impressions. Soon it will go up to 500.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №157314
It is time to remember one simple truth: if you are called from a bank, you are not called from a bank!

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157313
A cat who loves the owner benefits more than a dozen therapists.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157312
“Is it a laundry room?” (The old joke)
One of my friends, say Kolya, in the year of the 97s sold from Moscow to Buryatia a jet for an airplane sprayer. The Aviation Division of Forest Protection under the Ministry of Forestry of the Buryat ASRF paid the foreclosure for non-cash payment. The detail entered the standard package box, decided to relentlessly send it with the conductor of the train Moscow - Ulan Ude. On Friday after lunch, Kohl took the box to the station, paid the driver... and forgot to call the recipient to name the number of the car! The same Friday.
On Monday, he "remembered everything" and moved to work by seven in the morning: the difference of five time zones, there is already noon, and the train arrives at 6 p.m. at Ulan Ude time after three days of travel.
The law of wickedness interfered: a paper with the phone of the Buryat aviator disappeared, let’s call him Gabuev.
Please note, in the courtyard was the era of "before mobile phones".
Cole called the interurban reference. Reference did not know the number of the Aviation Division of Forest Protection, but gave the phone of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Buryat SSR. The call to the reference, then to Ulan Ude took a lot of time, Kolya was decently twisted: clocks tic-tak! When in Buryatia not from the first time took the phone, a friend from the move shoot out:
Do you know Gabi from the Air Force?
A man surprised at the end of the wire.
Give him the opportunity to meet the Moscow train at 6 p.m. The car is the name of the driver.
I am a minister, the man has not remembered yet.
Give the Secretary! I fell into Colin’s hysteria. Do something at least!
The minister turned out to be a normal uncle and began to clarify: the number of the train? Date of departure? I recorded everything.
Collie was released.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №157311
See also.
We have already degraded to the level at which after a dispute someone with Putin all seriously discuss whether they will now put someone or not.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №157310
Today I was driving around the city and watched this picture: a girl aged 15-16, passing through the passage, said something and wiped her tears, and a small homeless dog ran behind her.

How did the girl apologize to the dog for not being able to take her?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №157309
I slipped on the ice yesterday. The passing person so tried to help that I had to hold him by the hand and ask him not to panic! So I remembered the story.

He had an accident in Cambodia. In the hospital, I was struck and released home. I felt bad this morning and decided to go to the hospital again. It is literally a five minute walk to the hospital. I asked a man (he was the culprit of the accident) to go with me. On the way, I realized that I was very ill, so bad that I could not even warn about my condition. But I have a goal, I need to go to the hospital and I go. But as soon as I entered, I lost consciousness. I woke up and saw this picture: four medical workers. One makes me feel, and three calms the panicking guy!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157308
I brought a couch today. I packed, I packed and I collected. A couple of clients are watching. At one point I had to move the couch. I asked for help from the strong half of the couple. They moved and a terrible smell of curtains floated through the room. Something happens.

I collect further. Customers also watch from the doorway. Almost at the end of the process by the edge of the ear, I hear the client’s girl pulling the air with her nose, breathing, and in half a voice so asking her young man, “Again he?“”

This shit comes out from the mole of that seranul, and it also fell on me.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №157307
Ordinary laziness saves a person from mistakes, sometimes tragic.

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157306
We had a railway transfer in a very crowded place in the city. There was a grandmother working on it, who dropped/raised the shlagbaum from the booth. Local people have noticed that very often the slugbaum hits cars that try to jump through at the last moment. Thus, the grandmother tried the riders until at one moment she dropped the shlagbaum on the car of the local head of GAI. And when he jumped out of the car, she again dropped the shlagbaum, but already hit the sufferer’s head.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №157305
Interestingly, how much would Kisa Vorobyaninov collect these days with the phrase "Give to the former member of the State Duma"?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №157304
My wife worked as a secretary in the House of Culture. A 13-14 year old girl fell in love with her. He wrote to her on social networks, wore chocolates, composed poems. It all seemed innocent, at first even fun. Then (three years later) it began to strain. The wife rejected, said, "you, he is still a child, you can't break his child's heart, he will cool." Now she is his wife.

YYY: Well, Honey, now you have to take his mom from his daddy...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157303
My younger son at the age of 8 very much wanted a dog, followed me and urged him to have it. My plans were not to get up early and walk with her. I had enough sleepless nights with the kids and I could finally sleep peacefully over the weekend. He swore that he would walk with her. Truth is truth! He looked at me with honest eyes. My heart trembled. Well, I said, let’s check it out. You will have to get up before school, go out, stand for a second and immediately go home. If you can last a week, we will take it. The son was delighted, he said, give it two weeks. I said weeks would be enough.

How many times has he gone out? The answer is 0 times.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №157302
I was 12. At the class in the pool, the most beautiful girl in our class drowned her glasses. She announced that she would kiss the one who would get them.

None of the alpha males could get to the bottom. I was sick, I got my glasses.

As I got out, I prepared my lips.

I gave her glasses, and she said they were not her. He goes to the dressing room.

I dive again, but there were no other glasses on the bottom.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №157301
Defining the degree of stupidity:
prejudice – excellent degree of stupidity;
* stupid - the degree of stupidity, not exceeding the average for the region, country, office, etc.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №157300
Are there doctors on the plane?

An advertisement at a height of ten kilometers throws in the frost. Two hours, as they took off in Antalya, and to Moscow is the same. Child crying and silence. Are there doctors on the plane?

There is! There is! I am a doctor.

A light-haired young woman in a minute was near the one-and-a-half-year-old Alina, whose body was beaten by seizures. The child has already lost consciousness, breathing and heartbeat have slowed to a complete stop.

33-year-old Guzelia Valeyeva - a dentist, head of the branch of the 2nd Dental Clinic of Ufa, who, by will of fate, was in the same plane "Anthalia - Moscow", conducted, in fact, the resuscitation of the child, making an indirect heart massage.

350 passengers of the huge Boeing 737-800 flight SU 2143 remained silent. The first attack was stopped, but immediately the second went, the girl began to become blue. However, Valeyeva continued resuscitation activities, and the child was suffocating and came to consciousness.

Then there was an emergency landing in Rostov. The reanimation car and all the services were waiting on the runway. Alina is alive and her life is no longer threatened.

Afterwards, in Rostov, Valeyeva said: "I tried to pull out the tongue with all the false means. The child was forced to inhale air, did a heart massage. After a few minutes, they began to put the child on a flat surface, change the position, and this repeated again. Everyone tried to help - the airplane staff, the boarding staff, got all the pharmacies, drugs, everyone who has any... Doctors have cases when we save a person's life, and so had to face. But, of course, not on board, where there are no tools and no personnel.”

You know, I’ve heard several times in the air the phrase “There are doctors in the plane?” Fortunately, on board was someone who gave the oath of Hippocrates, and everything ended safely - a doctor in the plane, landing, ambulance on the lane, life continues. But every time I hear that someone has been rescued in the sky because of the random presence of doctors among the passengers, I’m not at ease. What if there is no doctor on a particular flight? If there is no probability theory and people able to save a passenger's life will fly another flight or stay at home? Have you not thought about it?

by PS. Dr. Valeyeva rescued the little Alina on the flight SU 2143 of Aeroflot - Russian Airlines. But no reaction to what happened from the main air carrier of the country for some reason followed. Is the rescue of a child’s life by a doctor accidentally on board an event for Aeroflot?

Photo by Dr. Guzelia Valeyeva. The same flight.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №157299
Life is as we imagine it. It all depends on our perception. Every situation can be looked at from different sides. You can be divorced and you can be free. You can be a burdened household, and you can be a guard of the fireplace. You can drag on a family, and you can be the support of loved ones. You can wipe your ass all your life, and you can devote yourself to children. You can even be hopelessly sick, and you can be aware of the outcome. Words are insidious, they decide what you will feel.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157298
If Karl Marx was really right when he argued that being determines consciousness, then I would like to listen to Soloviev, Skabeev, and Kiselev after they are paid the median Russian salary of 32 trillion.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna