— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138541
The Holographic

<< Sorry, but is it also in Russian? > and >

Obviously, the tortilla is a squadron of cakes.
The corn is a shit.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138540
English - Translation

How to distinguish a good translation from a bad one?
If I stumble while reading and wonder what the phrase was in the original, it is a sign that something went wrong.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №138539
I wondered what people would see in my window if I suddenly forgot to put on the curtains? A barbecue, an unshelled bed and a thin guy sitting in shorts in front of the monitor. It doesn’t matter which day of the week or time of day they watch. And you know, no matter how strange it may sound, it has been the best motivation for me to change my life.

BBB: Listen, it could have been much worse. You could be fat.

Aaa thank you fucking.

Ccc: Today I woke up fat again. God, when will it all end?! to

Don’t worry, there will be a day when you won’t wake up.

PS: You can support it.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138538
111: What do you think is the meaning of life?
222: Self-development and you?
Self-development is onanism. Self-destruction is what really matters.
Self-development is self-destruction. Onanism is what really matters.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138537
I will draw:

I don’t want to advertise, but:
The CAFE network - twister, potatoes, coffee. of 280 rubles.
Local dining room - a portion of salt, purple + goulish from cows, vinegret, 2 cups of compot. of 260 rubles.
And as a person who has worked in the dining room and in the kitchen for several years, I am now pleased that there are dining rooms in the province.
There was even lemon in the salad! and :)

Sanitary inspectors and consumers argue that franchise restaurants are on average cleaner than dining restaurants, and use more quality products - not least because you can buy back from the inspector, and from the franchise owner, who also monitors it all, not very much.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138536
1C was originally designed for a small number of users, so the operator was given more freedom of action.
I’m inclined to the version that 1C was initially not designed at all, but was immediately written.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138535
Our administrator bought a new phone, Motorola. I decided to wash it safely. By evening, he was so swollen that he could no longer speak. This is all said in the preamble. Ambulance is followed. I go to his office and watch the picture of the most cherished boss quarrelling with his wife, on a new phone, and on a loud communication. cannot be admired. She reproaches him — say you drink all the time, you don’t think about me, and so on, and so on. and so on. In anger, he closes his phone and then puts his shirts in his pocket. Here a crowd of drunk employees who were directly involved in the washing of the phone... Vodka is poured, a toast is pronounced, vodka is drunk, the latest news is discussed. Again the vodka is poured and in the silence that came from the pocket of our hero's shirt the voice of his wife is heard: - I look at you working there!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138534
There is no documented link between a woman’s achievement of orgasm and a better or more numerous offspring. Men need orgasm as a stimulant for reproduction, and women why?

mmm: Women need orgasm as an incentive to give men more and more))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138533
An organization with many years of experience in archaeological works will dig your car out of the snow. Record for examination of the site of excavations by phone

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138532
Long correspondence about fast/slow carbohydrates, oatmeal, etc.

You probably don’t need advice about fast carbohydrates from a person who ate half a kilo of bread yesterday before bed.
In my excuse, I can say that the brides were soft and French.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №138531
Today I tested the concept of the "star hour".

The TC. The female half fell among the windows, sending us up, where there is food, and promising to be. Leha and I are thinking about the brand, that is, how much we have to do and how to survive. But we are men, we are strong, we can... and so on.
And here from behind there is an uncommonly disgusting voice like this:
I even wanted to go to the cafe, but she didn’t.
Another voice "consoles", that you are not lucky with grandmothers, maybe you will try with men.
And here we felt it. They hugged each other by the waist and turned together as well.
Behind there was something: acne, slightly unwashed, with long fatty hair. And my legs in striped pants are thinner than my hands. Football in the form of a man.
“No, guys, sorry,” we said, trying not to rust, “we will not give him either.
Then they left, proudly whipping their ass.
Of course the cattle. But did not resist.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №138530
It’s time for all the fairy tales about princes and horses to do "18+". And even better "21+" And even on enthusiastic books, like on packages of cigarettes, print terrible pictures of old virgins surrounded by cats.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138529
The daughter is 5 years old, does not pronounce the letter "R", instead of it says "L", and soft: not HAND, but LUCA, not ROSE, but LEZA. We go with her on the train, we start preparing for the exit, I pick up my suitcase, she helps me and puts things. Loudly condemns at the same time: "It is bl*t... it is bl*t... it is bl*t...".

The faces of the neighbors were fossilized, and mine too, until it was discovered that it was "brother".

But in general, the child, in general, uncertainly proclaimed all the imperfections of life: wherever you look, it is bl*t... it is bl*t... it is bl*t...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138528
In the second grade, our classmate held hamsters and invited us to look at newborn hamsters. I remember half the class clinging to him, and he slowly opens the box in which his little friends live... I remember the bloody meat in the box; a hamster eating her babies in front of shocked children. Then the roar cried, “Krosha, what are you doing? What? and you? Do you do?” I remember the parents who tried to calm the crying crowd of the little girl.

Since then I have not loved hamsters.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138527
>> With some people, it’s better to be silent. And I will say in my emotions that I want a tiger mymi! I’ll get a gift in a month.

The GGG. Next to some people it is sometimes useless and silent, because they know how to conclude that a woman has three children => she would like more children". That’s genius, you know.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138526
It sounds like.
Where do you live?
In the Alpha Centauri.
And this is just the name of another residential complex.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138525
In the eleventh grade I went to preparatory courses in the universe. A group of 16 people, 13 of them are girls. Of these girls, eight are Dash, three Katy, two Tani. After the first half of the year, a girl from another group came to us.

The teacher, who quickly learned the whole group face-to-face, before the class blows the audience with a glance:

Where this is, I can’t remember. A girl with an unusual name.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138524
Army of Dolboebundesvere.

I sell a laptop. Somebody writes with the nick "Seller" (as it turns out later - a woman), convincing me to sell this new, out of a box device somewhere a quarter cheaper. I ask for an argument (no too much).

The answer is worthy of all possible annals of history:
"Please let me explain. In Russia, all laptops are obsolete. The fact that it is new, as you think, does not make it modern. Last year, a multi-core processor was invented, not 2 or 4, but multi, and it is impossible to hack it. As they say, the Stone Age did not end because the stones did not end. With respect, % is %".

I didn’t have the strength to slip under the table.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138523
We pick up the railroad with our son (3 years) and grandfather.
I: Put that rail here.
Father: Give me this here.
I: And now turn,... no, go to the other side.
Son (very angry, going to the other end of the room): Command each other...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138522
I have nothing to do with dogs. Absolutely no one.
As with any other animal.
But how frozen one must be to give a rottweiler on the basis of the phrase “I want a dog” without knowing anything else!
And the receiving party is still to blame - no one is obliged to guess!
With some people, it is better to be silent. And I will say in my emotions that I want a tiger mymi! I’ll get a gift in a month.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna