— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №139703
After university I got to work at NPS "Lysychansk" (oil pumping station) in the mechanical and technological service for the position of master on repair of technological installations. My immediate boss was Vladimir Nikolayevich Silkovy (the name is such), a man with a great sense of humor and mechanical engineer.
Nikolayich (as he was called by all the slider workers) had a severe vision defect, specifically - myopia (myopia), which made him wear glasses with very thick glasses. We called them “high pressure glasses.” Nikolayich was very embarrassed to wear these glasses, but without them he really saw nothing! Thus e. He did not distinguish faces, and most importantly, reacted only to movement (almost like a dinosaur :)).
I saw it once in my own eyes. We were sitting in the smoking room with the slugs, smoking, and here someone notices Nicholas, who is heading to us. Everyone quickly silenced and freezed. Well, I am showing my fist - say, stand still, be silent and don't move!
Nikolaich goes into the smoking room, looks carefully, squeezing (and he was without glasses) and gives out: "Damn... there is no one... Where are the people?" I barely held back to not hang out in the whole voice. Nicholas did not really see us. I realized that this has happened several times.
After a while, Vladimir Nikolaevich decided to do laser vision correction. Few people knew about this (and I learned at all by chance: I met him at the train station, buying a ticket to Kiev - to make a correction on the weekend). In general, Nikolaich did a vision correction, came to work on Monday and immediately went to the smoking room. I was sitting there, waiting for the reaction of the working people :)
Everyone saw the suitable Nikolaich, quickly froze, silenced. They sit and wait until he turns and leaves. Nikolayich approached, made a surprised face and began to look closely at the people. Then he said, “Are you blasphemous, how did the fools disperse here?“”
Without moving, the instrumentarist asked, "Nikolaich, and you, what, do you see us?"
Nikolai said loudly, “Of course, shit! Your magic no longer works. March to work invisible people!”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139702
The bomb asks:
What is it like to humiliate yourself every day for the sake of copies in order to prolong your futile existence?
I never worked as a manager.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139701
I downloaded from the router the game that I have on the disk.
I didn’t want to get up from the chair.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139700
− Damn, chtο should I tell him τeπer?
− The truth.
− Whatιο is the truth?
− Well I don’t know... Think of itτο-something.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139699
I checked out the old documents and found a wonderful certificate. I keep in memory.
In the early 1990s, he obtained a gun permit. Accordingly, certificates from district dispensaries from a narcologist and a psychiatrist. And here the psychiatrist writes to me that I have " contraindications against wearing, storing and applying..."
So if I shoot anyone, I have a certificate, the doctor allowed me.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №139698
A generation that walked in the winter without hats gave birth and raised a generation that walked in the winter in hats... but without socks.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139697
The era of adjectives, cheese product, meat, kefir, has nothing to do with the substantive of the original.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139696
Comments under the video with the train that passes by the snowed platform, counting the screaming on the phones:
xxx: however - what a fox, who went away themselves, and did not call the phone cockroaches!
Tagged with: introvert, sir

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139695
The statuette of the golden troll this year leaves for naturopathy! No, not for naturophobia, but for the gentle conviction that half a century ago was supposedly safer. Especially delighted was the statement that it was enough time for the Sun to change substantially.

And now let’s rape this battle with the palm oil hater who a couple of months ago swallowed synthetic food here in networked supermarkets!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139694
Sphinx in the ass. And what you described is just a rubbish on thugs.
You will be surprised, but the mouth hole from an anatomical point of view is also a sphincter. This will be confirmed by any doctor who has properly attended classes. Not from the "Generation EGE", of course.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №139693
To this:
Ladies and gentlemen, let me know which diameters are you considering? Do you have scratched connections in your ass or may your waste of life activity be carved out? You won’t believe it, but the rest are much easier. Stretch the trousers well forward. Then let go. Difference in diameter? This is the sphincter.

This is a divine description ?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139692
Moreover, note They adopted a decree on their "dumbness"... Now they are proposing to discuss problems with the people... And before the adoption to discuss the reality of this decree there was no desire...
Now the comforters of the Merzalyuk told you that they will take care of you...
First rape and then tell you that you will be provided with a comfortable rehabilitation.
Here the very principle is important... You need to demand cancellation, not a certain amount of amendments. Because such laws need to be discussed first and then adopted. And now these decrees look "Royal decrees" - His Majesty commands... The people themselves, in respect of whom laws are adopted that violate their rights, do not participate in the process at all... They have chosen their loyal deputies and stamped laws convenient to this collective elite. And you break out of the swan for empty tea and run in search of work so that the serviceful taxpayer does not send you a demand to pay for the full life of these conquerors.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139691
I do not love my wife.
So why do you live with her? Find another.
I hate all the other babies.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139690
to this:
"That is the spring! From under the pants timidly show the first naked ankle."
In Novosibirsk, where in winter and below 30C is, special frost-resistant hipsters. Thro the winter, they glittered with their bare ankles, but on their neck a shirt that could wrap an elephant.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139689
XXX: Here are the cockroaches with those cracks. In our class, the boy started writing the presentation with the first letter and ended it with a point.
YYY: In our class, the boy did not share words with gaps. Then he was transferred to the sports school.
Zzz: Then he became sports minister
AAA: I decided to learn English

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139688
In school, all the classes, from fifth to eleventh, wrote the composition "Who I want to be". It turns out that only one person wants to become an astronaut and that is a worker.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139687
My 5 year old son said he wanted to grow up soon. I began to believe that childhood is the best time in a person’s life. She went into the bathroom and then went crying into the bathroom.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139686
I do not open the door to Jehovah’s Witnesses. If you let witnesses go, then Jehovah’s fellow criminals will rush, and there Jehovah himself will repent! Do I need it??? and :(

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139685
Hetfield: the same feeling when your brutal 5-year-old daughter blurred the hell slam at the very stage at a children's concert and stunned in the thickest! I was proud and proud at the same time, remembering my youth.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139684
There are no nuclear power plants in Moscow and its surroundings. Learn the match! Kurchatov Institute - 8 reactors, MIFI 7 reactors, plus ITEF, plus NIKET, plus at least two stopped reactors in the Southwest. Take care of yourself.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna