— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137121
There was a conference recently fucking knows who and what. A controller, a projector, a sound system, so that everyone can hear. The computer is turned on, the sound of the greeting of Winda HR is spread throughout the hall.
I think even a shot from a gun could not such silence.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137120
I want to go to space now.
Shed a bowl and fly to catch drops with your mouth like a packman

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №137119
That uncomfortable moment of solitary existence, when even the vacuum cleaner was covered with dust...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137118
If one imagines that the universe will one day shrink and there will be another Big Bang (after which, in the first hundreds of thousands of years, protons and electrons will fly apart), is it possible that the primary recombination will form completely different chemicals?

If the next superstring theory explains where the world constants came from, it may become clear whether they could have emerged from the primary singularity somehow differently. The world around us puts us in front of facts. They are so much more astonishing than the other that the poison takes, but they are, they work, huge money grows from their understanding (the GPS system works on the general theory of relativity, and on quantum physics works 90% of our current everyday life). But the question is why TaaAak??? has no answers. Maybe when our mind fills the entire universe, it will find itself nose to nose with exactly the same mind in the outer universe, which will say, say, hello, finally you grew up, you are our one-cell. This would explain a lot, but it is not science, it is religion. Moreover, it should be noted, any world religion is automatically a distortion of THIS religious feelings, lowering such super-beings to the level of the grandfather on the cloud, who in general has to do with our colony of protoslim on the camel and to some bacterial justice between its individual cells.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137117
C Geektimes

swarggg: "Piteretz" - is it how we, the St. Petersburgers, are called in other regions? That is horror!
Andersong: “The Eagles” are in solidarity with you))
Light_Metal: I personally heard the abbreviation "Yoburg" only from a person who was born and raised in Yoburg :)
And about St. Petersburg - as much as it is already abbreviated as "Peter", from here, I think, and went "Peter"
andersong: When I first heard “I’m out of the shell” I didn’t immediately understand what I was talking about)))
eisaev: It’s good that “Ufa” and “Ufimets” have nowhere to be shortened... “Ufimets”? It’s good that no one is talking so far.
Andersong: Will Uffec and Uffka get you done?
Eisaev: I did not doubt the power of folklore for a moment. Now I’ll tell everyone that I’m a full... root defect.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №137116
From the creators of the sword-cradle: Sword-cradle - let the enemies strike!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137115
aaa>> the note has the letter F
bbb>> uck!)))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137114
In general, Scots are very proud of their country and everyone who celebrates it - in souvenir shops along with T-shirts, bands and magnets lies a bunch of books about Scotland, from children's fairy tales to today's popular "Alien". But with the poor Rowling everything is quite sad (in the sense, Rowling herself is sad, and the rest is very even fun!) It seems that every Scottish knows where she started writing her famous book (and that Rowling hasn’t been there for a long time because there’s a continuous anshlag there), where she ended it (this hotel was also solemnly shown to us), where the train on which Harry went to Hogwarts (tickets for him sold out for three months ahead), what college Rowling was inspired in the process of creating Hogwarts, and where Hargrid’s house stood, which after the shootings were dismantled. The guide was very surprised why we were not interested in it.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137113
The red shift.
For students studying physics at least three:
If the wave source is removed, the wavelength is increased, if it approaches, it is reduced. What is logical: since the moment of emitting the previous wave, the source has moved. A fast approaching train whispers more than a fast departing train. From the swimmer who creeps to us, the waves that rush to the shore come more often - he catches them a little, from the floating - less often. Accordingly, the distant galaxies shine more "red," if they were approaching, they would shine more "violet."

For full humanitarian:
Get up at night on the road. The cars approaching light white lamps, the cars going away light red. What is incomprehensible?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137112
Native: so I want to sleep, I went to bed late yesterday
Yozh: What did you do?
Native: people developed their own
Yozh: Did you play civilization again?
Native: lessons with children

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137111
Rehearsal for the New Year's Morning at the elementary school, in the roles of fairy heroes 11th grade.

The Snow Queen kidnapped the Snowmen.
Santa Claus (strictly on the text of the role): What to do? How to be?
From the camp "unclean", waiting to get out on stage, a whispering voice: Could it break her liver???? to

The wicked must go out under the music, the discount is not ready, they are asked to sing something to get into the rhythm. Santa begins to sing "The Imperial March" from "Star Wars".
Double two, the unclean again needs music, Santa asked to go out. Sitting in the hall of the snowmen crawls on the mobile phone of the Rammstein Du Hust

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137110
Worse than a lonely walk in the night forest is a lonely walk with a torch. Everyone sees from a distance: Lunch is coming!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №137109
about yours

I once read a story somewhere.
There was a small child in the bus. In pants and with a short haircut.
Called a boy - crying and upset.
I said, I am a girl.
What kind of girl are you? "good girls"
What is your name?
by Vasa! He cries again.
She was Vasily.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137108
The next month, Moussa was lying in my fridge. I occasionally stumbled upon it in search of the pimples, and, overwhelmed by the girl’s memory and old-age sclerosis (in thirty years there is a harmonious balance between them), with great interest unfolded a three-layer bag, found in it an unshakable Musa, cried: “Your mother, dead rat!”“Rest in peace!” and rushed back.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137107
We sent a courier from the organization, picked up the monitor after repair, in the hands of a certificate from the organization about what has the right to sign and so on. The documents were issued, the monitor refused to give, citing the fact that the authorization does not indicate the right to accept this property. The monitor was needed. The colleague Siss, having not endured such bullying, supplemented the mandate:
The state-owned courier shall, on behalf of the company, carry out the following actions:
1st Any action with the monitor withdrawal, import, import, export, movement of the monitor with bare hands, on the cart, in the bag, in the bag, in the backpack, on the car, on the plane, on the train, on the tank, on the racing car, on the bike, on the boat and on the submarine.
Waiting for the monitor.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №137106
Boron left the trunk open for a minute, when the cat was already sitting in it. When trying to pull him out, the cat got into the corner and began to whisper. I closed my luggage and went home. Everyone has cats, right?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137105
Since the extension of the Lublin subway line to Petrovsko-Razumovskaya, my personal life has varied remarkably. I usually wait for the train near the crossing in the center of the hall. And he, I must say, is quite low. Such that the workers of the metro were even taken measures to prevent head injuries in the form of warning bright stickers on the hanging surfaces. But only on one side of this transition. And here a man, usually tall or very tall, goes from the side that has no stickers, hits his head at the wall of the transition, rubs the worn spot and discovers that there is blood. And he discovers it right next to my station. And, attention, here you need to be all-armed, he asks for wet wipes! And then the technical issue. In two weeks, three people were rescued.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №137104
When I was a kid, my dad often went on business trips. And on such days I always slept on my parent’s bed with my mom so she wasn’t afraid. He left the house, and the gas was turned off. We had a gas balloon and my mother asked a neighbor, D. Nazar, to install it. Our neighbor was good, did everything and left. I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard my mom, who was lying next to me, talking quietly with my dad!!! Who arrived at night from a trip. I was so happy to kiss him. It’s dark in the room, I’m touching his face with my hands and I don’t know why I’m telling him, “Dad is you?” He: Yes, I. And I turned out to say to him, “This is wonderful, or I thought it was Uncle Nazar.” This has become an anecdote among our families.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №137103
One day, the homes will become so smart that they will start programming their owners and boast of each other:
Look, I taught myself to squeeze in the morning.
I only go to the toilet at 7 a.m.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №137102
Have all your teeth broken?! to
Only one. You are what. 1 will be removed. Three teeth, four teeth of wisdom.
You can make a collar, which is very useful.
The collar opened. If you get a fan, you invite him to a restaurant and come in this necklace.If persistent and ask what is a cute thing, you will say that you are asking each ex-husband for a tooth, for memory. Well, here I think he should remember that he left the ointment on at home.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna