— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139503
We walked with my mother recently through the zoological museum, stopped at this exhibition, standing watching. A young mother approaches us with her 5-year-old son and says to him, “Do you remember the cartoon about the mammoth, where he was looking for his mom?” The boy shakes his head and his mother continues, “So, he didn’t find her and died.”

The boy, to my surprise, did not react, and my lips were treacherously shaking, singing, "Let mom hear, let mom come..."

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139502
X is OMG. It turns out that ReactOS suddenly turned out to be the safest OS in the world! The CIA was unable to develop a single exploit for it.
W: Kaneshn, they have the main security fit - in any unclear situation we fall into BSOD. No hacker can withstand that.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139501
A taxi driver demanded from a tourist 16 thousand rubles for 20 minutes of travel in St. Petersburg.

This is a cultural stallion, e! Pay for it, E!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №139500
Friends, at Eurovision we all vote for Ukraine!
The next Eurovision will take place in Ukraine. cannot be released.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139499
When the authorities are unable to seize criminals, they seize those who report crimes on the internet and on the streets.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139498
About feminism.
My childhood was among the military, so I got used to normal people. When around polite people are in shape, the soul is calm. We were not afraid of anything, because we knew that on any of our screams because of the neighboring bush a patrol materializes and the offenders will at least politely explain what they did wrong.
The men burned. Then the caterpillar in the forest next to the military camp will be picked up and fed with all the officers, then in the spring the entire military town will be decorated by the moment the sirens are disbanded. We woke up every morning at the same time from the top of running students – a charge. In any weather in a tight line.
Children of officers periodically through the hole in the fence made "raids" on the strip of obstacles of the military school. I still remember how the “divisors” pulled me out of the dam. I had to go there, but not the point. After that incident, I clearly understood that it doesn’t make sense to agree to all adventures.
In the city of military schools and universities women dressed. They were not dressed, they were dressed. It was a way of life, thinking and behavior. People were genuinely interested in each other. When everywhere people were in shape, in old pants and folded shoes, even garbage was not accepted. But we must say that in the sight of a normal man, no one fainted, no one was surprised by this phenomenon and took it as the norm of being. However, like the gymnastes in swimsuits on the beach did not cause pork reactions. They all reacted decently to each other.
The parade is a celebration and a separate story. When an officer wears a flag in gloves, it should not be ashamed to walk home with his wife.
Don’t talk about the “heavy share” of modern women. In the age of butterflies, washing machines, cleaning products and miracle scavengers, it is simply unacceptable. Our mothers, according to modern standards, lived in much harsher household conditions, but in the vast majority looked like pictures. Preserve their reputation.
Why this. I’ve never seen a feminist next to the military or people in shape. There is no feminism in this environment. There are feminism, but there is no feminism. Amazing next door.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139497
Let us legalize a four-day working week with a weekend on Wednesday!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139496
Sometimes I look at some girls, and personally for me next to her I just get lighter, the sun brighter, and the rain more joyful.
I just want to force myself to do something against Lenny.
Speaking to her, I don’t forget that behind my back I have a lot of shit (no car, no yard).
But it dissolves all that routine. With its multi-facetedness, in the reflection of which there is at least something that will cause you to get out of the fucking world of cracked illusions.
YYY: It looks like programming:
ZZZ : Oh yeah I'm hz, what I've done in this life without this thing.
Yes, love may be similar to programming, but it’s not so stable.
When you really love someone, or at least value that person, you are breaking your life and trying to build something worthwhile out of that rubbish.
YYY: Well I’m saying...
One in one!
Zzzz: And there, and there fucking :D

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139495
The real narcissist has mirrors inserted in the photo frame.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139494
In a dreamy year, on the show, the audience sent a question about the indignation of the composers: applause during the performance terribly disturbed, and someone of the great (knowns by the way right then remembered who the author, unlike me now:), suggested to fit them in the score.

It turned out that there was enough competent conductor: the world-renowned Israeli conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim brought communication with spectators during the performance of the "March of Radetsky" to an unprecedented level. This is what the master of his business means. Along with the orchestra management, he also directed the hall) The hall was delighted))

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139493
He went to his VTB department. It was a complete dissonance with the atmosphere there. This VTB-privileged department - employees are pathetic, and customers are sitting in fashionable coats with fur.
And I came all troubled, joyfully rolled onto the chair a semi-transparent bag, which saw a means for cleaning pipes, pads and kefir. She asked for coffee, tastily drank it, chewed it with candy, and began to figure out the question of not counting me on the card 660 rubles.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №139492
XHH: Sorry colleagues, but some experience is hard to go through alone, so I’ll just leave it here. The man knows life, fuck him.

Director of the Lymnographic Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Grachev: "Baykal is huge. Even if all the people on Earth drown in the Baikal, its level will rise only three centimeters.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139491
Are you coming back from the disco? My friend and I today returned with two new lifts in bags: the hostess of this runner-up used to trade underwear, something went wrong, and the stock remained, gave us as dear guests. What is remarkable is that they both came. We were so roaring in a taxi that the driver is unlikely to go to this address a second time.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №139490
And for walks without a leash and a hammer, fines would not hinder either.


I support. I know just a bunch of people who can’t go for a walk without a leash and a stitch.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №139489
Violence in prisons:

You have never thought about what a man thinks.
When does a sweaty hairy man fall on top of him?
WOW: I am interested
Fuck, fuck, I’m not interested.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №139488
And a friend went into bots with pedophiles!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139487
Dialogue with a colleague.
You have to change something in life.
Socks, cowards... a tea bag.

[ + 14 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139486
Once a year, even in a country where the beatings are "family values" and "rape is the fault of the man," and if the husband is a marital duty, you can hear: "Oh, you are the most beautiful, the most fantastic, you get everything and the horse jump in and into the burning cabin, hold a flower!"

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №139485
Oh, so it is still necessary to ban the novel of Jules Verne "The Mysterious Island", there is really a good recipe for dynamite and nitroglycerin. As a child, I dreamed of repeating it.

YYY: I have a note in the book that says that the recipe in the novel itself is not very accurate. And then follows a detailed explanation of what is not there, and how it should actually be. It was well translated in Soviet times.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №139484
No later than March 8 I will go to Sberbank in the ATM. Of the three ATMs, the line to two people is 10 to each, to the third there is no one. I take the turn, in those two and in parallel ask: What about the third ATM? My aunt in front of me in line answers – It doesn’t work. Well, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, I stand calmly waiting for my turn.

Five minutes pass, a boy comes out of the street, looks around the line, then goes to the third ATM, takes the money and leaves.

The number of silent "blowing" in the row was not to be counted.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna