— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №97128
A commentary on the film about an irradiated spider, which increased in size began to terrorize the city:

Map 3
This is what I understand spider mutant, not that this loser in a diving suit :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №97127
to this:

I understood. Russia is a very harmonious country. Until now, I had a phrase in my head:

In our country, laws are not made to be enforced, but to make everyone to blame.

And today I listened to Zhenetsky and the puzzle came about:

"We don’t need freedom, we need to have something to violate".)


Do you really think we want these laws to be enforced? Dr Ferris continued. We want them to be broken. You should realize that before you is not a team of boy scouts, and then you will understand that our age is not the age of beautiful gestures. Now is the time of power and power. You played a cautious game, but we know the real trick, and you have to learn it. It is impossible to control innocent people. The only power that any government has is the right to apply cruel measures against criminals. When criminals are lacking, they are created. So many things are declared criminal that it becomes impossible to live without breaking the laws. Who needs a state with law-abiding citizens? What will it give someone? But it is enough to issue laws that cannot be enforced, implemented, objectively interpreted – and you create a state of violators of the laws and profit from the guilt.

Aine Rand - Atlanta raised his shoulders

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №97126
Anton: On weekdays I am a prosecutor, on weekends Tamada.
Yuri: Why is it?
I love looking for witnesses!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №97125
Incidentally less and less funny.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №97124
Dialogue with the Pope:
I: How are you doing?
Daddy: Yes, as usual, Little wonder, the middle thumbs as usual in the spring, I shake and scratch to work.
I: Am I in love again?
He died again in a series.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №97123
This is:
But when it comes to it, khm,
sex in a dream, I suddenly instead
I find girls in the best.
In the worst case, a cat.
It is a ugly creature. This is
Just terrible.
Fuck what they give; everyone else generally wakes up right before the most interesting!

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №97122
The offended:

Every Grammar Nazi is like a bomb. These people live formally and formally. For them, meaning is beyond understanding. Broken bottle = the wrong letter in the word. Finding a bottle = Finding an error in an unrecorded message. To swallow up = to divide the grammar. Be sorry for them, youths. It is just a bitch and nothing more.

The search for meaning in an illiterate fast is like the search for a pearl grain in a fertilizer. The likelihood of finding anything valuable is extremely small, and the process itself, unfortunately, is not intriguing. Talking and discussing is interesting with an equal interlocutor, not with a primitive organism that saved even before the school program.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №97121
SQL Server is such a thing.
In the sense?
- Until in the right place request him like, he did not want to work.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №97120
Microsoft Officially Stated: Those Who Don't Renew Windows License Will Get FreeBSDs

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №97119
-"and let's ask the unknown soldier"and went to the police officer standing near the mausoleum

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №97118
4 guys in the room.
I come in and ask:
Do you need a woman alive?
In response I hear:
– No...
– No...
– No...
We are happy with each other.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №97117
What do you know about procrastination? Today I hit the nail that asked my grandmother to kill. But the fact is that the grandmother asked to kill this nail grandfather 28 years ago, now they are both no longer alive, and the request passed from generation to generation to the present day.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №97116
The Sequoia of Liberty must be regularly watered with the blood of tyrants!c) Jefferson
This is where the gardens and Gaddafi are divided!!!by 11

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №97115
From the discussion of the promo-video of the series "The Secret City".
xxx: Blyyin, I read as "PORNO: The Secret City"... spring, spring)))
You must get married, Barry.
XXX: Why the Father of the Father? For what you chase under the crown, you deprive the happiness of the young man!? to
yyy: It is time to move from digital sources of happiness to analogue

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №97114
We taught the cat. She was delighted! By the way, I will tell you, a child is easier to catch than a cat...

It is not 18 (;

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №97113
"Where are you, you’re going?" – also right, but more negative and offensive for the address.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Russian language, 5th grade, topic "Relations" In this elementary case, the word "blade" should be highlighted by folders. And after "g" there should not be a fifth. Based on this, the outcome will look like this: "Where are you going, shit?". They say the truth: “He who does not know is the one who teaches.”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №97112
If Russia invades Ukraine through its eastern border, Western sanctions will be devastating to the Russian economy.

XXX is hmm. In my opinion, he suggests that the invasion should be through the southern, northern or western border.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №97111
The morning. Public toilet in the office building. 6 the cabin. I hold my hands and wash. Suddenly, a sound of a working camera on the phone is heard from one cabin. and pause. and silence. Voice from the cabin:
Man, that’s not what you think. I accidentally pressed.
Probably on Instagram.)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №97110
BoTt: The bills on mines that girls give to their boys, with proper legal, as well as guarantee provision, are able to obscure any world currency and ensure the furious growth of quotations of the mines exchange!!!!! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №97109
A colleague has a haircut, we go on the street, the cold wind is blowing. Oh, he said, in vain, it was cold. I offer him to wear a tubery, and he answers, “What did I say?” Better to wear a puddle.
It was only after a while that he was able to make an analogy and understand why I laughed on the street.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna