— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №153490
It all happened in 1998, when I was 6 years old. In August, there was pain in the stomach. Mom, of course, immediately pulled me to the doctors, suspecting appendicitis, but the doctors of ultrasound in the focus do not see it. I remember it all, 20 years have passed. In the middle of the night, I was taken home to the wing. The child surgeon was a relative of family friends. The city is small and there is only one hospital. He sent to a really wonderful ultrasound doctor who immediately saw and said, literally, he was like an adult man was swollen!

Then I remember nothing exactly, an operation like appendicitis broke out while being taken to the hospital. I do not know exactly when it broke out, but peritonitis did not appear disappointingly. Then, a week later, a second operation due to peritonitis. The surgeon then found the contacts of his father. He called, drove, forced to bring medicines, syringes. I remember 98 years. There is no security in hospitals. On the nerves after the second operation while I was lying with drainage tubes, the surgeon broke my leg from nervous itching. I learned this at a more conscious age.

Of course, I remembered the names and the surgeon and the doctor of ultrasound. Especially since during the daily visit the surgeon was kind and very kind. My childhood consciousness remembered him forever.

And then, many years later, when it was time to get a medical certificate for a driver’s license, I read it at the surgeon’s office. Until the murders. I go, standard questions, and I say to him: You saved my life in the 98s. He looked at me, smiled modestly and dropped his eyes into the papers with the same smile "I saved many people's lives."

P.S. Yes, he learned, greeted his mother, asked about life, after retirement he works in a paid department, where mostly certificates are issued.

P. P. S. He also went to the ultrasound doctor, now he works in a children's hospital and he is trusted even by the smallest. And he also recognized me, even removed the record from the archive with my case.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №153489
My mom and dad divorced when I was only one and a half years old.

We moved to my grandmother and grandfather, my mother studied and worked, and my whole family looked after me as much as possible. My father first visited me sometimes, and then he stopped coming.

When I was 2.5 years old, my aunt, who lived with my parents at the time, got married. And so it turned out that her future husband turned out to be my father’s heavy.

On the day she decided to introduce her future husband to his parents, in the house it was actively discussed, say, today we will come to Kolya (name changed)

And then, in the evening, the door opens, a guy enters, and I shout "Daddy" and jump on his arms.

Apparently, in my childhood brain, a chain was built that once Cole means daddy, and I rarely saw daddy and how he looked - apparently I did not remember.

Imagine yourself in the place of a guy - he comes to meet the parents of the bride, and to him from the threshold flies "daughter" and hangs on his neck))) Another would be confused, probably, but he said "well, daughter" and began to talk to me.

They have been married to my aunt for many years and have two children.

He danced with me at high school, cried at my wedding, and when asked how many children he has, he still says he still has an older “daughter.”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №153488
Again, the presidential administration was very surprised by Rosstat's latest data on the poverty level in Russia. And it’s not surprising if some of its employees spend more on New Year’s celebrations than the average Russian earns a year. and :)

© Dmitry Sviridov

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №153487
Sberbank of Russia blocked a bank card. I was contacted by the Sberbank Security Service. I was asked if I transferred Grechko money to Oleg Mikhailovich or not. I said translated. Then they asked for a code word. I said, write... slit... headlines...
X...E...R English... V as a barrel... Zet... A... D.
Security officer Ekaterina Nikolaevna (not remembering the name) recorded, and then suddenly said that for this, the Sberbank of the Russian Federation blocked my card and threw the tube.

It is offensive. It is a pity that they were blocked. Mainly, the cards are not collected, they are also blocked.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №153486
Are you a Jew by father or mother?
by the situation.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153485
A realist is a person who, during a dispute between an optimist and a pessimist about a half-full or half-empty glass of vodka, silently approaches and drinks a controversial vodka.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №153484
My friend was very worried that she was pregnant, but was embarrassed to go to the pharmacy to buy a test. So today I went there for her, brought 4 pieces, and they all turned out to be positive. I asked myself how she was able to do so.
Now she sat next to me and cried on my shoulder, and then asked:
How will I keep four children at once?
You know, all my questions immediately disappeared, and I am no longer surprised that she flew.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №153483
Doctor, I need to lose weight.
Have you finally taken care of your health?
I have a conflict of sins.
How is it?
I cannot commit adultery.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №153482
A few years ago, I met a neighbor in the country. I was 35 and my neighbor and his wife were 50. We talked long and fun with him on the site and easily switched to "you". He also introduced me to his wife.

The next day, I decided to go back to my neighbor for a question. I approached the cottage and pressed the phone. Kaliku came to open his wife. I looked at her strict and serious face, which did not allow even the thought of panibratic relationships. I was confused and confused I could only ask, "Aunt Olya, and Lesha at home?"

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153481
I have a friend, Andrei. He works as a waitress in a restaurant. It tells us what customers are getting.

There is often a police officer there. The waiters do not like to serve him, because he is forever strangled and gives little.

One day, a group of young people came to the restaurant. We went for a walk and ordered the most expensive. And when Andrew brought them the bill, they got the cash, stated that they are not going to pay and can put everyone here.

At this point, the same general, dressed in uniform, comes in and says, “Good, Andrew. Do me as always.”

The crooked instantly hid their quives, quickly paid off and melted.

Since then, the general is the most desirable guest in the restaurant.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №153480
There are times when losing an iPhone is much worse than a conscience.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №153479
One of my favorite psychological effects is the Rosenthal effect. It is that the quality of our expectations affects the outcome of our actions.

Here is a simple example. In 1963, psychologist Robert Rosenthal proposed to his students to teach rats to go through labyrinths. He told half of the students that their rats were geniuses, the other half that their rats were stupid. Those who trained “capable” rats achieved better results than students who trained “stupid” rats. There was no difference between the rats.

This experiment has been repeated many times in different contexts. For example, teachers were given different classes and they were told that some were smart students, while others were not very smart. In fact, there was no difference between the students, but it was not difficult to guess which teachers they achieved the greatest success.

If I tell you, “Believe that you will succeed,” it will sound like the banal advice of a success guru. But I’m still convinced of the Rosenthal effect, so I’ll say differently.

If you do not have a drop of faith in what you will succeed, should you be surprised that in the end nothing has succeeded?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №153478
Natasha, hello to you! What is busy?
I watch football on TV.
Who is playing with whom?
I have no idea.
For whom are you sick?
Since I was a child, I have been involved with the team that defends the left gate.
So they change the gates after the first half!
It does not stress at all...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №153477
I had my birthday yesterday. But no one cancelled the working day, so at 11 am I go to the office. Here is a call from the department where I am working as a docent. I raise the phone:

Will you come to New Year’s Eve?

No, I say, not before that.

Do you have a doctor?

Well, I prepared for this all: “oh, thank you, oh, what are you...”

and me:

- Well, buy us then German cakes with a discount, they have an action for those who have DR!



[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №153476
I went past the playground today, and there is a play area with hills, skyscrapers, etc. It is very light, not high and not scary. A little boy (3-4 years old) walked slowly along her, and a curved mommy followed him on his heels.

A grandmother was sitting next to the bench.

Alka and Alka? She called.

What is Mom? The woman stopped on the hill and held the child behind the hood.

Can you tell me what Andrew will be when he grows up?

A strange question. They will grow up and decide for themselves.

(My grandmother was laughing)

How will he decide if you don’t let him do it yourself?

The mother stumbled a little and reluctantly let the child play.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153475
Sometimes they come from friends / acquaintances in the social network. in the grid messages, such as "vote in the contest by reference to *this-that*, the child very much wants to win". I always go through the reference and vote, but not for the one for whom they asked, but for the one whose work was the best, in my opinion.

We do not have the most talented leaders, but those who are loudest.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №153474
The straight line with the President is the curved mirror of our lives.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №153473
It was long ago. 1996 or 1997.
Those who lived in Crimea then remember this hungry and banditic time.

Early in the spring morning on the sea shore under Evpatria, a company of drunken half-boomers found a swallow, confused in the networks. A grown-up man released her, holding her firmly in his arms, like a panic goose in the film "12 chairs". The prisoner did not even resist, apparently overnight completely out of power.
Immediately began to discuss various commercial projects - to sell it alive to some rich man, to slay and then to sell, to roast itself.

And 30 meters from the shore, a second swan was swimming.
He swam quietly but somehow nervously, five meters in one direction, five meters in the other.
He just knocked down once, and everyone turned to him.

And here someone from the channels, remembering, apparently, the song of Yevgeny Martynov "Lebbin's Faithfulness", suddenly said:
If we take her, he will kill himself!

Everyone trembled immediately.
Panikovsky released the bird, and she, raising her wings and bending on her legs, bowed to the edge of the water to reunite with the narrow.
Touching their necks, the swan swam to the horizon.

It is a rare case when humanity has overcome greed.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №153472
The three-day negotiations came to an impasse.
The cat thinks the tree should lie.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №153471
Under the Soviet authority there were priests who were called popes, now a circle of popes who demanded to call them priests.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna