— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139683
According to the fairy tale of my frogs in English, the first place was divided by the two-called exterminator about the ass on the loft (meaning flying mice- butts/bats).
And I asked the brutal uncle on the gasoline station if he had a suitener here.
The pump! I wanted a pump. Pimp and Pump

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139682
Mexmed: The Japanese call Saudi King Salman "Saruman". It looks like.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №139681
Now as you need to go to the toilet, dream of this odoring grandmother, immediately wakes up and runs to a specially designated place. So everything works.

Never do this with your children, unless you want your child a lifetime subscription to a psychiatrist.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139680
xxx: Oman’s aviation authorities today confirmed information about an incident that occurred earlier this year involving the A380 and the Challenger 604 business jet, which led to one of the most dangerous situations possible in aviation. Fortunately, the crashed aircraft was accidentally landed, but it was rotated in the air at least 10 times. Of the 10 on board, eight were injured, one in serious condition. The aircraft has landed, but is not subject to restoration.

yyy: Planted and not subject to restoration... Hm-m... Not washed and not ventilated? =) is

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139679
I work in a female collective. Somehow we had to supply new equipment: brought, assembled, but not launched. I tried out of curiosity to find out from colleagues who were supposed to work on it, what it was about. I got rather vague explanations that we have some problems with electricity, literally: "There should be zero on the floor, and we don't have zero, so the engineers responsible for the device refused to run it." I did not understand anything: the floors are flooded, to imagine that there is some clue on them... well, even let's assume, anything before that, he is generally on the legs with rubber. I killed. And only three days later, when I saw the engineers in front of me throwing multimeters into the sockets, I finally got to it. I struggled in hysteria for half a day, without even having the opportunity to explain to anyone - why.
On the "Earth" we have no zero. On the "earth", not on the "earth"!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №139678
XXX: Imagine, one of my online banking works only from 8 to 22:00!
xxx and appendix
No, no, no, odmin is also a man, he turns the computer off at night.
YYY: Dada, it’s a lot of noise in bed.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139677
A letter from the military came. He looked at his son. aged

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №139676
A typical 12-storey house, around eight in the morning. The elevator does not work, so there is somewhat unusual people on the stairs. Somewhere above I hear an old man’s voice:

“O Yuri Ivanovic, good morning, I haven’t seen you in a long time. Has Katya grown up? In what class are you already? Maybe in the eighth? How is the third course?! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139675
xxx: it's easier to kill a month to write your programming language in xml'e
xxx: and it will be more profitable to the company, because tomorrow they will hire another hundred hamsters.
xxx: who will plant these xml's
XXX: And the mountains are by fire
xxx: rapid development fucking
yyy: code as if no one is reviewing
comment as if you were writing on a barrel.
YYY: Design as if God’s will were to do everything.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139674
He came somehow to the First Presbyterian Russians, and he met the hipster. The rich man stands astonished, and says in a loud voice: - What is this miraculous? And from the tram stop, Baba-Yaga replies to him: "And this is, dear man, the Cock, the Golden Cock, the oil head, the silk beard!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №139673
X: Listen, a sudden question. How did mammoths reproduce if there were no puppies? % of
Y: It is obvious. They were polluted by paparazzi.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139672
Suddenly I noticed that after the third cup of coffee, the sharpness of the image on the monitor improved significantly. I thought about buying a new one.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №139671
This story happened to my aunt. Since she has been divorced for a long time, in order to repair the socket or the dropping crane, she had to call a master. And then one day there was a pipe in the bathroom and it called the sanitary. Usually he had to wait a long time, and then pretty soon the door was called.

She opened, a young man stood on the threshold, who immediately asked: "The sanitary was called? “” She joyfully said that yes, great that so fast, go through, now I will show you everything! He began to bite, saying there was no tool, I will come later (and he really had no tools with him! But she had already pushed him into the bathroom and handed him a precious box with all the tools that were in the house. He did his business. He waited for 30 minutes, went out, said everything was fine and quickly left the apartment, and the entrance.

The real sunset came later. And this guy apparently called the apartment to find out who is not at home, probably a housekeeper. And the tube in the bathroom he turned all around and only made it worse.

I wonder what he was thinking about for those 30 minutes while he was in the bathroom? What is now calling the police and his stumbled or really tried to fix something? All ordinary technicians.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139670
How humiliating it is to explain a joke.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139669
XXX: What would a sign be drawing, what would it be? I take a dress and draw a sign.
Q: Do you have a mask? You don’t use cosmetics.
XXX: Of course there is. And suddenly, a mark on concrete will need to be painted.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139668
In our wonderful school, we decided to study religious cultures and ethics optional. They made a huge list and suggested to choose. And after all were chosen, Zavoch stated that the teacher is only in Orthodoxy. I wrote a note to the class leader stating that this subject did not correspond to the religious beliefs of our family, so the daughter would not study it. Waiting for reaction.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139667
The tail is needed.
Because it's very sexy - hit the tail

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139666
xxx: I watch with a child cartoon "Barboskin" and wonder: A friend is a typical shepherd. Rose is a painted pudel. Lisa is a natural tax. Genka is a Saint-Bernard or Basset, well, something thick. The child is an incomprehensible animal. Dad is alone, and Mom is alone. Maybe he doesn’t know everything about his family.
Yes, they are dogs, they have it all.
xxx: Series "Daddy's Daughters" watched? )

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №139665
Dialogue at the beginning. The production department:
To the cost of repair of channel 4 access, add the increasing coefficient 1.3
Bush: For what reason?
NGOs: Boys there worked on the ears in shit and boards
BOH: I understand... I will write "strict working conditions"

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №139664
Patriarch Kirill is a very courageous man. To be so close to God and absolutely not to fear him, not everyone can.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna