— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139603
What does it matter to me about the number of books you read? Tell us what the books were about, what you were affected by, what was revealed to you in the books, and what you would argue with and why, which books you would recommend to others.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №139602
I wanted to rehearse parties for the choir, but was afraid to strike the feelings of the neighbors with my trolls, because I live now in a warm climate and, accordingly, a house with cardboard walls.

I waited until the daytime, when everyone was at work... Hypothetically, only visitors and staff of the cafe under our apartment could be hindered, but there was always such a noise that the risk of disturbing the audience by singing was minimized.

A quarter of an hour later, a bell came to the door. Everything, I thought, I will now scratch.

At the threshold was the owner of the coffee shop... With a plate in her hands and a decent piece of their brand cake on it.

Are you going to bite me for the lack of tomatoes or are you just hinting that it’s time for me to shut my mouth with a cake? I try to smooth up the situation immediately.

“No,” the aunt smiles wide, “I ask you to come down and sing with us.

I was lucky, I thought, I was lucky.

I went singing for food.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139601
and yesterday. The evening. A man talks to the bus and answers the phone call:

Yes, my cat, I am going.


Yes in the bus.


It’s such a mess I can do. I called you from the electric car, I called when I got in. It’s not my fault that I’m stuck.


Okay, this is the last time. I will not be so anymore.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139600
The station was opened in Bestahah. So, Putin or Medvedev should have come to the opening, I don’t remember exactly. He flew to Yakutsk by plane, then on the ice crossing in Bestia. The incident occurred in the winter on the street around -50. And I was just working near the road connecting the airport and the ferry. In general, the hole repair of the road was done with the help of a boiler with water. They poured water into the pit to the very ends, and this is the perfect road.and :)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139599
They catch Pokémon in the church.

It is hard to enter the church. You get a smartphone, and you will be accused of catching Pokémon and landed.

Don’t take children to church, they can get stuck.

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139598
The rich have no ponts. They buy what they need and are comfortable. The pockets are for the poor. Those who buy status items so that everyone thinks they are rich. At the same time, status things can be both a fake under the real (otherwise the poor do not buy it at all), and in general a advertising abortion: a thing of the type status and for the rich, and in reality it is not surrendered to the rich and buy their poor people only for the point.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139597
Never regret what you did. I regret what I did not dare to do.

[ + 43 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139596
The proletarian vigilance.

On October 11, 1922, at 5 o’clock in the evening, a healthy drunk buggy walked through the Factory Street of the city of Samara (now Venetska). On the column near the house #74 the monter Erofeev set up a telephone network. Buggy stumbled at the toolbox, pulled the monter from the pillar and started to beat him. One of the passers whispered “Our officers are beating!” He went to the earnings of Erofeev. Bugay threw him away, but the help was already coming from the doorsteps: "Beat the officer!“”

Buga was struck by the crowd, bound and dragged to the 1st division of the militia: "The officer was caught." The drunk bug was a servant of the Gubvoenkomat and a member of the party comrade I.A. of Antonov. The citizens who brought him themselves were bullshit, except for the injured Yerofeev. The police detained everyone “until clarification”.

Antonov first shuddered and asked him to let go. Well, what: a respected man, his offence for Samara is not out of the line, you can also let go with a message at the workplace - let the partisanship deal with him there. But here all the other detainees stumbled, bringing through the mattress the strong arguments that Antonov was a self-proclaimed and an "officer".

The police informed the GPU. The Chekists came, looked at Antonov’s ticket and took it with them. The other detainees were asked to be released, prior to giving them the agenda.

The next day, the entire party of the Gubvoenkomat and the hubvoenkom was taken to the interrogation in the Samara OGPU. I.A Antonov turned out to be indeed a former Denikin officer, the ticket was fake, the primary partisanship mentioned in it never existed.

What are the arguments of the vigilant citizens? Antonov first gave Erofeev a bark and only then began to beat him.

I would have dropped my fist in the roof - I would have walked in freedom.

According to the materials of the Samara "Communy" dated October 14, 1922 #1150.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №139595
- What do you think, with these "people's bonds", which Siluanov pirates, there is some risk that the people will be invaded?
You are what? What could be the risk here? Talking about risk is inappropriate. A guarantee that they will be wrapped...

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139594
Shortness of breath, joint pain, sometimes difficulties even with clothing are constant companions of a lot of weight. The number of diseases, including fatal, which leads to obesity, I will not list.

And now stopped, exhaled and remembered what is called “overweight” in Russia. We have a woman weighing 60 kg already "fat", she does not see her bones! Better not list. We should fight the propaganda of anorexia, it will be worse than the blue whales.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139593
xxx: You gave me somehow a body, spotted photos from the holidays, I saw photos of posing boys taking selfies there. Are you okay, my friend?
WOW: One photo in a shirt, the other with a naked torso in the bathroom and the third in a thick shirt with a cap?
Oh yeah, as if
I am myself, the blind fool.
Fuck, I thought the guys were picking you up. Sorean bro!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №139592
We went to the zoo yesterday with Vitika. I see - one strauss emu feeds right under the tablet "do not feed", the latter knocks on the glass, on which the sticker "do not knock", all ort, whisper, hell. I am already angry at all.
xxx: And here we go past the next idiots, a mother with a ten-year-old son crawling over the glass to shoot the panther. And then Vitya on the entire pavilion with the voice of Drozov begins: "But here we can see a special kind of monkeys. Despite the fact that they have learned how to use phones, their intelligence leaves much to be desired.
XXX: Mommy was chasing us all over the pavilion :D

[ + 37 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139591
About the pleasure in my car: I don't mind, somebody can sometimes be in trouble. While the car is only bought and the joy is over. In the rest - I believe that you experience the pleasure of driving when I learn that you deliberately choose the road more genuine and before parking a couple of circles around the area cut for pleasure.
Driving a car is a job. And I would be happy to put it on a specialist who will perform it qualitatively for a moderate fee.
Your car is necessary in certain situations - a house away from the city, motor tourism as a hobby. In some cases, a working machine is needed. And the idea of "a million people, each in their own car, daily drive from one stop to another, intentionally knocking the road and suffering in traffic jams, but they are comfortable - they have soft chairs, air conditioning and magnets there - the idea is completely unhealthy.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139590
A losing battle is when a cat asks to eat.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №139589
here here :

Being fat for a woman is the norm. When it comes to norm, this cannot be called propaganda.

Biology in school is clearly passed by.
In fact, using your own brain is also the norm. Do you want to match?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139588
I don’t remember the name of the restaurant, but it doesn’t matter.

I opened the menu, chose what I was going to eat and started choosing drinks, got to the cognac and I was terribly surprised by the prices on them, they were loyal and not as big as I expected.

Rejoicing at this fact, I decided that I could afford not the most Bichevsky horse and ordered 200 grams. We sat down well with friends and when everyone was ready asked for a bill.

I was a cheeseburger, at the brandy position was a figure of 5,000 rubles, I called the waitress and questioningly looked at him, everything turned out to be simple. The price was 20 grams. And so he twisted for 3 minutes, which is done in all decent places (I’m a hole). I did not scandalize and take my hands, of course... But the manager called and asked at least to warn the customers, or somehow it is inappropriate.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №139587
It is done!

Finally, a device appeared in the sale that reliably recognizes the type of human logic.

The device is cleverly disguised under a completely different device.

We accidentally uncovered this mask.

So, we got in the department water purifier type. After learning about this, visitors from other departments came to us.

The first thing they see is a wheel-adjustable calendar built into the bowl cover.

every one of them (!) For the first time, a woman suited to the pot confidently resets the calendar to the current number.

She doesn’t think about it, but the hell on the calendar.

Almost every man, having seen the calendar, first comes into a stupor, for a while thinking something there, and then addresses the question of the frequency of replacement of the filter.

A couple of men, immediately rearranged the calendar, was never taken seriously by men.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139586
You and your loved one have a similar taste.

One day a girl asked me:

What is the ideal of female sexuality?

The girl was stupid. With her the number of type “Well, of course you are my ideal” would not run. But for the case, I clarified:

In other words, besides you?

Having received a grateful smile and an affirmative response, I began to think feverishly.

The question is slippery. You can't call a real ex-girlfriend - you can get jealous. Calling an actress is also a choice for yourself. It turns out that I have a specific pattern and it will prove that it is necessarily giving in some way.

Eventually I found:

and Jessica Rabbit.

The girl thoughtfully said. I also have...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139585
Being fat for a woman is the norm. When it comes to norm, this cannot be called propaganda.

For a woman, the norm is not to be thin, but not fat. 45kg is not the norm (except for genetic characteristics). With the now-pronounced debris starts no less problems than with obesity: irregular cycle, difficult to get pregnant, psychological problems, problems with joints, etc., caused by a deficiency of essential substances and insufficient fat layer to provide heat to internal organs (learn biology, what is needed fat) and the necessary minimum, so that the body feels safe.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139584
Like the night, I have super-important thoughts.
Why did evolution select people whose rectum diameter corresponded to the diameter of a penis?
Q: Did those who gave in the ass have a healthier and more numerous offspring?
Q: Or did the practice of anal sex less exhaust the mother and leave more attention to the firstborns, so they survived? Per the ancient people who came up with such contraception were in principle more ingenious?
Q: Why did Google get interested in my location when asking about the diameter of the rectum?
And for the believers, your question sounds fairy: "If God hates homosexuals, why do diameters match?"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna