— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138101
About the shadow and the chess player reminded an old joke.
The girl asks the guy:
Guess what my profession is? It begins with B and ends with A.
and O_O
The library girl! What you think is a hobby.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138100
Alexander: And I never came up with a name for the little one.
Alexander: But he doesn’t look like Barcy.
Val: Call it the Plot.
Val: A great name for a domestic cat.
Alexander: This is a cat!
Val: I know it’s not a horse!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138099
Moment of Motivation: When was the last time you did something for the first time?
WOW (serialman with experience): Last week. Last week I watched the last series "Sherlock" for the first time.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138098
# Spiked

The 2012 year.
I quietly rested in the village, and after another day of work, I went to bed, fell, and cut off.

I woke up early in the morning, from a light wind, got up, and as nothing happened - went to brush my teeth. The shell was in the kitchen, I went in, took the brush, started brushing my teeth...
I looked to the right.

There was no gypsum wall, which was quickly made in order to make it normal in a day or two!

My reaction was about "Yes fuck in the mouth, hate, fuck, cigane!!1!111!"

There was no table. A pen from the toilet door. A piece of salt in the refrigerator.

Two days later, I saw my table, and the gypsum cardboard at the neighbors of the Gypsum.
Through the force and costume of the grandfather to fuck the Gypsies were able to take everything. It was quiet, and after a few weeks they left.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138097
xxxx: issuing a certificate of non-compliance
Teaching: Why?
People are beginning to doubt.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138096
Delwin: The second day I wake up and the Russian anthem begins to play in my head. What to do?
SV stand up.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138095
What if the problems of Russian football are not at all in Gusev?
No, it is nonsense.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138094
The evening of January 20, 2017. In front of me is a guy with a girl.
Why did you drink beer again today?
Boy (indignantly offended): Beloved, but today is the inauguration of Trump!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138093
XXX: We went to the show on Saturday.
XXX: I will burn meat.
Is there anything vegetarian?
xxx: ah, the fruits of the shale tree ))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138092
<Pilipil> Danetka, what verse did you tell Santa Claus to get a gift from a magic bag?
<Mayana> Kola, well the cat. I work in the tax office, the only thing I know is to extract the provisions, we will conduct an audit.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138091
One woman, an endocrinologist, suspected her lover’s diabetes (too sweet) during the minet, and the diagnosis was confirmed. She told this to a friend, a friend to her husband. After a while, this endocrinologist in visitors says: it seems my cat has diabetes. The husband of a friend scissed from a hiccups, the endocrinologist guessed everything.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138090
These people are still insulting Chinese translations.

Any "Tiger red white death buy" mirks on the backdrop of a simple and dull action - "Start work for free".
Fuck thank you, of course. They were so intrigued. Here is the luck for someone - maybe, without paying anything, work! and Ogo. Working for free! This is yes. Free work, fly for free! Because it is free.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138089
Victor Gusev responded to the organizing committee of fans, collecting him money for vacation during the 2018 World Cup. As you know, the fans do not want him to comment on the matches of the Russian national team.

V. Gusev stated that he wants to fly to Mars there and back.
Football fans very much liked this idea: in this case, the commentator will be deliberately removed from the microphones.

More than 2 million rubles have already been collected. The collection of money continues. Negotiations with private aerospace companies have begun.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138088
What is your new swimsuit?
The Striped...
Wouldn’t the pop look like an arbus?! to
will be...
and ah!
And your breasts are like strawberries, right?! to
Like a crossroader...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138087
Dirty hands are better for money.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №138086
This story was told to me by a friend. Once he was in the bus next to a guy, as it turned out to be - a pocket man. Next from the words of a friend: I go, here I feel - someone in the pocket of oil. I wasn’t very rich then, and I didn’t have anything in my pocket. I understand that the guy who is in the pocket is standing in the row. He pulled out his pocket and already pulled out his hand. Here I lean to him, show his wallet and ask, “Is this looking for it?” He ate, because it was his wallet. I am a professional wizard.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138085
Why do you need modern medicine, genetic engineering, and nanomedicine when you can just jump into ice water and cross yourself three times?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138084
The difficult and harsh time then was, I had to sit on the couch and think "how to save Russia".

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138083
Songs of Year

As a classical French estrade "Shanson" to self-activity, a lesson for the cabbage hopper.

Well, "with a breath" about the French chanson is also unnecessary.

"The genre apache is the most decent.
It is performed by an ordinary serious singer with a pale makeup and a whispering voice.
Mostly on guitar.
The subject is criminal.
She changed. He killed. He was guillotinated.
Poetry is bad in itself.
Music is unique."

N. A. Teffy, 1920 from Paris.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138082
Your #toilet_paper reminded me of a bearded joke:
A Frenchman, a German, and a Georgian asked, “What do you have under your belt?”
F: What I am pleasing to women.
N: What I am pleasing to myself.
G: Below my belt hangs a knife! And what you hang there, I always have!

I always have paper in the sort as well.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna