— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156437
Xxx: My cousin shrugged her eyebrows under zero, and then painted them with a pencil again. A cover of a mayonnaise bank was used as a tapestry. Because she had the perfect curve.

And then one nightmare day the sacred cover disappeared. As it turned out later, she was hidden by her mother-in-law, in revenge for the jeans taken in secret and stretched with a thick ass.

by God. What a tragedy it was. What suffering and pain. I think if a sister had lost not a cover, but a leg, or even two, she would not have been killed.

Well, yes, on my question, and in the end, you pull your eyebrows under the root, and then paint them again, they looked at me with sincere regret. Like a hopelessly sick man who was going to take a mortgage for twenty-five years and wondered why he was rejected.

Irene, you don’t understand, I’ve got the answer. by Ni-Fi

So I also still don’t know. Are their own native eyebrows not so suitable?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156436
At beauty competitions permitted cosmetics, makeup there all kinds and beautiful dresses and this moves forward the light industry and the beauty industry. It would be logical to allow doping for athletes and exosellates for heavyweights, and this would develop pharmaceuticals and high technology.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156435
Once at the parental gathering (the brother was then in fifth grade) read several works. One of them was a little girl - she described how she spent the summer in the village with her grandmother, told about high needs, labor feats and all that, in general, as they say, a five-year-old at four years old.
“But especially I would like to point out Sasha’s work... and here the teacher calls her brother’s surname, it’s definitely the best. Listen, it is just a work of art.
Then only the composition was read.
It told about how he and his grandmother were in the Botanical Garden, about the autumn nature, about how he watched the falling clay leaves, in general, all that. Moreover, the description of the process of falling the leaf extended to virtually the entire composition. But it was done so skillfully that everyone was applauded.
The only one who remained dissatisfied is the father of the above-mentioned girl, some high-ranking nomenclature worker: - We know how these works are written, parents will write, and then la-la-fa - a work of art...
Our father laughed: - You know, we have nothing to do with this work for one simple reason - we were not in Kiev with our wife, we were flying to Leningrad... Otherwise my son's work would be very similar to your daughter's work... )

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156434
How was the genius Vladimir Vysotsky right when he sang: "And it is inappropriate to remember what the theater of the MHAT appeared!"! to

[ + 34 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156433
Xxx: The fucking fucking fuck. I can't write while someone is standing next to me, it's inconvenient to stand with a whistle in your hands and wait until he leaves. The worst nightmare is to meet someone like me and we will forever be standing with scribes in our hands, unable to write until one of us leaves.

Yyy: This battle will be... wait... legendary

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №156432
Happiness is the feeling that everything is right.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156431
The grandmother locks the robot vacuum cleaner in each room for at least half an hour, so that it (I quote) “wasted the vacuum cleaner normally, rather than pick up and go to another room.”

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №156430
We have social elevators and they work very well.
Not everyone can buy an apartment in the building where they are installed.

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156429
Xxx: I am 44, offers to change jobs come 1-2 times a month.

Yyy: And always from the current work.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №156428
I live in Riga, I drive an older Audi A6, sometimes I go for spare parts to a small store. It is held by two brothers, a Lithuanian, never thought that the communication with the seller gives so many positive emotions.

I: Good morning, I need the right front upper lever.

Seller: Well what to say, if you sell a car and do not like the buyer very much, that is, China-8€, if you save a lot, then China too, but better, for a year will be enough-12€.If you respect yourself and the car then take Spain-15€, cheap and high-quality lever. Well, if you get money, then take a German for 25€, quality like the Spanish, but the box is beautiful.

Here is such a simple and obvious explanation, it is a pity that such stores are gradually giving up under the pressure of large networks.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №156427
xxx: worked in a door office, and there was a large corporate order of iron doors for the whole multi-storey. In short, the lifting of the door promised the Nihua grandmothers, because 50p for the floor is not a fur-flies in 2005. Well, we went with another guy (the former Airborne officer, I don't know the truth or not, but he had at least paratroopers "for you" and "parachute"), came to the object and wavered, the doors turned out to be heavier and raised on two entrances, four pieces to the floor and all this from the first to the sixteenth. I entered the first entrance, and the gastarbayters are already tinting the walls on the stairs. After evaluating the scale of the shit, the stological laziness and the care of one of my only backs, a shameless plan was born, reliable as a Swiss clock, with which I went to the robbery. Having explained that the doors are iron, heavy, and the stairs are narrow, and said as if we did not have to restructure after us, it is true that there is one variant: "I see a crane you have with a large crane, and what if the doors are fucked in a crane and a crane to give us?" He thought and agreed. We stumbled on the door, and ourselves walked to the 16th floor, pushed out of the balcony, prorab began to supply commands in the rack. The crane stood on the other side of the building), and we began to slowly press our doors to each floor. But then it happened, but if the first just pulled, then in the middle of them it is not so easy to get out of the swimming bath, and you have to go into it by serving your partner. Here the VDVshnik pale, said that Nougonahui and in general, the shorter I used. oh fuck, what untransmitted sensations I experienced then, it is just shit. To say that in the swinging bath with iron doors under the frozen autumn rain is scary - not to say anything, but greed and care for the health of the back turned off the fear, and we so much in a couple of hours earned very good grandmothers. I no longer thought of doing such a shit, I am afraid of fucking from the height of the table, but I was not offered such money anymore.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №156426
Those who, according to the latest fashion, constantly introduce different anglicisms, either know English too well, which is doubtful, or, more likely, have difficulties with Russian.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №156425
In the 1980s, an interesting incident occurred at the Yai Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots. One of the pilot zones for course flights was located next to the airway. A student on an independent flight saw an An-24 flying nearby, and decided to upgrade. He flew closer, shook his wings (type, I’m so cool!) and went. What was his surprise and the surprise of the flight manager when the same AN-24 landed behind him? The civil pilot justified himself: "A military fighter flew, swung its wings and turned to the left, which according to international rules means 'After me!'. I have 40 passengers behind me. I obeyed...”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №156424
Have you smoked for a long time?
25 years.
Did you start at 5?
In fact, I am 42.
You look great!
It is already alcohol.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №156423
XXX: I have a friend. Such a loss is difficult to imagine. One day, he was stolen his phone, asking for my phone to call. As expected, not a subscriber. He decides to go to the police. We enter, take a pass, we are asked to hand over phones and other things that cannot be carried on the list. I gave my own, well, a friend, gets his jacket out of his inner pocket and also gives it to the officer. I think this is the quickest detection of a crime by our police officers. Even the statement was not accepted.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №156422
My 5 year old son asked for a sister. My wife and I explained, now there is no money, we subvert and buy. I came back yesterday, tired. I sit on the couch, my son comes in and screams at me:

Why don’t you work? ! to My sister lacks money and he is at home.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №156421
xxx: I once had a neighbor on the staircase, a young couple, 25 years old.

The guy is a small thin, and his girlfriend is generally an inch - a meter with a cap height and weight for the appearance of kilograms 40-45, the voice is quiet, thin.

So from them periodically sounded such sounds, like an adult bear with a dull knife cut into pieces, and he, why then, roars to the lord with the phrase "daaaaaaaaaaaaaa, eeeeeeeeeee, gooooopoddi."

I met this guy someday, I say - friend, you would be there quieter with a girlfriend somehow, I understand, the process is fascinating, not to self-control, but people are around, you do not live in the field.

And he says, “This is the cross, it’s not me, it’s the cross. The first time, he said, he swallowed himself, then got used to it.

The march did not lie - when they ran away, he left, and she brought a new man and the sounds were the same.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156420
Take the advice as the rule: "Everyone is allowed to be wrong" - and you get rid of any disputes.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №156419
Very full aunt Olya, who always knows everything much better than others, asks little Masha with strict educational notes in her voice:
How good is your big finger?
Masha pulls her finger out of her mouth and answers:
He will not fill!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №156418
The mortgage was refused because of the low income, and the child benefit because of the high income. The middle class, the fool.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna