— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138081
Be thriving

Does anyone turn the bottom edge of toilet paper, especially in the winter?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138080
What a tenderness in our poverty. It is easy. I can recall how not so long ago in the bourgeois environment of Victorian England girls were brought up in such a way that they could not in any way experience the pleasure of sex.

Yes, they are enough now, without the parents-idiots, sexologists, psychiatrists and family psychologists would be the poorest people in the world.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138079
What are you going to do on this set in 2.5 months 24 times 8 hours?

Sadists don’t need potatoes, but you’ve got a shovel.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138078
Dmitry and his brother are twins, weighing under a hundred each.

D: The army did not take a postponement for a year

I am overweight?

D: The Military Command stumbled, weights of 8-10 kilograms were twisted that would not have local underweight, and we came... Overweight + pressure


D: If it wasn’t those 8 kilos, I’d already be in the boots.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №138077
Even if the TV channel "Russia" will show an avant-garde melodrama from the lives of the utyugs, then everyone will lose memory, find lost relatives, lie in a coma and get pregnant... get pregnant... get pregnant...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138076
She lived well with her husband. What a widow! <c>

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138075
The Mexican Roberto Cabrera is the owner of the largest sex organ in the world (45 cm).He received disability.

According to him, he abandoned cosmetic surgery despite the problems he has with women.

He likes to be famous and he even plans to register his achievement in the Guinness Book of Records. However, the jury refuses to consider the natural data of the 50-year-old Mexican as a record.

A record for you, not a record! c) The Jury

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138074
The grandfather of the wife burned yesterday.
He comes in in the evening and gives the keys. The guy made a copy, from his apartment, for any of you lie.
xxx: And we just had a aunt, they with my faithful, began to tell him how young he is and say nothing will happen to him.
XXX: He looks at them and says "Are you stupid? This is for the case if I try myself."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138073
From the comments in JJ:

Why is there a copyright law in Russia? Surprised by Ado!! to
YYY: So the 21st century is already! In many Russian regions, even roads have been paved and electricity has been carried out!

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138072
xxx: What did Trump mean when he said ‘we will restore our borders’?? to

yyy: The world government in the secretariat confused the texts, this text for the Russian Federation was.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138071
XXX: It was a shit.
xxx: instead of the agreed thirty - forty-two minors
xxx: instead of one adult for every 5 units of growing organisms - 4 people for the whole crowd + three of us
xxx: by quests we have about half of the children, two of our accompanied + three - theirs
One of us and one of them stay with the rest in space, so that they don’t spread everything there to all the foxes.
XXX: I didn’t answer the phone.
xxx: the first step has passed - "give the second one, or we're in a hurry", and almost in a command tone
We broke a couple of things, the flashing lamp was ripped off with the root, although we told them, of course, over ten times not to break anything.
xxx: even Ira went down from the top in our pharmacy box to dig, because her head began to collapse (but after that there will be at least something but no-shpy, and I am not just about the pharmacy box now)
xxx: at the end are these teachers or who they are there, around the clash, which we have yet to crack, calculate for the accompaniment and material damage, crack again, "because we have them on the 4th block to carry", specified "to Chernobyl?" - offended
XXX: I was told that it was a kind of class they called.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138070
How have you changed, your thoughts are so interesting.
You and I have not been there for a long time...
Have you spoken in the soul?
- how interesting you pronounced "do not chew"

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138069
to this:

So get rid of your lazy fatty ass from the comp/bar stand/board sofa and go and dig over these dirty beds to your parents. Nothing will fall from you. You will also improve your health.

Imagine a professional with high qualifications and a good salary.
Could he dig beds? Probably may. But when he does, the value he creates is much lower than when he does his job. It is worse for him (the beds are not paid, and time and effort are wasted, at the expense of rest, which is necessary for productive work), the parents (instead of communicating with them, he is in beds), and the economy as a whole, because GDP decreases. And health can not be repaired with a splash, but to ruin it - once splash.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138068
On the forum, the discussion of children's names turned into another "there are normal names in our generation, in the class three Sasha, four Masha and three Natasha, as a rare name - one Marina, and now Eliseev and Gordeev were skilled!".

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138067
The case was in the early 2000s. I will come back from school one day. My grandmother said, “A distant relative came. She went to visit Moscow and brought you a gift! I run into the room. I see a big gift package. I rush to him with a scattered lip, I catch...and he is empty. My aunt brought me a package from Moscow. I have not had a big break in my life so far.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138066
Theme about psychopathic bosses

In our city, the head of the cultural department at the administration clashed with the director of the city museum. The battle of the Titans because of the Swan :) such a culture in the Long Prudence!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №138065
I'll just leave it here

The fire was first noticed by a neighbor. He went out of the house to make a bath. The man knew that there was a kind of kindergarten in the burning building, where children under the age of two are engaged. The man escaped into a stinking house, but to get to the second floor, where the children were, he was prevented by fire. He then rushed for help to the nearest fire department. In what was - in home shoes, dresses and T-shirt. The strange runner was seen by Alexei Puzanov, who was driving a car.

At first I did not pay much attention to him. There is little happening in the holidays, Alexey remembers.

And then he noticed smoke coming from the window on the second floor of the cottage. On the fence near him was hanging a sign of the "cave garden", and in the window Alexei saw the silhouette of the child and rushed to help.

I ran after my brother. There were cars standing near the burning building. People were sitting in them and shooting the fire on phones, and the brother stood up under the window of the second floor, near which the teacher was standing, - said Yevgeny Puzanov.

As Alexey said, the most difficult thing was to persuade a woman to throw the children from the second floor into his hands.

I caught the kids and then my brother and I took them into the car. They were half-clothed, in pants and pants. The children were rescued, and the teacher remained standing in the fire. I found a ladder, I climbed it and helped the woman come down. She was already very ill, the savior recalls, she was barely taken out, and the roof smelled.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138064
Lolmaus: I have only two gods to worship: Ketzalkoathl, the god of natural forces, and Acetaldehyde, the god of camels.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138063
Namster: I am a Korean, typical of the CIS, my parents lived in Sakhalin, well you understood.
One day we go with my brother from training (yes, according to all the canons of the genre), already in the evening, there are few people on the street, lights light alone. On the other side of the road, behind us, we see a bunch of yard dogs. With a little caution, we go on.

They noticed us.
When I read on the internet the bloody stories about the victims of the street gang attacks, I knew they were dangerous. They will not break into pieces - so they bite, then take injections from rabies, it is necessary to sneeze.
To reassure myself and my brother, I say:
Look at the food.)

The trouble crossed the road.
I remember the case when a friend was bitten by a domestic dog. Not the courtyard, but the house. I remembered those two holes from the cracks in his forearm.
We accelerated the step, the fatigue after training suddenly changed to fresh vigor, wanted to sleep, sports bags in sensations dramatically lost weight, and I was also ready to lose a couple of pounds on the asphalt.

The dogs went to our side with a wild loaf, a couple of dogs prepared to run away.

I turned to my brother and said:

Brother, I don’t eat so much. We go.

Here we drowned. They run like idiots XD

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138062
I once told a girl I wanted to be a game designer. She: "How is the beast?"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna