— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139443
Communication in chats is useful: you begin to appreciate the tactic of the arrival grandmothers.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №139442
Personal associations to the story of Einstein in the Berlin tram.
In the hungry 90s, when I just started teaching and reading, because of the lack of contingent in the new educational institution, exclusively at the part-time department, and was without any compatibility the first full-time teacher in our university, then you understand what my salary was.
Well, I had to be actively engaged in work, otherwise it would simply not survive. Our garden was far beyond the city, we got to it by train, the ticket for which was so expensive that the maintenance and work on the 5-acre site simply did not make sense. It was customary to give the conductor 50 cops for the trip. Instead of 3 hryvnia, but the prices are not standing, unlike the salary.
Once returned with my husband from the garden, already embroiled under the bandage, he is an "Afghan" - the trip is free, the conductor meets me, I stretch her 50 cops., and she with the appearance of a martyr arranges a hysteria on the subject: "I am standing on a paper?" I honestly explain to her that I have a salary of 22 UAH, but I cannot spend it all on tickets. She disdainfully stated to me: I had to learn! I was then offended by the spirit, and although I usually get lost in such circumstances, I gave her in response: - If in our country the salary of a teacher is less than a conductor, it is a country of fools! She picked up her bags, swallowed tears, and went out at the next stop.

[ + 37 - ] [16 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139441
Those who want Stalin do not want him for themselves, but for their neighbors.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139440
Exactly 7 years ago, I wrote on this site that I was pregnant and lonely, no one even from March 8 to congratulate and left the number of aska. So many people supported me then, raised my fighting mood and gave me the strength to move forward. Thank you for being there!!!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №139439
All these of your “memes” are a complete hernia that irritates all normal people. borrowed already.

Normal people have learned Zen, are happy, do not get annoyed and do not get upset. Irritable people are not normal.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139438
From the Temple:

The release manager should be a system administrator.
He must everywhere see conspiracy, everywhere see enemies who want to kidnap, break, defile my charm.
Any output for battle must be checked 115 times, and always wait for an outcome.
Even from themselves.
Even at 5 a.m.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139437
hhh: (considering the paper issued in the laptop repair service) hm, a note is written with traces of operation... are they my sticker with cats - traces of operation?
WOW: No, that’s what they called your crazy key and the almost crumbling cover.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139436
Description of the series on the tracker:
Two thieves, who decided to hunt in the forest at night, are attacked by a creature similar to a walking tree.
The comments:
The moral of this series is like this, don't hide in the woods, otherwise an unknown pebble will come and snatch you in a tree.
YYY: The Grot. and unpublished.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139435
At home, I have two dishes to choose from: vegetables from the steamer or ham without salt.
In the morning there is no choice: cheese or ham without salt.
In the evening, again, the choice is small: kefir or "no fig for the night to eat, brush your teeth and go to bed!"
Therefore, I cannot be invited to visit: I eat a lot.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139434
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Comrade managed on a flat road to get into the ass of a haish car! The candidate for the Darwin Prize, definitely, I shield.)
I once stumbled on a haishnik foot crossing the green light. He was so angry that he let me go.
WOW: I don’t usually say it was on the Day of the Police (so I was released), because no one would believe it anyway.)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139433
Report of the concert:

A guy in the crowd trolled Arzamasov on the subject that he was already old. The culmination of the trolling was the episode, when before the last song, comrade Arzamasov says "We have very little time" and from the crowd "You, Lech, have the least of all!"

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139432
>> buttons (big and convenient)
>> battery, which is enough for at least a week;

The Philips Xenium.
Please please.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №139431
- The low-cost airline "Victory" will seat the pockets in the passenger seats. As a result, passengers will not forget their things, and the cleaning time in the cabin will be reduced by two minutes. The passengers will be handing over the garbage to the crew during the entire flight.
And if you close the toilet and glue everything (mouths, asses), then beauty is. They will just jump out of the plane after the flight. There are reserves...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139430
My daughter went to study in the Voronezh region. was sick. I went to the district hospital.
Communicate with VK
I sit in the hospital. Here people turn to the register as if they were in paradise.
A list of sins?
Suddenly there is not enough place.
Even your younger brothers know that there is a manager and insurance company for this case.
Someone who needs to be checked and punished.
The leader is also in line...

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139429
Don’t tell me what you don’t know:

In the advanced bourgeoisie, driving licenses are such a passport duplicate. It is ridiculous: the rights to the identity card and full winter are obtained even those who do not know how to drive a car and do not intend to)

Those who do not know and are not going to drive, make a State ID, with a driver's license does not have a relationship.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №139428
We sit at a daytime session, we watch a movie about aliens who settle in humans, and they behave like unconscious zombies. The beginning of the story, no one yet understands what is happening. Anxious music, a woman leads the scientists to the infected guest of the hotel, with a tragic voice proclaims: "He was somewhat strange." The children’s voice from the hall: "A nameless toy!".
It was difficult to see and perceive the tragedy of the story.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №139427
>Wouldn't it be easier to write the title in open text? Why these tormented rebuses, which still do not pose difficulties for anyone?

This is a trade deformation - a person may be accustomed to compiling technical tasks for competitions - quotations - purchases. There is a very useful ability to write a known and understandable name, not mentioning it directly, but only from a set of characteristics.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139426
Post in the publication of one of the state channels: "The Governor congratulates the beautiful half of Voronezh and the region on the coming holiday."

The beautiful half of Voronezh is the right or left shore?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139425
Zzz: One day, an unforgettable omich exchanged 200 euros and placed their passports so that they didn’t forget.
YYY: And then what?
Zzzz: And then accidentally sat for the bribe

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №139424
As a child, his son had a girlfriend who encouraged him to play in daughter-mother and other role-playing games. The son was fascinated by Lego, assembled all kinds of equipment, especially loved airplanes. He did not last long. A smart girl soon came to him with a female fighter.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna