— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №153470
A story about a real young adult.
Together with my wife, we try to make the world better. Not only in the word, in which we are all masters, but also the flower/tree plant, the garbage in recycling... Wife, breaking through my active skepticism, still an active volunteer "in the world of animals", on the topic of saving cats-dogs. She also saw in her forums a request to take, to a non-close children's home (according to the new fashion - Center of social assistance for children) in the Kaluga province, New Year's gifts for children.
And what, there is time, 350 verses in one direction - not at all for a crazy dog. I supported.
The organizer was a miniature girl Elena. She has no cars herself. I saw Elena a couple of times, a year ago, when on a similar occasion brought and unloaded in her garage (as it turned out later - rented) things on a similar occasion. I remembered that it caused unfathomable irritation. Everything seems to be right and the thing is good, but when you wait for an indication from it: where to unload, what to do - can think, freeze for an instant-other thing.
Well, okay, agreed, not easily loaded (this is in a healthy crossover!) Wealth is gone. They were warned that the girl is stepping, sat next to him. The wife, periodically overwhelmed with toys, reconciled with the corner from behind. All the way, Elena was silent, sometimes it was noticeable that she was hard on the road, but she did not complain.
Arrived in the children's home, the children expected immediately hanged on a visitor known to her. The gifts have begun, everyone is happy! The children’s home was surprisingly wellined. The leader is a wonderful woman who puts all her soul into children, and this explained a lot (I don’t write names, those who know will understand). She has adopted/adopted a lot of children and what is important (!) It brings everyone into people! Everyone has education, everyone works, everyone loves it!
On the way back to Moscow, the tour organizer spoke. Elena has been an active volunteer for several years and currently oversees about 30 children’s homes away from Moscow. All children's homes are selected for her if necessary in providing assistance. Every month I personally travel to three of them, all on translators. The rest is provided as it can, through the same volunteers with personal cars. Collect on the network what can, sort and transmit. It is not difficult, but troublesome.
The usual, in general, story for the volunteer worked out, but something was embarrassing. And it turned out:
Girl 17 years old. A total of 17 years. The schoolgirl. She had previously been in a group with other volunteers, but they learned that she was a minor and refused to take her with them. So it was organized on the same day and for several years (!) They provide assistance to three children’s homes. One one! Three Dozens! Far from the capital! A small, fragile introverted girl, incredibly shy and modest, raised in a complete Moscow family, in love with her parents, talented in many ways, she decided to give love to those who need it. Alone and contrary. The word to me, a healthy (for her) uncle for 50 years was afraid to say at the meeting, but when I gathered and spoke, I did it as an adult - in business, collectively and concisely. I saw her as equal to myself. She walks alone in cities and cities. A lot has happened. Parents are no longer protesting. They reconciled. He also participates in mass events. He sings songs at the city festivals. In front of thousands of audiences! He plays ballet. When my wife and I understood everything, we could not even discuss it. As they drove out Helena, they kept silent to the house. Imagine the degree of responsibility and motivation of a person. Your kids can do that, and you?
N.B Anyone who knows who I am – be sure that at least 101% of your help reaches the recipients. On the way to the children only adds. Thanks to this young adult!

All the best for you! Stay like that, Elena.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №153469
and Fima! I see you’re not in the mood today.

So... we went with Sophia to divorce... we didn’t get there...

So how is it?

They fought...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153468
Somewhere 15 years ago, immediately after the divorce, found a job in a gas station, an operator. There was no choice at all. No education, no experience, my daughter is 3 years old. There is not much work in our small town. Asking for help was not convenient. I worked a day in two, from 7 a.m. to 7 a.m. The daughter was brought to the kindergarten at 6, was taken to the cook to the kitchen, in the evening asked one parent from the group and she brought her to me for gasoline, there and spent the night, and in the morning from work back to the garden or home. And this was learned by the educator, Love Anatolievna, a very good woman, aged 55. The kids adored her. She approached me, asked about everything and offered to take my daughter to sleep with me when I had 24 hours. She recently buried her husband and, as she said, she needed someone to take care of. I have agreed. Love Anatolievna told her fairy tales every night, taught her to read, they were sewing and drawing. She even bloomed. And everyone was pleased. So it lasted for six months, and then I changed work, but the daughter continued to visit the teacher, sometimes with a night stay. Of course, I gave her gifts (the money she categorically did not take), bought foods, guests and congratulated with all the holidays. We loved her like our grandmother. Years later, I remember her with great warmth. Unfortunately, she died a few years ago. He was the best teacher.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153467
The space grew, the space grew and ceased to grow.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №153466
A million in beer.
It happened in the United States.
The 24-year-old Carson King came to the NCAA student basketball league match with a poster on which it was written: "My Bush Light beer stocks need to be replenished!" On the poster he indicated his account in the payment system Venmo.
The game was broadcast by the largest American TV channel ESPN. Before the match, they began broadcasting the show "College GameDay", during which the hosts periodically made inscriptions from the stadium. One of them was King with his poster. The guy did not know that he was shown on national television, and was very surprised when after half an hour the amount of donations exceeded $400. And after the amount began to grow rapidly, he decided to transfer the money to the local hospital, which is headed by the University of Iowa.
This action was learned in the payment system Venmo and in the beer company, which produces "Busch Light". Both organizations promised that each of them would give the hospital the same amount that King would collect.
A week later he that the total amount collected exceeded a million dollars. From her, he left $15 to buy her a pack of beer.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №153465
An alcoholic is also a shopping alcoholic, only highly specialized.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №153464
It was 7-8 years ago, my grandfather was a veteran of the WOW in 1924. R., lived then with his granddaughter (my cousin) with his family. As it is believed on the New Year bought presents for her child, and did not forget about grandfather. And now is the New Year’s Eve, the children with whispering and shouting are dealing with gifts. From the face of my sister.

Father Christmas has brought you a gift.

How did he know I live here?

I think about myself: "young man, supports the legend of Santa Claus"

He knows everything about everyone.

Santa has never given me gifts in my life.

Sitting down and crying...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №153463
The adoption of new laws makes life easier for those who adopt them.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №153462
After graduating from the Kaliningrad Polytechnic in 1984 as a technician-electric, I worked on the distribution in Altai in the forest farm. And as we were looking for a short on one street, it was asked by the forestry house and from a short switched out the seals at us.

Everyone was asked to turn off the food.

The idea is simple, alternately after enabling to check the KZ at home.

Including, anyway, there are KZs, the next floating inserts naturally flew to their paradise. Again, they went around, checked everything, but there people are clever and even twisted the traffic jams, and the traffic jams were completely "yellow", in the houses there were rosettes asked by the counter.

So, we go, look, everything is turned off, and KZ is there. We are already borrowed, tired, angry to impossibility.Soon the end of the working day, and we can't find one shortcut all day. They warned that "happiness will be worse" if the "left" connectors are not turned off.

We take two nails and insert them into the clamps.

Crossed, the rubber up. The nails burned to the raspberry color, then cooled.The nails were pulled out of the clamps, the calibrated protectors were placed at 100 ampères, everything is okay.

Go to watch. And on the street, the bathroom is already dampened.There the self-propelled apparatus was on hollow electricity.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №153461
– Veniamin Illarionovich, the dearest! Why do you load bricks?! to
- Unfortunately, dear Ivan Nikolaevich, in our hospital now there is an acute shortage of personnel... And you, as the chief doctor, should be well aware of this...
and yes! You are a surgeon! The Surgeon!! And the bricks should be loaded by an anesthesiologist!!! Your business is cement. The car has just arrived...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №153460
When he moved to the elite, he told me.

In the first week, a neighbor knocks at the door in the evening - help, there the husband of the bomber cannot drive out of the entrance!

Look, at the bottom of the site, a man in a jacket with an umbrella beats off from some unshaken fat man in a jacket and treni.

A friend, a boxer with a brigade past in history, instantly got out of the situation. He flies to the bomzhu and leaves him two - ba-bam like from a stand!

He fell under the whisper of his neighbor:

and Aaa! Are you really stupid? ! to Aaaah!

The man in the jacket also shrugged and, saying “Thank you, brother,” ran down the stairs. The neighbor whispered in full siren, stands, sounds already ultrasound.

The Euphoria Collections! It turned out that the acquaintance stumbled his neighbor from below, and the real bombish escaped! True, at the gates he was still bound by guards and caused ments. And after a long time justified that they missed, he was really stylish such a look.

In general, in front of a neighbor familiar is still uncomfortable, he walks, cuts.

And what here, it would seem, to be offended, became an elite - correspond.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153459
I am 5 years old, I mean. year of 93. I don't remember the time of year, but probably spring or autumn, because it wasn't cold, but it darkened early enough. I visited my grandmother, grandfather and father.

As usual in the morning, my grandfather and his boxing dog named Igor took me to the kindergarten. It was not so far away, but through the 4 strip road in the courtyards near the railway.

And here comes the evening, everyone is slowly dealing with my parents, and nobody follows me. At first I waited with the teacher in the group. Then the garden closed. She brought me out on the street, I remember sitting with her near a garden of colorful tires digged into the ground. I don’t know how long it was, but it was already dark. Suddenly I see the game. He ran after me. I don't know what the teacher was guided by, but she put my hand on Igar's necklace, said something like "hold fast and don't let go" and sent us home.

We came home in the dark. I and I, clinging to his necklace.

In short, my grandfather thought that my grandmother or father would take me and go to the country, my grandmother thought that my grandfather would take me, my father "left to Bukhara" and didn't think about anything. And Igar was let out for a walk, and he went to the garden, on the usual route that he walked every evening. So the dog was more responsible than the family.)

Once, as an adult, I asked my parents, "what fucking was it?" I replied, “Well, it did well” and no more commented.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №153458
We rested with a girl in the south, bought there an inflatable mattress. We took a break, took a break, it was time to go home. We started collecting suitcases and realized that the mattress is not needed because it is heavy and takes up a lot of space. We decided to give it for free, preferably for people with children. It would seem like a hideous task, but it is not! We started walking and offering our sailing, and we are all scratching! People have lost faith in humanity and honesty so much that nobody believed us, everyone thought it was a divorce. As a result, some as given to aunt who had 3 children, the happiness of the children had no limit. And the aunts even when we wished a good rest and said goodbye, looked at us with suspicion.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №153457
My family and I came back from Crimea a couple of years ago by car. The road is long, to the home is more than 2300 km, so my father and I replaced each other for the wheel, and at night, someone from the whole family did not sleep, so as not to leave the driver alone, or if little and he will fall asleep - the night road, it is such, to fall asleep behind the wheel is easier.

So it turned out that part of the night we and my father were asleep, and so that he did not fall asleep behind the wheel, I decided to tell him one story that I never told anyone.

Don’t laugh too loud to wake up others. Remember you gave me a long time ago, when I was small and we still didn’t have the internet, the computer disc encyclopedia “Kyril and Methodius”?

I remember it was like this.

In this encyclopedia was built an interpretative dictionary, that is, at that time I could find the definition of almost any word. Do you know what definition I found?

Hm, and what is it?

I found the definition of sex. And I will tell you now. Sex is a set of physical and psychological reactions, experiences and actions associated with the manifestation and satisfaction of sexual desire. I taught it, in case you and your mom ask if I know what it is. Then I would give you a definition and look at your amazed eyes. I remembered it all my life, probably twenty years ago, and you never asked me!

My dad was laughing.)

[My] Memories of Childhood Talk by Yumo

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153456
Here is one of the main merits of creativity: you can not be a worker and not work, but you can be a writer, even if no one reads you.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №153455
The Subjective Portrait =

There was an unpleasant story with me, two guys tried to bomb me at night for money. It was his fault, he returned home drunk. Half of them succeeded, but I also managed to record both peppers on the phone.
Immediately on the hot tracks called "our brave service", which is dangerous and difficult. While the "service" arrived very quickly, in just half an hour, these wounds, of course, fell.
I was taken to the department and received a testimony. They wrote a paper called "Direction to Subjective Portrait".
They explained that the photographer of the attackers could be made.
The next day I came to make a “subjective portrait.” Behind castles, turnikets, barracks, a girl sits with tired eyes.
About an hour, we and her in some police special "photoshop" mounted black and white photorobots of the bandits.
It turned out, of course, Ahung as realistic.
My video from the phone did not fit her (she said that blurred faces, and not quite in the profile). But, and so it was clear that she did not get it anywhere and she was not going to do anything.
Well, well, she continued to publish a cartel of criminals, which have already been illuminated in previous years, and note the numbers of those who are similar to these subjects. I sit down...
5 minutes, 10 minutes, half an hour... How did I know that there were about 6,000!
In short, in an hour and somewhere around the 4,000-ninth rose, I was just tired of looking at these criminals.
Moreover, it began to seem that all of them began to merge into one Swander’s face, which is just laughing at me now.
Thankfully, the subjective portrait girl’s working day has ended, and we decided to postpone the matter to the next day.
And in the evening of the same day, I decided on the computer to find out what are the facial recognition services. It turned out that the services existed, but have long been closed by the authorities. However, at least one still works (for money, of course).
What I will not say (I don’t want him to be covered).
I took the mouths of the bandits from my video from my phone, inserted them into the search and... voila! Literally immediately got the profiles of both guys in the social network. The networks! with names and surnames. One profile was very old, apparently the password was forgotten. Another is a little more fresh, but not visited for a long time.
It turned out - two acrobat brothers with the same surname, very similar to "Schwander".
The next day, I am pleased to rush to the girl for a “subjective portrait.” I take screenshots of accounts, surnames and even the phone of one of them.
She kills in the file of their FIOs and finds both "subjective portraits" (a couple of years ago they were already illuminated somewhere).
It would seem that this story should end with a hip-end. But not. We are no longer in the USSR.
The investigator exactly one month later sends a "refusal to initiate a criminal case".
Guess for what reason? He went to their address, but no one opened the door to him. The bandits were not identified. I now have the opportunity to appeal his actions to the prosecutor’s office. This is this!
I remembered another moment. I almost immediately asked that portrait artist girl, do they have facial recognition systems? Do you know what she answered? I watch a lot of fantastic movies, but in real life this is not the case.
All the curtains. Make the conclusions yourself.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №153454
Mom, I am on the internet.
VPN is out!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №153453
Laziness is difficult to overcome - it does not demonstratively resist.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153452
The mysterious story that happened one night at Galic Station of the Northern Railway

This story was told to me one night by two ments in the line department of Galic Station of the Northern Railway.

How did I get to the department? I was delivered there by the brigade of the Novosibirsk-Moscow fast train. How did I get on the train? To be honest, I don’t remember anymore. I was driving somewhere. Youth is like that. Driving in the unknown. There are no tickets, we have to go.

And yet my crime consisted in the fact that I self-confidently sat down not in some stunned Khabarovsky, but in the Paphos Novosibirsk. Where the boss turned out to be some kind of sympathetic arrogance, with which we did not meet in the views of traditional human values, and as a result, I was not just thrown out in the middle of the night at the nearest station, but called out and handed over to local ments.

The menta, two young guys, brought me to duty, but instead of knocking on the kidneys and throwing in the monkey, they offered to share a modest menta dinner with them, and then we spent the middle of the day drinking tea, singing songs under the guitar, and chewing bikes.

Here is one of the stories told by these mentions.

Everyone knows that in the past on the Galic Station of the Northern Railway toilets type sortir, male and female, were in the open air, at different ends of platform No. 1. Where the first car stopped, there was a male car, and where the last one was a female car. And they were not some kind of scourgeons, but very monumental stone structures.

Now look at. The night is empty platform. And only at the beginning of her, just near the male toilet, waiting for the train to Moscow, stands a solid, well-dressed man. With two suitcases. No one else on the platform.

Suddenly, it is unclear where, next to the man comes a pleasant in all respects middle-aged lady, and typically moving from foot to foot confusedly pronounces:

“Sorry, you don’t look, there’s no one there?

And the kiwi on the men’s toilet, adds:

I'm afraid I won't be able to run for a woman. She explains it.

A man slightly touched by the spice of the moment goes to the toilet, faithfully bypasses it along the perimeter, staring into the cabins, and returns to the perron.

And there, to his surprise, he discovers that there is no lady on the perron, his suitcases - there is not too, but in their place in the light of the perron lights shines a medium-sized lawn.

But that was not what struck him the most.

This is an idiot!! He became upset later in the office. What fucking thing? What damn do I get into that toilet? I stood next to him for half an hour, and I absolutely know that there was no one there!!! to


Already at midnight, when I began to sneeze my nose, the mint put me to sleep in their rest room, and early in the morning they woke up, and put me on the first train going to Moscow. They just approached the brigadier and said that this guy should be taken to Moscow. and all.

P.S I’ve written it all right now, and I’ve thought – and which of the stories actually looks more incredible? About this "snowball" on the perron, which melted together with the suitcases, or about two unusual from the point of view of a simple butterfly? I do not even know.

But one thing I can say with certainty - I have never seen the "snowberry" in my eyes, for which I bought it and sold it, and the menta of these, (how many years have passed, thirty, forty?I remember like yesterday. Such things.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №153451
They bought the granddaughter a house for Barbie, brought home, unpacked, and there on the first floor already "Five".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna