— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №111689

“The King Makes the Switch”

I parked at the door of Sberkassy.
I walked and was bored, spinning the wheels of my car, while my son in the neighboring neighborhood, somewhere in the middle of the gym, pulled the dust out of his boxing bags.
Here on the door of the sberkassy went out to smoke three heroes - the incassor.
Not bad anymore, at least a spectacle. Two larger and one smaller. All in armor and armor.
Soon, an ordinary man came out of the door with a small black wallet in his hand.
Lopohiy fighter, and he was apparently the eldest, showed his gesture, say, "work", the incassors threw cigarettes into the urn and moved friendly for the protected object - a man with a portfolio.
I still thought: for the rich have a difficult life, without protection nowhere. I wonder what’s in his wallet? Apparently not money, already very thin, not much will go there, from power, packs five. Not the amount that three armed guards followed him to the teeth, and still looked at him with anxiety. Oh, and their machines got stuck, as if they were about to start shooting.

I will never know what this man has in his wallet. Maybe a diamond or a Fabergé egg? Or maybe a billion paper for the presentator?
I wonder which car will they sit in?
The passers stopped and also watched the procession with interest.
And the man, meanwhile, did not rush, went down the ladder, his sight was quite calm and confident and he did not even turn to his protection.
But what is? The guarded object with its portfolio, entered the crowd at the bus stop and stopped, as if together with everyone was going to wait for the route.
Even I was caught with some fuzzy anxiety, everyone present also did not take their eyes off the man and his automakers.
And here, the loophole incassator, loudly:

- Well, all, our mission on this is over, the cargo is entirely on your responsibility.

The man looked around, scaredly looked at his guard and wept:

A A A A A?

He obviously wanted to say something else, but for some reason did not say, and Lopouchi continued:

- The wallet is better to hold with both hands and tightly press to the body, or little or no.

The guards turned and left without saying goodbye.

The object, suddenly left without protection, drove under the eyes of people, instinctively pressed the portfolio to himself and, looking back and forth, quickly walked along the road, on the move, voting to passing cars. Brake some killed "Jigul", without negotiating jumped into it and the car escaped behind the turn.

What fucking thing? Why did a man in such a responsible moment, with all the people, abandon the guard? Better without her. This is idiotic service.

Meanwhile, satisfied incassors climbed the stairs and smoked again at the entrance to the sberkass.
I could not stand it and modestly asked:

Do you not feel sorry for the man? You put him in. What if they are robbed without you?

Three righteous men stumbled and Lopohyi replied:

- Yeah, they didn't have him, he came to Sberkassa for the "communal" to pay. People just like to joke. First, he joked with the cashier, such as, "And your mother doesn't need a son-in-law?" and then, for some reason, he cried out to her, "What about you, here on the announcement of the most stupid, without a sense of humor are recruited?"
And we are also alive people and on April 1st we also have the right to joke a little.
Now let him run, look around and laugh.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111688
Did you know that if you first reduce your salary by 15%, and then raise it by 17%, it will still result in less than the original salary?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №111687
I am stuck on the Latvian border. I am reading about a completely ruined Russian industry. Near me in Latvia slowly pass nine cars with "Nivami".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111686
here here :
What if I put the Ring of Almighty on a member?

A lot of people have a fox over their brains, and you want to give him the ring of Almighty?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111685
and XXX:
I saw an advertisement on the column:
"A young family with a dog of the Slavic appearance will take the apartment"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111684
<Bender> Angelofnet: You broke our hopes
<Angelofnet> Bender: And there were many of them in the VAC – those hopes?
<Bender> Angelofnet: Yes
<Angelofnet> Bender: Collect the pieces and lay them on the garden trail. Call it "The Trail of Hope".
<Bender> Angelofnet: go short
<Angelofnet> Bender: Don’t wait. © by
<Bender> Angelofnet: and again you broke hope :(
<Angelofnet> Bender: You seem to have a whole warehouse of unliquid hopes there.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111683
by Habr
Lukashes: My neighbor confused Java and JS, he’s now in the army :)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111682
Eighth, it is time to sleep. I read: "Continue degu at home is recommended by same-sex couples."
xxx: I am wondering why a normal family can’t have this puppy.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111681
Next to the pharmacy, the man at the window of the elderly uncle asks: "Give something for the kidneys". Well, the pharmacist, as it should be - where the prescription, go to the doctor, maybe not the kidneys. And I just finished honey and boast: "You know how to check - kidneys or not? - you need to get up on the heels and sharply down on the heels, if the kidneys - it will hurt.
Guess what 7 people did at the same time?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №111680
Meeting at Gazprom:
Discount to Ukraine!
Heroes with discount!
by Anchous

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111679
What if I put the Ring of Almighty on a member?

He will disappear.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111678
to there:

In general, the classic classification is:
Girls before puberty
Before the first sexual act
The woman is everyone else.


Have you read dictionaries? Who invented this stupid classification? I quote Ozhegova:

The girl:

1st The face of the female sex at the age of transition from adolescence to youth. Boys and girls.

2nd A person who has reached sexual maturity but has not yet entered into marriage.

Three A young maid, a maid in a bar house.) is

and 4. Appeal to a Young Woman (Rasp.and "

No references to virginity and other nonsense.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111677
The son grew up... At the end of the New Year’s Morning, Santa asked the hall playfully: “What do people love the most?”" All the children shouted “Presents!”", and Oleg – “Money!”" and “Power!”".

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №111676
xxx: the dating site suddenly sent a spam "Hello, Imerek Batkovich! "Johnny, 31" with %sitename% wants to meet".
xxx: Interestingly, it’s nothing that eight years ago on this same site I met "Anna, 24" and the outcome of dating will soon go to school?
No, guys, you won’t put me in this shit a second time.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111675
<ibh> our office is engaged in import substitution
<ibh> replaces European imports by Chinese

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111674
The 21st century is in the courtyard, and the billboards from the books are still without losses.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111673
I thought I knew my husband as an outcast after 22 years of living together, three children and a mortgage. But yesterday he surprised me. The daughter stumbled into the school, which will bring a splintered rubber sova. Starting at night, it doesn’t work. My daughter in tears. The husband regretted and spelled this frog on video instructions from the internet!
And before this, when the husband sought instructions for the daughter, it was quite predictable: "When the cat had nothing to do, he... licked, "what only the gentlemen do not pair up with people," "that it is a whole industry of such a stupid occupation."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111672
The children pulled out the veranda, like a flock of elephants - and they were only three! I opened the veranda today. I put a note on the door to understand. The first was a pediatrician, calling the daughter in the morning. At first I didn’t understand why she looked at me that way. When I went, it finally came...
Q: Can the content of the note?
XXXX: "Rise up where you stand! In this way you will preserve my purity and your life.
UUU: And in the evening, the pediatrician at some pediatric forum will post a photo of your ad and comment: well, what patients have come to! They would just ask, I would break up, I and the Bachiles were with us, why threats! :D

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111671
And nothing that the "bowl" is exactly the same mark of unmarriedness as the "girl", so that a lady who is offended by an insulting recording in the old-fashioned, is just as offended by the "bowl". Furthermore, the "barrel" is formed from the "barrel" and, accordingly, the "barrel" - which in the country after eighty years of chronic socialism sounds wild.

I call all the strangers on the street or there in the rows "sorry, please". Adolescents, indeed, sometimes chick over what is about them at "You", but it’s not scary.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111670
Forums for U.S. Visa:
Q: When working in the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Occupation to choose OTHER and write for example CULTURE?
A : Yes. Or KHUYACHECHNAYA. Sorry, I did not hold up.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna