— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147085
>>Dibyloids-go oil
More tolerant should be not the dilemma, but the opposition.

Then it is not "opposition", but "opposition".
Keep the unity of style.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147084
What’s there with Meldonium and Ruthenium?

On the way there, the Russians create a fantastic four... based on Meldonium with ruthenium!!! to

But on the fantastic four, created by the Russians, I drove for two years.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №147083
by Fuck. I sit at home and look out the window. The ninth floor. The fourth of December, 16.05.
In front of the window, clutching in the glass, flattering, shit, mosquito! Remember the fourth of December.
This is a fucking mutant, able to survive a nuclear winter and suck blood from the same hell mutants and even zombies. I am scared!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №147082
XXX: Poetry from the Soviet past:

The rope is tight.
Go through, Farhad, you are the first.
Then Sharaf, then Rashid,
Then Ilya, then I too.

I've always gotten the name "Illia" here :DDD

YYYYYYYYYY Should we test missiles in Tajikistan?
XXX is AHA. Elijah at the end. But who is this "I" is a mystery :D
Then I, Isaac Davidovich Shlayma

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147081
This is some sort of apophysis of male logic! There is no education, he was in a psychic - but no thought that the girls are bored with the uneducated or scary with the former psychic, of course, the thing is that he did not find a job, of course!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №147080
All romance and romance. Flowers, chocolate and so on. I have a girl from the neighboring department at work coming in 30 minutes before I come and turning on the heater so I don’t get cold. That’s the warm feelings and feelings 😉

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147079
>> Ha walls – graffiti. “Lisa, come out for me!” My girlfriend’s name is Lisa. Seeing the inscription, she said she agreed, and immediately called her parents. Graffiti was painted by me, and in general, I wanted to break up with her because of the cockroaches in my head.

This is a classic divorce. Pierre Bezukhov also married (L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace")

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №147078
Outsider: A friend has shared. I encountered somewhere on the net on another trailer from Enlightened Teachers. No, well, it turns out that any milk is harmful (and almost fatal) to man, except for human milk - it is for taste and color. But the human, to say, the essence is the manna, panacea and generally the elixir of immortality. But then the beautiful thing follows: that is why the ruling elites enjoy bla bla bla (attention!) The Virgin Milk.

P.S I see these dairy farms.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №147077
Nikoletta15> Sexual desire should arise only after marriage.

God, you are mine... and the desire to eat should arise only after the salary?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №147076
On his 30th birthday
Olga entered the kindergarten.
I cried among the toys.
Dried in a small pot.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147075
We had a dog named Jack, lived in the yard, had a chain, a booth, a hoverboard, and so on. They let him walk for a short time, the dog was not aggressive at all, young, haughty and with a tail. He did not return home shortly. A couple of days passed and my uncle found it in a neighbor’s yard on a chain, the fencing was low, disconnected, returned to the proper place and took the note “I went home. Jack is

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147074
xxx: I have my business - I sell through the Internet "Loch certificate"
XH: 200 bucks per piece
Are you afraid of fake documents?
What kind of fake? Mentians will start an investigation to make sure that the certificate is authentic.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147073
The work of the monkey made the monkey, only a squirrel.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147072
We decided to go for the second child. A twin was born. They gave us the heat. Orals during the day, and especially at night. It was very hard. One night, my husband and I managed to sleep them. He went to the toilet. I wanted to drink. I sit in the kitchen quietly in the dark. He goes out, I am not with the children. Not in another room. I didn’t see the kitchen in the dark. No to the toilet. So it runs through the apartment. Then he runs into the kitchen, turns on the light, his eyes are shy: "I thought you ran away!" Really scared. But to confess, I had that thought.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147071
You sit all day beautiful in futuristic interiors listening to blockchain, then go out, half an hour to the parking lot on foot, melting, snow in the rain, fucking under your feet, no lights, no sidewalks, no navigation, barracks, fence.
I love the school.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147070
xxx: decided, on the wave of conscience and self-harassment, to make a list of their positive and negative qualities
The evil wins with a score of 17:4
The Fucks
Oh yeah, I’m still getting married.
th th th th th: 18:4

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147069
A hundred entrances and exits, ninety-nine of which are closed! Yes, I had not just to knock — I had to crazyly knock in the windows and doors, the closest to me and working, let there hang at least ten inscriptions that “entry only for...”! How do you, the people who work in the hospital, not understand that these doors are desperately broken by sick people in need of urgent care?! to

Well, here is the answer from people who cannot read and think. Your husband needs pulmonology or resuscitation. How will it help him if you break into a laboratory or an infectious department? Especially for you hanging schemes, but it is not a bar thing to understand.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №147068
XXX is sick. Exam of Russian in the Pyrenees.

Yes, the fifth is broken.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147067
I came from the tour terribly tired. I decided to wash first and then go to sleep. My mother woke me up and asked me to release the bathroom, as it was morning and she needed to shower and go to work.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147066
(About the old site with crumbling support)
Anon: I can imagine what becomes the code that for ten years has been drunk by a blurred genius on half-pay without any supervision or thought of continuity. So there is almost with a 100% probability everything is strange, on Dali-style shells and a little resembling the spider orgia in a spaghetti plate.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna