— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149685
Dolls, you’re just not in the subject if you think all children should be taught together. Those who are for lifelong segregation are wrong. Those who believe that there are not so many children with lesions of the central nerve and periphery are also wrong - in fact, they are much more. Since now even children weighing 500 grams are cared for (and previously considered to be a fetus), neurological symptoms even in the ordinary, secondary school. Did you know that there are different types of schools? For example 7? This is a correctional school for almost hopeless children, where they are taught to wash floors, dust, wash - what normal children do not need to teach specifically. Did you learn to read by 9th grade? The Excellent!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №149684
Normal people in call centers do not stay long
XX: I know what I am saying.
XXX: I worked there for three years.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №149683
The difference between corruption and lobbying is as subtle and unfathomable as it is between a collector and a bandit on the highway.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №149682
Sitting down the day, the deal was washed. Companion told me.
At the end of the 1990s, I caught luck for the tail. Japanese cars bought for pennies at three prices in Russia on import sold. Money is a river, babies hang on their necks. Beer, vodka, the dream of an idiot. But a man is such a cattle, he quickly gets used to everything. The buckle stopped inserting, from the beautiful ladies a couple of times in drunkenness wrapped the bouquets. And then I was offered to try a noble pull. I tried it with a new gamma of sensations. My head doesn’t hurt in the morning, it’s fine. And a mandala on the cats.
I am the only son of my mother. She raised me alone and worked from morning to night. I got up to her, I immediately bought the apartment, well, she came to me on the weekend by habit, the refrigerator with its tastes will beat and leave. And here I woke up, she sits roughly and her lips in a thin line of compression. I’ve been afraid of her since childhood, I’ve been cut and shot, there’s nothing worse. Here she declares to me:
“Cola, I’ve counted exactly 28 holes from injections on your hands. You have my head healthy, it is unlikely that the doctors used you. So if I see another hole, I will hang myself in your room the same day. You know me.
He got up and left. I sat down on the bed, got a couple of balloons, broke and threw all the contents into the toilet. Let us drink for our parents.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №149681
Robert De Niro: “After 50 years of marriage, I once looked at my wife and said:
“Fifty years ago we had a small house, an old car, we slept on the couch and watched a little black and white TV, but every night I slept in the same bed with a beautiful 19-year-old girl.
Now I have a huge, expensive house, a lot of expensive cars, a huge bed in a luxurious bedroom, a color TV with a wide screen, but I sleep in the same bed with a 69-year-old woman. I start to doubt my marriage.”
My wife is a very intelligent woman. She did not get offended or argue. She just offered me to find a 19-year-old girl, and she’ll make sure I live in a small house again, sleep on a sold-out couch and watch black and white TV.”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149680
It is unfair that there is only a man in the Sealor Moon with her daughter, and suddenly with her cats.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149679
Yes, I encountered) two childhouses girls, a friend adopted (the most genetic illness, does not want to give birth). Both were corrected. Vodka, that’s all. Being in a house with a cozy and comfortable atmosphere quickly began to think. My wife with one of them was engaged in English - speaking, not more difficult than with any other child.

here to here. I know people who are engaged in art therapy (painting, ceramics) and hypotherapy (this is when with horses) with very difficult children. In the process these things work. According to these people, you can teach anything to anyone if you find an approach. Finns just get enough teachers to have the motivation, time and opportunity to look for such approaches. But they get so much precisely because all kinds of examiners and other bureaucrats have been driven away from education.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149678
Tell me, Rabinovich, are you not a miner?
You know, I am not by chance, I am basically not a miner!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №149677
I am a poet, laureate of several international competitions
> In our time, poetry is dying out.

Test word "everything"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149676
xxx: Brings one percentage of the power block, the grit does not work, I ask, and specifically what symptoms, maybe something unusual, there is a whistle or something else. Type – No, it just doesn’t turn on. Sweeping the block into the test socket is a crack, a machine is knocked out and smoke comes from the block. At home, I had the same thing.
YYY: No, you don’t know a person, maybe for him smoke food blocks are routine.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149675
In pedagogics, as in football and politics, it is also easy to understand each first.

There are no uneducated children, there are teachers-children and bacon-parents.
WOW: The Finns had an educational miracle without disturbances and diagnoses. They simply dismissed the supervisory authorities in the field of education, and the money released was sent to teachers. And with the supervisory function and so well cope with the most interested - parents. The result is extremely high labor productivity in the country.

You would first learn not to fall into a bunch of pedagogical neglect and real diseases, for the identification and possible correction of which pedagogical education is not enough.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №149674
In our medieval realities, even to catch up with ORZ, and then - you will cause tons of hatred. Being a brake is completely contraindicated. What do you do for the civilized world, right? They were forced to do pandas in the shops. It seems right, according to the law. But to get there in the wheelchair, you have to be a Paralympic, no less. Either a slope below 45, or narrow or slippery, or a strategic spiral of 5 turns, because there is little space. Carriers are normal people in their brains.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149673
Calling a friend:
How long will you be ready?
In half an hour.
I will be in an hour.
I’m back in an hour, not ready. Another half hour. Wherever they wanted, they were late. "It was my fault", he says, "I had to take a taxi". Here I sit and think I should have taken a taxi or rolled out of such a relationship...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №149672
There are no uneducated children, there are teachers-dikes and bacon-parents: when the representatives of these two groups of the population are not interested in anything but television, what to expect from the children? In 20 years, these “uneducated” children, liberated from the hateful stumbling of knowledge, themselves will perfectly acquire all the necessary skills in life, and soon some of these children will sit in the government and wreck capital.

In 20 years, these untrained (which are actually untrained) will mostly be either at the cemetery, on a needle, or in the zone. This is 95 percent. And in the best and rarest case, the remaining 5 percent will be lucky enough to go past this and adapt to simple work specialties.
And those whose parents are interested in "TV" are lucky enough, most parents of such children are only interested in vodka. And expecting some "learning" from such children is the top of the naivety of a person who, fortunately, did not face such children.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149671
<I> do not shave your beard, you have no beard without it.
<husband> if you don’t have a beard, someone has two of them
<I> you died!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №149670
Men often spend money on nonsense.

And then this nonsense is also capricious, and asks, “Do you really love me?” and, in general, behaves like a pig!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №149669
is listened. In English.
Irresponsible Renter (BK): My neighbors have a dog, a large, Swiss, three-coloured, cabbage.
Q: At what address? A. They are entitled.
BK: No, the dog is beautiful, that’s not a problem. But you understand, it's some very rough cabbage, it's always brought by ladies, well you understand...
Q: They have a right.
BG: As much as you want. But the dogs are big and really love this... fresh air. This usually happens on the balcony or in the courtyard.
Q: In the daytime? They have the right.
BG: I am not sorry.
Q: If this is not the problem, what is the problem?
BK: You know, we have a lot of elderly people in our house. They have... a circle. And then after each case they begin to discuss. In all the details, with comparisons from personal experience, days... and this is absolutely unbearable.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149668
"I sit for forty seven minutes. During this time, eight times different health workers approached me <...> Another minute after fifteen came a lady with a shovel and made the pretense that the floor was sprinkled with blood <...> In general, an hour and a half later the surgeon came, led into some wardrobe to sew the hand..."

A grandfather-neighbor on the garden line is hit by a car - not to death, but applied a lot. A fracture with displacement, shock, not counting numerous hematomas and sardines. When he arrives in the hospital, he is asked "will he get to rest himself?" Then he sat for forty minutes next to the reception room in line. He then answers numerous questions about his long and difficult life and associated diseases. And then - by analogy with the "chicken on the cake", let's call it "zephyrka in cacao" - the pensioner who has already begun to believe in eternal life and his own inviolability is offered independently (!) get first to the body A to the third floor (right-by-the paddle-through the lab-left-to-the floor you will get up there), and from there - to the neurology in the body B to the fourth. “Look, just don’t go down this staircase, there’s an impasse – there will be another staircase at the end of the corridor. After this successfully passed the test on sports orientation grandfather in a couple of days from the hospital is discharged to regenerate home with the words "nothing to do, that I, you, a sick of what?"Native medicine will not give up, prisoners do not take.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149667
If the Gypsies perceive us as a prey, a wallet, then I also perceive them as underhuman. showed the first sign of the hostile subculture of others - get backpackers and pockets.
Nice probably wrote about it.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №149666
After Disney’s purchase of Star Wars, Princess Leia became a Disney Princess. and :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna