— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116412
You will be surprised, but the muscles of men who are unable to move their legs are just strong. Simply put, the muscles, being strong, also have volume, and therefore, in order to keep the knees together in a sitting position, they have to consciously make continuous efforts on their muscles, swing, otherwise they immediately split their legs apart. Anatomy of c. And some of us, who pumped their hands stronger, fail to reach their fingers to their shoulder: the biceps interferes. But to you, Hamu with the ends-of-spikes, all this, of course, is unknown.
— — — —
Not a shit. I have never seen men in my considerable experience in the hoverboard who would hover the inner surface of the thighs on the corresponding trainers. The girls are crawling all the time. And something of us pumped hips with poppy do not prevent us from sitting normally.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №116411
The helicopter simulator/trainer was adapted for Australia. The customer demanded to add a kangaroo herd as a detail of the landscape. The performer acted harshly, made a kangaroo model and glued it with the copy/paste method to the infantry logic, changing only the movement module. As a result, when the helicopter at the reception passed over a herd of kangaroos, they dispersed, re-grouped and shot down the helicopter with a rocket on the second stop.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116410
After the interview, I hear conversations in the hallway. "Everything is okay, but without the mud we can not immediately form". This is so straightforward and without clues, I think. I look at the door opposite. Table "Chief of staff Blatt G. M."

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №116409
It is naive:

It does not smell bad, you must have dirty underwear in your closet.
The baskets in the bathroom are not for the weak, detective.

Tell me, but I don’t wear my clothes to that state when it starts to smell?
Of course, some have unhealthy foot fungus, when the socks really after a couple of hours start to smell, but not everyone is the same.
= = = = = = = = =

Adenoids should have been removed in childhood. And the smells would feel normal, and the lack of oxygen on development would not affect.

An anecdote on the subject:
She goes to the doctor and says she has a mysterious illness.
“Doctor, my stomach turns terribly, but when I shoot, there is no sound or smell.
I'll give you the pills now, drink them for a week and show me again.
In a week.
Doctor, what have you done? My stomach is still turning, only now my gases have a totally awful smell!
- Well, the nose we, think, healed, now we fly our ears...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116408
Q: Can I go in front of you?
WOW: You can, what is the question?
Well, they say, like if you pull on someone, he will be lazy.
Fuck, someone has pulled me up.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №116407
I’ve been thinking my whole life I’ve had more or less computers, but when she told me she bought a paid deposit subscription to download Adobe Acrobat, I became much more suspicious.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116406
Discussion of the situation in Belarus:
I propose to introduce paid lighting for pedestrians in Belarus (so far). Instead of buttons we put bill receivers: 500 rubles = 1s. The tariff is preliminary. The maximum value is 10,000 = 60s. The timer is removed every 5 minutes."

(The Russians took the heart from the price)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116405
One day, my colleague and I went to the store for food. Behind the shelf was a tall man, very brutal in appearance. A colleague, turned to him - Girl, tell me, and you have a bowl in pieces or broken? Yes is. The man answered melancholy. Characteristically, questions did not follow.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116404
xxx: >>>yyy: I didn’t have Skype for a month 2
XXX: What a phrase!
XXX: and then regular Skype

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116403
My brother in the guests met my acquaintance, they somehow liked each other. In a couple of weeks, I ask, I say, how are you and Masha. I get the answer:

We showed each other pictures of our cats. This is a serious relationship!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №116402
Not only are you here angry and spit hatred literally in everyone. People, animals, insects, socks are all equally hated with a furious fury. You are also terrible boring. For any, literally any quotation, no matter annoying or fun, not related to any mess, there is immediately a boredom that goes down to correct, refute, scratch your FAQ or simply add anyone who is not interested "and I have here". Are you like that in Real? Terrible boredom, boring and boring boredom!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №116401
I went to work early to get everything done. I was so happy that I had a lot of time and can be a little distracted that I never did anything.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №116400
This whispering no worse than the hoodie and whispering louder than the wolf, the roaring beast with huge nails really frightened me. The transformation was incredible. Her nails were healthy. By the way, when he thought to wrap his hands with a towel and take the pigeon away, the pussic drove from the second floor along with the prey. Hours after two, they found in the bushes, sliding out, calmed down, clearly full and satisfied.
This is one of the most important things in the world.
I lived in Siam for 13 years. The furliest creature that could be taken for the back legs and raised so that it hanged vertically down with the head, barely reaching the front to some support. And she hanged quietly, barely hearing a whisper. But if you start behind the ear - the dissatisfied whispering turned into a satisfied whispering. Anyone could do this with her.
So here. At the landscape, this murmuring dispersed all the dogs in the district, including the neighboring black terrier (the calf weighs under 70kg. There was a drone, after which I forgot how to jump a half-meter fence between our sections). Eat all that is alive, except the two-legged straight walkers.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №116399
In Daveca, a friend told a case in a large company where he works:

At the General Meeting, the Director (D) reports to the employee (C), who is the head of the department:

D – So, C, tell everyone at what time you came to work today?
C-D, you met me at the entrance and looked at the clock, what was the question?
D. I want everyone to hear it.
C - At 9-40 (working day with them from 8-30. the whole hall was swollen)
D – And despite this, you, Mr. C, are rushing down the hallway for coffee!
C - But after all, if the day does not start with coffee - you will not normal productivity!
A good coffee chef always stands on the table in the morning.
I’ve never seen anything on your coffee table. HDD

Applause in the hall, curtains.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №116398
Stisha when she was a kid (years 2,5-3) jumped on the bed. Naturally, everything covered laughed to the center. I absolutely calmly say to her: "Well, brush out of bed...." and suddenly the eyes of the goat became damp and she spoke to me: "I'm a goat, a goat, I can't, like a cat, speak a goat!"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №116397
Fuck, boy, tell me at least what the man did to your Sevka that the cat did him that way?
Heathers are already poisoned.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116396
"Write us a standard model contract. This is in every legal framework".
This is roughly the same as "You need to make a standard website. The most ordinary. This is the Internet."
I hope I explained well :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №116395
by Noskosrač
My, when I lived alone, was such a purple-accurate, the house always shone, everything was in its place - well, just a look. And what do you think, after less than a year of living together, I started throwing socks under the coffee table in the living room. Well, throwing and throwing, somehow I’m going to wash, and he was just at home, I say to him, “Bring your socks cemetery here,” so he immediately said, “Why a cemetery?” Why, why, so it looks like a brother’s grave under the table. The most important thing, without anger said and forgot. Only after that your shit came to know that he hasn’t done it since then, and it’s been six years. Thank you guys for the uplifting mood!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116394
In reality, it is a little more difficult with verbal sting, but you can also learn to cope with it. I had lunch in the company of beautiful women. and listened.
And she. and he. Her ass is thick. The paper contains it. And he has angry eyes, like a drug addict, well, like a drug addict, a girl.
He listened again, he listened. When I was noticed and haunted on the topic of "and Yulia will not go to lunch with us anymore", polite coughed and:
“You know, when someone is chatting with me, I imagine he comes home to his forty cats, goes to bed, and they starve his face.

Then came silence.

laugh_with me

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №116393
And we have a clue where to put the socks. The cat will find and move where it wants.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna