— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №140603
When I was still working in a computer store, two women just came in. So one of them asks the router, well, I show the models that are available, she also tells her story.

"We've been sitting on a neighbor's WiFi for 3 years now, so you can imagine this goat has just set a password!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №140602
When I was a teenager, we had a cat in our house, already very old. One day she brought a cat home. Other, of course, she did not give birth to her own. He calls me out on the street. I went with her, quite far, through the neighboring street to the abandoned old barracks - there are three kittens in the corner. Those who are hungry are hungry and hungry.

I said, “May my mother come back?” She runs to the road and stops with a crushed and crushed cat. The mother of these cats.

Well, I collected them, brought them home, put the cat in her box. She pulls them out, presses them. And the cats are small, they can not eat themselves, the cat has no understanding of milk. I had to feed 10 times a day from the pipette. Every time the cat came, he reminded me.

Here is a child cartoon with talking animals all this story smiles, and in the meantime it was natural. This cat was non-commercial, but if she wanted, she could easily find a way to say anything. The mind was enough.

She was sick before her death, lying for a long time almost not standing up in her drawer, not even to the toilet. Then suddenly she stood up and walked to the entrance door and looked around to see what would be opened. I look at the sarai. Well, I was behind her, and she looked with such a long look... well, I understood and didn’t go. He was buried under an apple.

In fact, animals, if they want to, are not so difficult to understand. You just have to pay attention.

PS: The cats went out and distributed.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140601
I can’t let go of the thought that I once was in the thermonuclear oven of a star...or maybe not even one star. Per the material of which I am made has been digested for millions of years in several stars in light-years apart, before it flew hundreds of millions of years, flung for billions of years on the forming Earth, to one day become me. It is crazy cool.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140600
Development of mobile applications.

Customer - Everything is fine, but can it last longer?
I – and why?
Customer – Well, for the impression.
I'm OK. * I pulled the slide for 5 seconds*
Client – It’s great right now, thank you.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140599
What is Fedor?
Fedor – Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research
xxx: at all "the object of research" is a research object
YYY: What then...
Tagged with: FEDRO

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №140598
Today we are all toxic agents!
Today we are all toxic agents
1 - The spy has broken through!! Recognize in which lingerie did you do xiva?
2 - Nicho I don't know, in the countryside school Aglycky studied!!! to
3 - Village, podi, in the Oklahoma region?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140597
Who broke the bill?
Everyone did a little differently.
If no one had fixed, nothing would have broken.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140596
H - youth

And in the future, to create a user account with limited rights is more such a witchcraft, which is only available to BG!

I wonder if many people besides me have read "BG" as "Boris Grebenchikov".

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140595
He made the final decision to commit suicide.

I washed the rope, as well as fixed it, decided to have breakfast for the last time...

Eggs with bacon are not eaten - it is harmful to health.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №140594
Morredeth: What we just did not draw in the years 13-16... Particularly popular was the game when the sheet is folded in half, one paints the upper part, and the other paints the bottom without looking. Oh what there was zoonepedoporno depicted, the Japanese porn multiplayer did not dream of it.

Rand: Now I’m starting to understand what people are designing a Toyota (closely) VAZ.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №140593
from ZH:

All with Easter. People’s Day of Eggs. It was always celebrated before. And the words "Christ has risen" - this is such a people's bite was before knocking various colored eggs.
But these days it is no longer just a folk holiday, it is also an annual show, which is arranged by debils. Full of debil planes fly, knowing where to get what you can get sitting, at home, whistling a light bulb. And they also boast of the fools they are, putting their reports on the net. And this even on television shows the fools under enthusiastic comments of the fools.
No, I don’t call all those who believe in some gods fools. For me, believers are just strange people in varying degrees. I call fools those believers who, out of their own faith, make a foolish show.
Then they have candles burning themselves, then the busts begin to produce liters of oil. They make fun of themselves, and then, offended, they complain that they are laughed at them and their sensitive feelings of fools are offended.
They themselves need, the entire delegation headed by the chief fire carrier from the lighter from Jerusalem to Moscow Yakunin, to be held accountable for insulting the feelings of believers, turning Christianity into a show of fools.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140592
XHH: Going through the same place where others have slipped and not slipping is a challenge.
HHH: Or I pulled the ankle...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140591
“The defensive cloud.” Excellent expression, it should be remembered, in the shit will be useful.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140590
Stop reading last year’s best quotes!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140589
Mike> I sell a summer tire.
Mike> For the unnecessary...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140588
In such a situation, you can always come up with and voice no insulting reason. It doesn’t "smell bad from you", but for example, "you’re too tall for me, I don’t like guys much bigger than me" (if the guy is tall), or something like that.

You said "Goodbye
I don’t like fat people"
And now I do not eat.
Cakes and cakes.
I woke up in the morning –
I am on the weights,
I bought for sport.
I am a coward.
I follow the diet.
I am always from and before.
I will be like Chelantan,
I am like Belmont.
And a steady walk.
I will come to you: "Here,
Does not hinder love.
It has a bigger stomach!"

Yesterday I found out:
You have a family.
And your husband is like a strawberry,
Three times thicker than me.
It is a heavy blow,
I am no longer in business.
Tell me why.
Did I try, thumb?

(I am quoting by memory. I listened to it in 1985.

Do not invent external factors. No – it is not. did not come. It does not fold. In general, I changed my mind (a), starting to meet someone, I will be alone for now. I remembered my former love – no, I’m too early to meet others. whatever it is. Just do not turn your brains - decided not to meet - do not send SMS "we will meet tomorrow". before being placed on the blacklist. Please send me "I leave urgently, we will not meet, sorry".

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140587
And I have one when listening to old favorite songs in the place where the film was glazed / chewed / ended - in the heart whispers every time?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140586
Do you know why the superclay has a supercharging?
Here you opened it, glued something there, closed it and forgot.
I remembered in a month, when I just urgently need to glue something. I opened, and he dried up, and you are like that - "blin, well super"

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №140585
By the way, Christ was crucified for insulting the feelings of believers, calling for mass unrest and inciting hostility to the social group of "the power".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140584
He often came across ads of computer masters with photos of young boys. The question arose - this is a new type of prostitution with the service "at the same time and the screw will be reinstalled"?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna