— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №102129
Men lie, however, as always, rushing and canyoning to get under the shirt of another fool. Oh-oh, my wife doesn’t give me half a year, and she doesn’t understand at all, but here’s you! Other women pretend to act if they really need sex.
Being the mistress of a married man is not good. But if there are few good men? I didn’t hear about his wife. And when I saw and talked, I almost fell from the chair - a smart, beautiful, with humor! She would fuck her! In general, we’ve been friends... And he’s shy as he rotates on a bowl, scared... well him!
— — —
Fuck it with her. Why not? She, like her husband, is lacking.
And he told you a lie about "half-year sexless".
I end this way:
Two friends see an incredibly sexy girl on the street. One: "Look at what it is!" The other: "Imagine how she has already caught someone ("

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102128
<Melody> my son once just arranged the resemblance of hysteria in the store...he was 4.5 years old and he tearfully begged to buy him Tampax, because Snickers and Mars he has already tried:)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №102127
Collection of news:
"In the center of Moscow a man was robbed for 20 million rubles" 03.04.2013;
In the center of Moscow a man was robbed for 19 million rubles" 15.08.2014;
Prochozhego was robbed in Moscow for 12.5 million rubles on 18.08.2014;
The crisis is not stealing ;)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №102126
It is not about shortcomings, but lack of experience.
As a rule, if a girl is beautiful, clever, with an affair, etc., but at the same time one, especially if she is over twenty years old – she, first, just doesn’t know where to look for a couple, how to flirt, how to let someone know who she likes, that he likes her, because she once did not learn, and then it became as if it was too late and the circle closed. Second, she is afraid that she and her inexperience will be laughed at. Third, they are afraid of being foolish. There are a lot of good guys, but there are also a lot of goats, and she, due to inexperience, cannot distinguish immediately. If no one ever loved her, she has a very low self-esteem, and she doesn’t want anyone to understand it and take advantage of it.
And very often no image of “who I would like to see next to me” has such a girl. Where will she take it, if she did not have a relationship and about the desired qualities of a loved one has only a hypothetical idea, often far from reality.

Author, how do you know me?? to

Author, where are you driving?? to

Believe it or not, but among the representatives of both sexes there are people who have not learned in time (and all because they are accustomed to understanding life by books).

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №102125
XXX Good night!
YYY : good
XXX: More opportunities for communication at night. In addition to "Hello!" and "How do you do" you can ask "why don’t you sleep?" :)
YYY: Yes Yes
YYY: Why are you not sleeping?
I can't sleep without knowing what you're doing.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №102124
Thank you to all who participated in the discussion!
"Sunny!"- This is just how I now turn to my treasure. He seems to like it – at least in response to murmuring)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №102123
I will answer:

Why are men so attracted to women who are satisfied with others? She doesn’t need you at this moment in her life.

Because she doesn’t have a glowing banner on her forehead: I’ll get married! It is urgent!"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №102122
of the nurse)

I signed up for a week for three to remove the moles to the surgeon. has arrived. It turned out that my surgeon broke my leg, instead of her in the office a very young surgeon (X) and nurse (M) of pre-retirement age. I explained why I came - such frightened eyes I had not even seen in my cat when seeing a vacuum cleaner.
Take a scalpel and cut it out!
X (appellant, grabbing the phone): Maybe we call I.V. and ask what to do?
I: You are scaring me!
Nothing, it is in the last row – you have a lot of time!
I won’t say it reassured me, but I took the risk. The last word of the nurse:
A praise to the youth! Like a textbook!

The nurses are driving.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №102121
Talk about a wandering cat.

Do you think at this age it can be taught to the pot and so on?
YYY: I think in your 21s it can already be done.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №102120
General Drozd: Most of the work in our army is done by the force of the spirit.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102119
Maximal @almaximal:
The European Championship is an idiotic abbreviation.
You read sports booklets - how to meet with gopniks:
What about football?
What about curling?
What about the Greco-Roman War?
What if I find?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102118
I will arrive halfway as agreed! I am 10 minutes late.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №102117
Theme of education of the growing generation (from the lives of others):

A momma with two children and a bunch of bags goes to the garbage, dangerously looking at the bombardment business-going in the tank. Giving the eldest daughter of 7 years a pack of garbage, the mom whispered her words: "The main thing is not to get a bomb on the head...."

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №102116
Advertising at the salon-parfumery SPb: "New lamps with vitamin D"

Please give me my universe back.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102115
If the ordinary wizard blows his fist, the coin disappears.
If extra-class wizards blow, half of the country’s budget disappears.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №102114
We drive three cars to one acquaintance to help with the construction.
The key point: all former fellow servicemen, starters, submarines.
The whole crowd filled in the two rear cars, and in the first car, the seats were lowered and a healthy blue oxygen balloon for gas welding was placed on them. And they drowned 90-100 km / h.
At the first steep turn, the balloon rolled around the cabin and hit the stand. "Jigul" stood on two wheels, as in an autoroid, and, without decreasing the speed, flew into the bow. Throughten there ten meters, beautifully slowed in the pine, and the balloon with shell went into the forest through the front glass.
We ran to the “Jigulienko” with the screams:
You are how? The living?! to
The driver opened his eyes and whites his lips:
- Torpedo section - I report: the torpedo has been shot!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №102113
Sidorov writes to his dean every day that he was very successful in the special forces of the GRU, and he is taught there to kill.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №102112
xxx: brought a bag of apples, share the recipe for charlotte
Vauu: eggs, sugar, margarine, brew, flour and apples of course.
I have only pain, what else can I replace?
I want to cook the compot, the recipe to tell?))

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №102111
This is:

Invented here to treat the teeth for money, the girl administrator requires a passport. Well, I was angry - for the money, and also her passport! No, I say with myself. – F.I.O. Well, I was carried without a passport: - Baghdadi al-Emir bin Zayed, I say (black hair). He recorded. The place of work? Fath al Islam! This is what? The organization is so radical. Is it radical? This is kind of charity ?

==== is

A contract is required for the treatment of the teeth. Yes, and a medical card is produced, even in private clinics, where they are treated for cash, so that it is stupid in the case of repeated appeals to know what they have done before.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №102110
masculine logic, meaningless and merciless

stinking unwashed body, unfresh underwear, horse sweat, onion-black garlic deodorant (choose the desired component, they are sometimes all in a complex, often one), the male curves his nose if the girl standing in a row is a little overwhelmed with perfumes.
You see it smells.

PS Old man Romualdich smelled his whirlwind and was enchanted

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna