— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №98428
ууу: Interesting observation: when you are asked for something by the Colonel of the FSB, even if not during the execution, even by phone, then in the already built plans a window appears for the possibility to perform it. The mystic.
In short, I am busy now.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №98427
In the cold heart of Antarctica
Only one light bulb on the snow.
Burning a fire is easier.
as a light in your soul

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №98426
You can’t strangle a grandmother’s intelligence.

[ + 48 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98425
The ability to “hold the bank”
The epigraph.
How Golden Lips are Good
Between the buildings of the Pokrovsky Boulevard!
To me - I hear the smell of strawberry -
The young Alcatraz.

Where is the nearest gastronome?
In their tone I hear notes of respect,
I explain the location.
Here they go for wine.

I am standing, looking at the lilies, at sunset.
I am now a “young dad”.
How fast life goes by,
You won’t know who’s to blame.

I have always envious people who can fall out of two drinks into the astral. What a savings! From half a liter can be arranged a week of drinking. Unfortunately, I am not that way. For appetite, real fun begins with one and a half and ends with the unsuccessful counting of bottles in the morning. Unsuccessful, because half of the truth was thrown into the window and the eternal question, "We jumped yesterday?" You will never get.
Some of the expenses. Plus, it is a doubtful pleasure to scatter comrades around the houses.
I remember when I was a young girl who was carved into a shaped pig.
She hangs on her shoulder and thinks bitterly about the subject- "What will I say to my daddy?"
“I’ll come and say, ‘Daddy, I’ll never be like that again!(Ugh how is it)
No is! I’ll say, “Daddy, I’ll never be like that again!
We arrive at the hut. I knock at the door while throwing the body off my shoulder. Behind the door-mother in the bedroom, daddy in pyjamas-both in the shower.
A sweet child opens his mouth for repentance, and then he starts to shake. From what it becomes militantly clear and command.
and so!! Toothpaste, toothpaste, toothpaste, toothpaste, toothpaste and toothpaste!!!! to
He rushed through the tired parents and turned strictly:
Do not bother!! to
The other beautiful woman, whom I attached to the door of my grandmother's house and dropped, called the door at all, almost led me under the monastery. Daddy was there a rough rage (so I dropped it, by the way)
So, while the children-parents wept in the bed, cracked, curled, climbed to the door, the clever child decided to take off the jacket. No time to waste. After the coat went the coat, then the shirt, etc., then the father found on the staircase cage an absolutely naked and untouchable daughter. At midnight he was trying to get the name of the ugly obedient. It was good to remember where she was dressed.(Read more... )
One of the crendels was interesting to pull. A creative personality. Name of Kinto. understandable enough. Grandfather Kinto was twice a genius of the Soviet Union.
The first time he became a genius to come up with how to treat herpes. He is not treated, but healed. And Kintot's grandfather came up with a way to destroy him at the root.
And did not tell anyone. Two times a genius.
Pope Kinto, of course, also became an outstanding peach dog, and Kinto, of course, was already born as a well-off and respected man with a clear bright future.
With such brilliant prospects, why stress? That’s why Kinto became Kinto.
So: I bring the representative of the glorious dynasty home. He is busy with hopeless reasoning on the subject: "What if I told my parents that they didn't understand that I was eating?"
Oh wow how. This is not to say after 100 meters clear that it is in the woods. But Kinto is an optimist and believes in his gift of NLP.
I’ll come and say, Mom, fuck!No, I can’t talk to Mommy.
Oh! I will come and say: Mommy, the fallen woman!!!Again, what a shit it is.
We add. I put my grandson on my feet. I call. At the door as usual.
Family in gathering.
Kinto opens his mouth to convince his ancestors of his crystal sobriety, and then his mother brutally breaks the whole plot:
and Oleg!! You have eaten again!! to
Kingo has a system. The only thing he can make out of himself is something sad:
Fuck to fuck!
The father enters the conversation:
Are you staying with your parents?! to
Kinto turns his eyes, then handed out to his father with sarcasm.
and ahhhh!
He falls his mouth into the floor. Molorick-proved to his father that in no eye.
By the way, that fucking link came to us later on.
In the institute, only two people—Behemot and Evpakhov—could drink me.
Evpakhov was generally an alcoholic talent. He could be found on all the dormitory drinks. Often at the same time. That is to say, you go on February 23 (the commonwealth is loud) out of 402, for example, in the 733-opaths of Evpakh. The weather, he was like a quasar down... descending on the 5th-Evpakhov with the PMP dusting the port wine on the stairs, came in the 504-he here as a whistle of vodka. Is he being cloned, shit?
Evgeny entered the institute "by distribution". There was such a practice - that the factory sent a man to the university, he was taken without exams - and for this the young specialist was obliged to work for three years in production.
At the seventh year of training, the factory was fascinated - where, mol, our young specialist? The passion we miss him. Production cannot be done without his basic knowledge.
At the institute, he also borrowed all of the order, so he was blinded by his diploma at the rate of the valse and pulled out to the factory. Get behind your steppe seamless eagle, Suki. It will work, it will work.
Upon arrival, Zhenetchuk was appointed to the meeting as the master of the workshop - there was a shortage of certified personnel. A promiscuous decision.
The workers met with the new chief of humoro. I also stood on the mountain, waiting for you straight. Prior to him in the shop was the favorite of all graduate Mikhailich-and here this on our head. The proletariat decided to unite the intellectuals. The idiots found who.
On the first day, the furious workers surrounded the boss and began to look at him in silence. The sights were delayed.At last, the overthrown Mikhailich asked:
The student?
The student kicked the guilty head of the Euphrates.
- And heaven and vodka you can't drink, and the student? - with contempt splashed the former Mikhalich.
Evpakhov, who was hunted for vodka for 7 years, and here - pressed for sobriety, he was suffocated.
The vodka? I can’t do it???! to
- In the evening, your appointment was a swing, the student summed up Mikhalic and shrunk cleverly.
According to the example of the elder, the workers waited and flashed each other all day long.
I was sick, Suki.
In the evening, Eupakhov did not shame the Alma-Mater and drank the whole workshop. At the end of him and the underdog poured, and drank with him in various ways, nothing helped. In a single moment, he spent the night in the workplace. Sedomudo Mikhailich Evpakhov victoriously delivered to his home. He was in complete ignorance.
Destroy the dry.
The working class did not accept the defeat and demanded revenge. Evpachov raised his gloves from the floor. The same result. Drawing into wood, Eugene drags his defeated predecessor to his wife for execution.
The fighting took a lengthy character. Labor pride prevented the proletariat from acknowledging defeat, and health prevented victory. About the plan and work all forgot - what dumb work, when such things are done here? Not immediately, but in the plant management worried.
There has been no news from the third quarter. Products cannot be seen. How does the young expert handle it?
As he does - a bunch of blue bodies were found on the floor in the workshop and a very vivid boss.Who explained that he found such a picture at the parish and has been watching it for two weeks. You are so accepted, right?
The headquarters for a long time buried in the bodies, and Mikhalych was put to oversee the young chief and introduce him to the course of affairs.
Mikhalych was shaken for a long time, motherly mocked, and then dragged into the director's office. Where hegemon with a shameful journals.
Mikhailich was washed, laid on the couch, raised and mocked in the morning. Then they interrogated.
With difficulty, but to him the gift of speech returned and Mikhalych was able to more or less clearly communicate to the director the reason for the collapse of production.
-Hunt him naked, Peter Stepanic, this alkasha-and not that we all will go in the LTP!
You know me, I know the measure, but this cough whiskes vodka like water! What there! You and I don’t drink that much water.
Don’t go after me, Mikhail! That student?
A student?? Mikhalich coughed and blew his face for a long time – it was a fool, not a student! This shit, I don’t even know what it is! I started drinking before the war, but I haven’t seen it in my whole life! Chase him in the shit, Peter Stepanic, Christ-God I pray to you!!!! to
Once you ask...
Interested Peter Stepanich still called Evpakhov to talk to the souls.According to the results of the conversation, the director left under the drop-down and as he came to himself signed the order to dismiss Evlakov "by his own will"
By the second order he abolished the practice of "distribution" Well, his Dunka in the Kiku this institute with its specialists.
There was a shortage of graduates here. to manage their own.
Thanks for attention.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №98424
A man is never too old to learn something new.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №98423
I want kefir.
There is wine
I don’t want wine.
Let’s go to the store.
M: I went crazy, half twelve in the night!
Kefir can be purchased 24 hours a day.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №98422
XXX is a fool.
YYY: It is certain!
XXX is about you.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №98421
She thought for a long time where there was incest and martyrdom, until she realized that it was the Bible.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №98420
From Habr from the post on active noise suppression:

MaGIc2laNTer: Just because of the abundance of oscillations at low frequencies, a nearby perforator will still not give you rest. The screams from the street can be removed.
Sabio: I once cleaned my Saiga with an open window in the summer. The closet lay, the street became noticeably quieter for a while.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98419
And here one boy, distracted, from the run-up crashes into a standing car and breaks his leg. The car has a wing.

When I was in second grade (1982), I was cycling with a friend along the sidewalk along the residential neighborhood. The Volga was slowly moving out of the neighborhood, I could not see it. He began to circle the pit and crashed in full speed (10 km / h, no more) into the forehead of the Volga, which at that time had already stopped (the driver saw me). I lay on the hood myself, the keys on the rope from my neck flew into a crack and fell into the hood. The man jumped out, asked if I wasn’t upset, was very worried. I asked for the keys and we left.
If the Volga driver learns this story, let me forgive him, I didn’t know it was so harsh at that time. City of Gorky, Automobile Factory, Yellow Busyginsky.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №98418
In general, it is fun to watch War of the Worlds Z on TV, not in a notepad or a movie theater, where the picture with a bloodthirsty zombie stuck in the helicopter frame is not replaced by an organically cuddly black man who feeds a giraffe.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №98417
The eldest daughter is preparing for GIA, struggling terribly.
“Mom, do you remember what the "angles of the corner" is?
I think 1/2...
No, what is it? Do not know? It was useless, right? She gave birth to six children - and it didn't help?! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №98416

How about a diploma?

and expensive

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98415
"Science "

In the game of Alias. Explain to Johannesburg.
XXX: Capital of South Africa
Tagged: Johannesburg
I thought it was somewhere in Germany. I had geometry everywhere.
xxx with geography.

___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Apparently, geography was weak for everyone. South Africa has three capitals, but none of them are Johannesburg. It is only the largest city in South Africa.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №98414
Alkas comes to the village village and says to the seller, typically stretching the words:
- Dushia, look, I have been taking water from you here for a few months, I don't have money, so you write in the notebook.
Well what? Tired of asking.
Here is! He raises up with a large gesture the finger of Alchas Arsenius. - I offer to charge a February vodka for 10 rubles per bottle, and then I may give you money.
- Go to work, alkas, there is no rescue from you, idiot! I scream because of the shelf.
– Excluded – reports Arsenius. – I have not been there to work, I am a key point of rural policy, many people are interested in me, and I can sing and jump beautifully.
Just try to scare my buyers drunk with their screams! says the duo. I will call the district.
Here is! The idea! I will now go to the district and write a statement to you that you refuse to sell me February vodka for ten.
That is, you are sabotaging the trade in the village: you could get live money, right away, and you specifically do not want, because you, Dusya, are a harmful and bad woman.
“Go away from here, Thunfisher,” said Dushia, putting his hands on his sides.
“I’ll fix it – a European,” says Arsenie, hitting the doorstep and rattling. “And I’ll be back here in 24 days with the local, and we’ll talk about your ugly and anti-human credit policy.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №98413
seberya: and I learned today that Maxim Galkin is the grandfather of Nikita Presnyakov.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №98412
C Lora discusses the success of Debian GNU/Hurd

Omega, Ace users with a popularity of 1% ridiculed Ace with a popularity of 0.001%

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98411
to this:

Lentach: Rospotrebnadzor prohibited sugar and chips in children's camps
Lentach: How children will drink beer without chips, the ministry did not specify.

Whiskey without Coca-Cola is also in question.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №98410
I in 2008 had an image of Civilization IV (yes, now it lies somewhere at home, I will find if I should), which weighed about 150MB, when mounted in the demon it opened as a full DVD 4+GB, the game went with all the video inserts and other shell... how it was done I still don’t know

is very simple. The technology has long been known. It is called "pisset - not a bag to wrap".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №98409
Masai men have five to eight wives.
Each of them lives in a separate house.
Built by her own hand.
of cow cows.
As it sounded in the beginning :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna