— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №153270
Plant Chubais and you will know what the Day of Unity is.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №153269
One day I got a letter from a brother with whom we hadn’t talked in four years. Please borrow money. I think, ah, I probably hacked it, too, in the UK by the way. She asked her sister to call him back and warn him that he had been hacked. But everything turned out to be easier. He asked for money.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153268
The co-curator on the shoulder of one of my friends was a Georgian, having one peculiarity - he did not have two phalanges of the index finger on his left hand. A peculiar sense of humor has turned this physical defect into a source of constant jokes. When he pretended to have his finger cut into his ear or nose, those who saw it for the first time did not know about his physical condition.

In the defect, there was a feeling that the finger was immersed deep into the brain, which in women teachers caused at least hysteria, but there were also fainting.

In the process of training, various relatives from Georgia came to him, father, uncle, brothers, etc., and my friend was surprised to find that this defect is of a family nature - all men did not have two phalanges of the index finger on the left hand, and only one uncle - on the right.

Attempts to understand this strange phenomenon led only to one conclusion (as the little one in the Yakuza) - it is a kind of mafia, and the one who has a distinctive sign on his right hand - the leader.

Attempts to ask questions met with distractive answers, different and not explaining the phenomenon. Georgia is dark.

During the arrival of another relative, during the feast, my friend, after a moment, asked the question that tormented him to an inexperienced relative. He replied, "Eye, you panime with the daraga, we cut the chicken so, caught the head with a knife, and sometimes you forget to bend your finger. My uncle is left.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №153267
My father had a colleague. Professor, candidate of sciences. He left the house and disappeared. We were looking for it honestly and for as long as possible in 1991. Then they were declared missing and then dead.

A young wife and a young son burned, and began to improve their lives. She married again 10 years later.

Nine years later, a brown-grey priest appears on her doorstep.

It turns out that 19 years ago he went for the bread. His way was through a garage cooperative, where he was hit in the head and stupidly stolen some little thing.

From this blow, he lost his memory. Then he found himself in a hospital where he was not sought for some reason, and then went to some monastery. He completed the seminar on new documents and accepted the san. He was a philosopher by education, and his memory was lost quite selectively, so in the seminary he was easy.

He then married and served in the village church.

And one day he reads a sermon, forgot the text began to remember and at the same time all the past life remembered.

Their families are different now. Communicate sometimes. Such things.

By the way, the monastery to which he attacked is located in the same area of the city. The church is 15 km from the house.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №153266
It’s good when children read books from bark to bark, not from bark to bark.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №153265
I come out of the entrance with a courier, under the bandage loaded with fashionable clothes of famous brands. With one hand, the guy tries to hold the clothes-shoes that did not fit the buyer, the other calls the employee's number. It burns out immediately:
I didn’t get anything, infection. Just re-photographed everything and posted it on Instagram. Seriously, you have to pay for it.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №153264
Would you go to Pugacheva’s last concert?
We were that year!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153263
2006 year

Eye pulled out an announcement in the column of the newspaper: "Vacancy of a massage worker, a friendly team, the possibility of providing housing, p / p from 15 t.p."

I pick up the fixed phone, scroll the disk:

I am talking about the vacancy of a massage worker.

Yes I listen.

I have the highest degree, medical certificate.

You do not fit us!

The scope of practice.

No is

I catch up with the sludge:

Knowledge of English.

No is!

But why?! to

So educated and so stupid. This is Bordeaux!

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153262
The boss calls:

Q: Is the module ready?

I: Ready, the preliminary tests have already passed.

N: Great, close all the stuff, a new tech task has arrived, we do everything again.

I am :?? to

N: In the first TZ were possessed with sizes. He is not on the plane...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153261
I come out of the entrance with a courier, under the bandage loaded with fashionable clothes of famous brands. With one hand, the guy tries to hold the clothes-shoes that did not fit the buyer, the other calls the employee's number. It burns out immediately:

I didn’t get anything, infection. Just re-photographed everything and posted it on Instagram. Seriously, you have to pay for it.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №153260
When you get used to life, you don’t want to leave it.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №153259
I am a doctor. Permanent patients are rare. After treatment, people make conclusions or go to another doctor, because they are ashamed. But there is one patient who comes with envious constancy. And every time - with a bouquet of flowers (as an apology for neglecting my instructions and recommendations). I always leave flowers at work, but the last bouquet was the author’s and very beautiful, I took home. My husband was hysterical that I was fucking with patients at work. And nothing that I am a venereologist...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №153258
I went to fitness.
It is smart!
You should have said I don’t need it!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №153257
Three years ago on Friday, I ordered a taxi for two from work. The designated car is Lada Grant, the driver is Hamlet. It was an interesting rare name. We go out - no grants, but there is Datsun with the number we need. Sitting in the car, the driver explained that Uber (or Gett, I do not remember) does not have such a brand in the system, so we indicated a car close to the class. We go, telling a colleague about plans for the evening (drinking with friends), Hamlet also periodically connects to the conversation. I go out to my house, a colleague says goodbye, “Lagavulin, behave well, don’t drink too much!”

Scene two - the evening of the same day, we and friends in another part of the city drunk call a taxi to get from one cocktail to the other. The designated car is Lada Grant. There are no grants. A friend looks into the phone to check and says, “Let’s go, the driver’s name is Hamlet.” I said, “People, he doesn’t have a grant, but a Datsun!” I approach the car, sit down, Hamlet turns to me, "Lagavulin, you have been told not to drink much!" Friends of O_O

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153256
I remembered the past work. Our IT department consisted of only two people. And once, when Odman went on vacation, leaving an enicacher for himself, something terrible happened in the accounting. And terrible, because it happened on the eve of salary, paralyzing work. There are also deadlines, accounts, and fines. The aunts ran and almost took the boy in their arms to fix something there. After an hour and a half, the guy returns to himself and, without expecting any wind, continues to do business.

And then suddenly in the evening comes a staff member and gives him an act of absence at the workplace, which has already been signed by the commission and the head. The guy is upset, say, what absence, when he was through two cabinets, his duties were performed. And that whispering, the mouth of a brick made her nose shake:

“I don’t know, I’ve been here twice, you weren’t at work. Sign, or I will mark that you refused to read.

He went to the boss, who stunned him:

Okay okay to you! Sign this act, write an explanation and forget.

The boy was offended. And here, it does not pass a month, (the case was in the RSC, here the holidays are long, ~60 days, so the administrator has not yet returned at this time), as this person calls:

I don’t have a printer, can you see?

Not a question! Bring it to me, I’ll see!

Then she wept:

Meaning of “bearing”? Do you want to come in yourself?

Vivian answered indisputably:

I want, but I cannot. I am forbidden to leave my workplace.

So the printer did not go to her to repair this until the boss himself ran. At first, she tried to send him in order of order, but he again with the horn, says, "I, you know, the explanatory does not give pleasure to write every time I leave the office." As a result, the boss surrendered, admitted that they were stupid, hot and so will not be repeated again.

This is the moral principle: don’t try to fool your neighbor. The earth is round, you can fall in your own cock.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №153255
There are such rulers who call chaotic chaos from side to side the course of reform.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153254
I was on the metro for work today. There was a disabled wheelchair in Belarus. He began to talk about helping him. Well, the Moscovites are a good people, everyone began to throw the little things, all the things. At the Mayakovskaya door, the wagon opens, the wheelchair runs out, a guy runs to him, takes a bag with money and begins to run away. A second pause, the wheelchairman jumps out of his wheelchair and begins to run after the guy!
And the guy, scattering the little thing out of the package, runs to the way out and cries:
I did a miracle! I am Mother Teresa! Hurra comrades!
The doors of the car closed, people understood the situation and began to roar.
You made my day, thank you!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №153253
The first Christian community gathered for an extraordinary meeting.
The judgment of Feoklimen.
He never attends morning prayers. One member of the community said.
In the afternoon, the second intervened.
And in the evening! The third shouted.
At night, no one has ever seen him. Cut the fourth.
Death to the Gentleman! I wrapped up the whole course.
Only the president of the community was silent. Finally he took the word:
“Well,” he said, “to kill Feoklimen, of course, is possible. Who will feed you? He is the only one who works while we pray with you.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153252
A familiar girl worked in a well-known service dealing with dog walks and dogsetting (pets for dogs).

I took another order - the owners go on holiday for a week and you need to come home to feed and take care of the dog.

When the girl came to meet them, she was given the keys and explained that the dog was already quite old, almost not moving and could die at any moment, and she was warned not to blame herself for anything if suddenly something happened.

After this, the owners left and the next day, when the girl came into the apartment, the dog died.

She immediately called the owner, and gave the number of a friend in the city, who needs to call for him to pick up the dog. The acquaintance of the call was not surprised and said that now at work and can not disconnect and suggested that the girl just take the dog to him to work and go away, said that in the closet is a large sports bag, in which the dog and put for transportation.

The girl did everything and, leaving the house, decided to take the subway.

In the subway she met a very nice guy, which she liked very much, it also turned out that they both went to the same station. During the conversation, the guy asked what such a fragile girl in a large sports bag, and since the direct answer would very much scare the new acquaintance - she said that she is a photographer, and in the bag a camera, lenses and other equipment.

When they got out of the car, the guy offered to help with the bag - still quite heavy and the girl agreed without a backthink. And as soon as they went out - the guy broke with a bag where the eyes look, naturally the girl didn't even have time to say anything.

What happened to the thief after opening the bag story silences, but the girl was very long away from all this situation.

A story about a friend of my acquaintance, told by a friend of another friend of their acquaintance - so in the little things could be wrong)

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153251
I met a longtime friend N. We talked.

I have my point. If you want flowers, go in. What a friend will do!

Not a question.

I go into the camp one day, and I don’t see a familiar N. His partner is worth.

What about the bouquet?

A thousand

This is appropriate n

This is what I liked (I point to the same bouquet)

As a friend, I will give you two thousand.

And your partner said that a thousand... (smile)

N’s eyes were running. Something blurred unclear. I turned and left. He cried out:

Well, let me do the catch! As a friend!

As a result, I bought the same basket for 500r elsewhere.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna