— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139563
The revolution gave us land and factories, and democracy rejected the desire to work.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №139562
I was not a venereologist for a long time, in fact, it never deceived me, although in the early 1990s I was guaranteed a piece of bread with oil.
Nevertheless, for four months I was intensely trained in this necessary, and in principle easy, but very specific profession. This was enough for me – now I have a dozen two curious venereological stories in my “baggage” that I can share here. This, in general, is all that the study of venereology has been useful to me so far – well, thank her for that.
A couple of stories I told in a very narrow form in comments 5-7 years ago, I think few people remember them since then. For the most memorable I can promise immediately that the versions will be "expanded and supplemented".
With all the shortcomings of the period of the collapse of the Union at least one positive moment in the USSR was certain - the number of patients with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) at the end of the 1980s was minimal. I remember, in the four months of my studies, there were not three, not four cases of syphilis in our entire large city-millionaire.
One of the cases was interesting only by the patient's personality - it was a famous conductor from Moscow, who simply did not want to be illuminated with such a diagnosis in the capital clinics (well, fucking the office on the floor in some provincial hotel somewhere on tours...).
And the three cases that remained were investigated according to the full program, although without the involvement of ments - so it was then, no anonymity of wombals and hiding of contacts was not allowed.
One of the patients was a long-haul driver who caught syphilis from the shoulder somewhere in the MKAD area. There was an interesting situation. He shrugged his shoulder, and at the same time forgave (in October the matter was). He came to his hometown the next day sexually satisfied, but with a temperature of 38 ° C. Nevertheless, his mother-in-law had the time to catch up, after which he was taken to the hospital on an ambulance with severe pneumonia. He failed in the hospital for almost a month, barely ended, but he was cured of pneumonia. High doses of antibiotics. That simultaneously healed him and from the beginning of syphilis (caught from the shoulder). And here this driver returns, the pigeon, home, healthy, almost sterile – and there he meets his wife. And my wife for this month, primary syphilis has already gone to secondary. And she infects him, the blueberry, who has just been cured from syphilis, again with the same syphilis. In a few weeks he goes to the doctor with a chancre on the penis. The diagnosis is primary syphilis. My wife has secondary syphilis. According to all canons, she is the source of infection, and he is pure, as a goat of heaven. “Give me the fuck you slept with.” And she is an honest woman, sleeping only with her husband, crying, ready to put her hands on herself. For weeks, two doctors suffered with this couple, but then they still restored the true course of events. Moreover, according to the description given by the driver, the shoulder was found two months later. We found, by the way, in Lviv... Now this is even impossible to imagine, no one is looking for contacts, even the rights do not have, especially Lviv is now generally another country...
By the way, our department was completely convinced then that the term “shoulder” originated from the fact that the lady “places her head on the shoulder of the driver during travel.” All the attempts of the male part of our department to tell her some basic things about the “shoulder of transportation” were unsuccessful.
The second case was this: a lonely village grandmother, 75, from a distant area, returning once from the garden to her cellar, saw a large rat sitting on the table. Grandma didn't like it, she pulled her hand on the rat to drive it out, and she, don't be stupid, grabbed her hand and procured her finger to the blood. The next day, the grandmother went to the CRD, to show the doctor, to treat the bite, and to find out if there is no rabies in the area, or maybe rabies injections would have to be done. It was a long time to go to the CRD, the grandmother arrived there late, and the doctor who received her said: "Grandmother, what do you look at at home at night now to pull, your bus has already gone, let us put you in the hospital for 5 days, we will check, and if we find nothing, we will immediately leave."
They put the grandmother in the hospital, more, as they would now say, on social, not on medical indications, well, and in the morning - as they taught, urine analysis, blood test, Wasserman's reaction. RW turned out to be, don’t believe, 4 crosses (++++, all very bad). Blood was taken again, a more specific method was already used - ++++ is still used. The syphilis though. They went to the grandmother, say, when the last time he was with a man, the grandmother... She gets red, and says that, as if in 1968, she had sinned with her grandfather with her, now he is dead, 10 years ago. In the CRP with venereologists sewing, so they send the grandmother to the area. At the same time, all the neighbors learned that "Nikitichny - syphilis", until they forbade her to take water from the common well, she was very worried. Nikiticna came to the regional CVD, and there they saw that syphilis was congenital, with all the characteristic features (teeth, thighs, etc.). Whoever is interested, we ask for mercy to Wikipedia. I started asking about my parents and family. She says that she is the youngest, her mother had 5 pregnancies, the first ended in miscarriage, the next - the child was born, but died about a year and a half, the second lived to ten years, and also died of some unknown disease. Another brother was sick and died in 40 years, she lived to 75 years, and there is still her younger sister, 70 years old, lives there and there, does not get sick, and she herself never - before this rat cursed - did not go to the doctor for her life, everything was fine, only there were no children. I found my sister, I did the tests - she also had congenital syphilis. Thus e. Father and mother sinned somewhere at the very beginning of the 20th century, despite this, survived themselves, and gave birth to children who were transmitted their infection. The firstborn received the spirochete most of all and did not cope with such a load. The further from the moment of infection, the smaller the dose of spirochetes the mother passed on to her children, the healthier they were, and the longer they lived. If it were not for the unfortunate rat, then the two younger daughters, without going to the doctor in their villages, would never have learned that they had been sick with syphilis all their lives.
But the third case - in one military unit, the daughter of the captain and cook of the garrison dining room decided to follow in the footsteps of the mother and settle in the dining room after the end of the decade (at 17 years old). At the preliminary examination - secondary syphilis. What, like, parents almost have a heart attack with a stroke. As it was appropriate in Soviet times, they began to find out the possible source of infection of the "captain's daughter". It turned out that at least 40 subordinates of her father-captain fucked her - for free! - for the last six months (we treated syphilis, and not dealt with the moral appearance of Soviet soldiers, so the previous periods did not interest us). All of whom she recalled, the pigeons, we bravely preventative (!) No one had any signs of illness! The girl was not stupid in her own way, and chose for sex mostly military in the rank of not lower than a lieutenant. She had only one on the list of contacts of a soldier – a moscovite, the son of some Lieutenant General, in short, a promising boy. But, as it turned out by chance, she wasn’t the only one who “liked” this general’s offspring. In Moscow, as we later found out, that general son (18 years old) for a sweet soul “used” the 40-year-old secretary of his father. She called him at least once a week in his hospital on the "wheelchair", and then she asked him to the phone, and she said with an echoing voice: "And your Vasya has been treated for a week as from syphilis!"She flew to him the next day, arranged a disassembly, and after this disassembly he broke to hang, but he was guarded, we pumped him with antidepressants, in short, everything was fine with the guy. A part of the lieutenants began to “give” us their additional sexual contacts, outside of the I/O – it turned out that in the I/O with “chief visits” liked to rush the ladies from the district committee of the Komsomol, numbering 3-4 at the same time, and each lady for the “session” usually had contact with 5-7 military. We called those ladies, there was a big scandal in the countryside, but syphilis did not "please" us with that countryside, there was only those ladies with gonorrhea, and then not all, but the lice of the lob. Taking into account the huge number of possible sexual contacts, the investigation of the chain was very delayed, and in the end I was told after my study the end of that story.
As it turned out, the "captain's daughter" was infected by her school teacher of physical education, he was infected by a mistress, the wife of a local ambulance doctor, a bisexual, who was infected by his drug addict, who fled to the Caucasus at that time... And only there his traces were lost, although our epidemiologists bravely identified and treated the entire previous chain.
Now it is told and listened to as a fairy tale. No one is now sought, even the names of the sick are not asked anymore. What prevention is now - it is unclear that with such, gently expressed, free morals, in the 90s, with the destruction of the system of identification of contacts of patients with STDs, syphilis, gonorrhea, and AIDS - rushed up.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139561
The stadium tribune is the only place where the poor can watch the millionaires from above.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139560
Two residents of the area bought 1 kg of salt to sell to the citizens. The traffickers were detained by the drug control department.

Yyy: The farmer was taken with a stake of grass. Washing with a pack of powder. The forest, led by, with mushrooms. A cleaner with dust.

Aaa: Philatelist with Marks...

bbb: The State Department of Postal Control detained an employee of the Post of Russia for selling brands right at work!!! to

yyy: "Russian Post" is a heavy drug in itself. You try to get a package, once, another, and here you are constantly turning.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139559
I have a good friend, a reference for jokes, a 29-year-old Jewish son who lives with his parents. He was designing a house project for my parents, and he hiccalled everything I would save on them. I could not understand what exactly. It turned out that his parents from his 15s sleep in different rooms, and he is fully confident that everyone lives this way, and this is the norm, and I am going to make the parents a shared bedroom. When he explained that his parents were rather an exception to the rule, he did not believe until two other comrades confirmed.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №139558
>>> And why did Honda not collapse? Communists were expelled.

Even when you are healed from a dangerous disease, health will not immediately return - it takes a long period of recovery.

Read the history of Japanese economy. About barrier duties, restriction of foreign investments, bureaucratic drainage in relation to foreign companies and other things (does it look like modern China?)
And this is your "need to work more" tell the coffee collectors in Tanzania.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139557
So cute when you sit in the cinema, now there will be the initial titles of the film T2 Trainspotting (On the Needle 2), and on the screen is written "18+!!! The film shows scenes of smoking..."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139556
News of science.

Scientists have been able to grow potatoes in "Mars" conditions

The next step of the scientists is postponed until the release of the second part of the Martian.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139555
I drive by car in town. He brakes the gaishnik, looks at the right and asks:
Q: Are these your papers?
I: Well whose is yours?
G: The owner of these documents is almost 30, and you are clearly under 18. You don’t look like photos in documents.
I... Seriously? This photo was taken after the driving exam. Stress, of course, anyone will get a few years, but the person himself will not change much from this.
Haishnik is silent and continues to watch me, then right. I can’t stand it and say:
I: And in general, I am a mother of two children sitting behind.
Here the elderly (4,5 years old) comes out of the chair, rises forward and says:
My mom is really grown up.
Q: How old is my mother?
I don’t know, but they don’t live so much.
After laughing, he let me go and apologize, and I, who still thought I was young, felt what it was like to be a 30-year-old woman with two children.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139554
still a red thread traces the theme of pride for the fact that some "sons" are not in the shell.

People are usually proud of their personal achievements.
In our crowded time you can be proud of an active lifestyle, while it is much easier to score at everything and fall into the shit or get into the games.
with a pumped body, while it is easier to roll on the couch, beat on football and eat chips with beer
a successful career, while it is easier not to do it and cry about the fact that all the good places on the mud or already disassembled
a creative and unusual hobby, such as painting or drawing, while most of the hobbies - a barbecue under a beer in the country
and so on.
that is, those activities, activities, lifestyle, which require the application of efforts, beginnings of talent, willpower are valued.

When someone begins to pedal on the topic of the virginity of the butterfly whole, I am tormented by vague doubts about the relative fact that, apparently, the proud person very much wants to feel a strong hot herd in the bowl.
I just want to do it, to the bloody boys in the eyes, to the blurring of reason.

And he struggles with himself, he protects himself from hellish temptation, he holds himself firmly in his hands and gives himself an awareness of what sensual sacrifice he makes for his reputation and honor.
Because to be proud that you don’t do something is only logical if you’t mind doing it.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №139553
A police patrol was broken. We have a neighbor, Volodya, who sometimes blows for weeks. At this time, it becomes debilitating, because we are completely unconscious. In other words, a good grandfather. I get out of the car now and see him being pulled out of the entrance by two patrol police officers with machine guns. I think it’s different "" again. And it goes well, a movie that suddenly worked for me:
A partisan?! to
and yes! One answered, and the other pushed Volodya in the back with the automate and said:
and fast!
He raised his hands and used it in a bowl. But then he walked out of there and cried out to the whole yard:
Hitler’s coat!! to
The accidental police driver just fell out of the cabin from laughter. Have fun at least.

[ + 27 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139552
Dok: I have "Life of Animals" in the library in 6 volumes (7 books) of the first Soviet edition (the 1970s). There in the 4th volume is an article about the fish mintai. It was mentioned that due to its low nutritional value, it is massively mined mainly for livestock feed.
After 10-15 years I got the 3rd edition of The Life of Animals. The article about the mint has grown significantly, and especially relied on the number of delicious and healthy dishes that can be cooked from this fish. Make the conclusions yourself.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139551
J: When I clicked on the tower like nuts... and I hardly distinguish the integrals from the logarithm.
M: Well it is just... on the integral convenient bag in transport hanging...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139550
Sack: Petty has 3 apples, Volodya has 6. My ass is salt. The question is, who was the last to escape from the collage garden? It is :)
Sanya: It’s depending on where the apples are in Petty and Volody, maybe they’re in their ass too.
Albatros: Maybe even the eyes
DenniZ: the question - whose extra eye apples have Petty and Volod in the ass?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139549
- Landships are such and such flowers, they are still in the "Red Book".
So I would immediately say that from the "Red Book"!
Are they not from the "Red Book"?! to
No, they are from "Twelve Months"!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139548
The forum.

XX: Half an hour before the arrival of the guests, I remembered that I had not yet had time to take a shower in the morning... and only I was separated, as I heard the terrible scream of Masha. After cooling up, I jumped out of the bathroom and saw literally a painting with oil - Irinka painted a piece of the wall with ointments for makeup. For a while, the whole family stood in a stupor, thank God that our dad went to the store.Then I gathered, took a feather, a brush, and we all began to wipe out the drawings furiously.

Have you tried the cream? Oh, not fairy had to be, but a fat medium, and then that fat medium was already fairy...
Damn I didn’t know :(
No, the child has not grown up yet. Makeup is removed only with fat cream :D I also once did not know, but washing your clock from black beard and mono - remembered
As long as she grows up, I will sit :crazy:
ZZZ: and Guthalin - nothing is washed away at all...
UUU: By the way, and the hair paint on the skin also previously wiped with vegetable oil or cream.
And now wet towels can be wiped off.
ZZZ: Yes, the color is no longer that...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139547
for a long time in the internet searched-choose the wheels on the car, now went to the dating site, see the questionnaire, Svetlana, 175/70, and the brain further suggests that it is R13 or 14

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139546
Women remember ungifted roses much longer than gifted ones.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №139545
Her wife (a teacher in a kindergarten) yesterday at work, one of the babysitters, Maria Vasilievna, 64, began to complain to colleagues, educators and babysitters that she is already old. In the presence of the children, colleagues began to comfort her - "no, say, you are not old, you are not so many years."
One of the teachers said, “Let’s ask the children! Children, how many years do you think Marie Vasilievne is?” The question was asked by her in consideration of the fact that this group was only recently taught to count to 20, no more numbers they do not yet understand. So, they will say about “eighteen,” the maximum – “twenty.”
raised the silence. The question for the children was obviously a surprise. And then, in silence, the timid voice of the five-year-old Irocka heard: "Three hundred?"

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №139544
One day I bought a large bouquet of flowers. They will come, I think, friends, they will ask where they come from, and I will smile mysteriously. A friend comes and says, “Oh! Have you bought flowers?“”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna