— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №151545
I had a client. He came on the issue of alimony in his favor with his daughter.

In general, he has two children - a son from the first marriage, where he left, when the son was quite young, and a daughter from the second marriage. The son, as he left the family, no longer saw, the ex-wife did not even pay for alimony. And maybe, but the FSF once again did not work.

And in the second family, where the daughter lived, with a break in two seats. My wife died of cancer. Where the daughter - has no idea, does not communicate with her.

Many years later, he found his father. Why I was looking for it is unclear. Per in the eyes wanted to say what kind of cattle he was, maybe with the opposite goals. The fact is that the son, seeing how the father lives, in poverty and misery, ran to the store, bought a bottle of vodka, crackers, sat down, talked. My son is well, his family is well, his children are well. For several years, he has been periodically travelling, bringing foods and helping with money.

And the daughter, Pascuada Etaka, abandoned her father. He sits somewhere and doesn’t remember.

He ended the story with the words: yet what a good son I have raised! The man!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №151544
We sit in the plane, 10 minutes before the take-off. A 8-year-old girl is sitting behind me and is already sitting in a chair. I betrayed my inner social-phobic penguin and, turning around, polently asked me not to do so. Her mother transmitted this thought to the girl:

- Katyusha, don't pin the chair, you bother people

– not... to pin?! to

No need to pin.

But how do I fly then?! to

She didn’t bother me anymore, but the whispering “I can’t... How can I sit then?” She accompanied us until we took off and she didn’t get distracted from her existential questions :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №151543
Teisha came to visit and at some point decided to shrink a little. My five-year-old daughter started singing her songs of her own composition to get her to sleep better. Sleep as a hand removed after the line

“New Year, New Year. Around the miracles.

A new year, a new year. You will sleep forever.”

And all this with a gentle angel voice.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №151542
A wise woman will not tell a man how best to fulfill her wishes.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №151541
I went out with my husband to the balcony.
Suddenly a man in a female string comes down from above and asks:
Can I walk through your apartment?
The husband led him to the door, returned and thoughtfully said:
Probably from Ninja. She has all the cowards with such funny inscriptions.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №151540
I understand that birds fly south in the winter. I don’t understand why they are coming back.

[ + 43 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151539
We were constantly robbed of potatoes. We got tired and we set up wolf traps. Who doesn't know, wolf traps are when you dig a small hole, about half-knee, put a plate with nails at the bottom of the hole with the blades up. So, then it turned out that the neighbors stole (as unexpectedly), the son and mother were trapped. When the ambulance and the police arrived, they said we attacked them and all that. The district immediately understood it. We just got scared, because we didn’t have time for strong trials. It turned out in vain. The son of the neighbor decided to punish us, decided to rob our mansion with a friend. But they were immediately our hot footprints and gave them 1.5 years. The conclusion: a friend of the neighbor's son died of tuberculosis in prison, and the son broke up with companions and they severely injured his leg, which eventually amputated him. When the one came out, the mother of the deceased and the neighbor began to blame us for everything, a typical reaction of the hunters. But it was very surprising that the country community stood up for them, say young guys you destroyed, think of potatoes and dacha, life is more important. The house was quickly sold and left. The morality? He knows what morality is there. But I don’t regret anything, neither the neighbor’s son nor his friend.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №151538
The Year of the Dog bitten the Russians 5 years of retirement, let's see what kind of pig we will subdue next year

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №151537
The female logic.

I went for Christmas presents today. I met a friend in the store with whom I had not seen for six months. Hi, how is it?

I divorced my husband. I... Okay! You’ve lived for almost 20 years, as if everything was fine. We sat down with her for a coffee and she told me. From the first person.

Somewhere from February to March, my husband got bad with money. So the prize was not given, then the salary was cut, well, I think everyone has it. In the summer, I started living on my salary. He brought something, of course, but fewer times. And he constantly has some problems, the car broke, parents urgently need to help. I was not especially upset, we had everything, and I was sitting without work, heined the family. He goes fishing on the Volga. They have been fishing together for 15 years each year. Some of the men. He returns from a vacation, I disassemble his things in the laundry and find a firm bag from a shop of expensive shoes. Obviously, the men, what package they saw, in such things and stuck. I still thought, here are the women’s shoes they buy. It’s a couple of weeks, I’m going to go to the store, I go down, and my wheel is down. I call my husband, come down, bring the keys to your car, and I am pumping the wheel. I walked, opened the trunk, and there were two packs from this shoe store with his sports stuff. I have a straight click here. Something is not clean. He called the wives of the men he was riding with. No one in that store bought shoes, and of course, there from thirty the price begins. I went to this store the next day, measuring all the shoes of my size, and spent an hour and a half there. I picked up all the sellers. This is my husband’s birthday. He comes with a new phone, says colleagues gave. Iphone for half. I gave the old phone to my daughter. I broke in it, wrote out all the contacts and started calling. Contact "Jura engineering" two rooms, urban and cellular. On the cell phone, the girl takes the tube, and on the city - the super-popper store of expensive shoes. and bingo! I am on the internet. The store has an account in Insta. I watched all the subscribers. I found. The girl Lena. Starting with the spring photos with huge bouquets, the signature “loved gifts”, restaurants, etc. And like a cherry blade on a cake photo in an embrace with my husband and a signature "with a loved one in Sochi". As it turned out later, he even started earning more, and he was promoted at work. Just that girl he kept, rented her apartment, all kinds of gifts.

We drank a third cup of coffee, and I don’t think about it. I ask, why didn’t you raise your hair? Fucking give her a man! I expected to hear about pride and “I will not forgive betrayal,” but no, the answer was this:

And honestly? I would probably forgive. I didn’t say anything at first, I walked and kept silent. In September, when the daughter went to 11th grade, the question of instructors arose. She is going to go to honey, and there, you know how much money is needed. So he says, I don’t have the money, maybe elsewhere to try. She has dreamed of being a doctor since childhood. I sold my car, paid instructors, I think suddenly the money is not enough, began to ask for acquaintances. I called my husband’s boss and he and I have a good relationship. He told me that his husband took 300 thousand a month ago for instructors for his daughter. This is how everything opened up. And you know how it cut off, he’s a stranger to me now. I immediately filed for divorce. He ran, begged not to get hot, swore that it was all over. But that’s all, okay, he betrayed his child.

We sat down and kept silent. I was somehow out of my own. I know this family for a long time, I did not expect that. A friend of mine told me, “Okay, that’s all. You know how I calculated it! In the package! Everything is overwhelmed by female logic.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №151536
Especially dangerous is the spark of God in the head filled with ashes.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №151535
I’ve been driving for a couple of years, guys. It’s hard, but the ass is tired. There is no romance. To the taxis of friends, whose broken companions do not feed with bread, but give an unhealthy pleasure to our brother to deliver, don't believe, they jerk. So, then a boy from drinks tired of beer will fly, then a child's casual seat with dirty copits will melt. Here are all the adventures. But one busy story was still, just before the New Year, whether the fourteenth or fifteenth, I don’t remember exactly. Corporate time and check for the strength of moral foundations. Eight o’clock in the evening, it’s time to go home, and I’m all in the distant areas of my town, I’m mistaken, there’s no way that a popular order will come. Here is he! The destination is through my house. The client is the “Church Empress”. Aunt of indefinite age, rich composition, in good nutrition. The hat was sown somewhere, the shirt is stretched, stands, swings. Taking such cars is always exciting, but not to shake up, cleaning is now expensive. The village is silent, looking far away. She looks good, entirely. Be careful, I walk around cats. Well, we got there, thanks Bachus. Madame rows in her pocket for a long time, collects coins, pays off.

He does not look.

Young man, what is your name?

It’s nice to hear this in the fifth decade, but I’m silent, well, her naffig.

You are silent.

And as it rushed, I turned away, sucked in the area of the ear, wonder. The dead grip grabbed, barely knocked off, pushed out something.

A week passes, the first numbers of January, the morning, the beginning of the shift. A familiar address. And the client too. The aunt goes out. Trembling of itself. He sits back, greets, asks something polite on the way about the New Year. He does not know in short. It is understandable.

Please stop here. It stretches a hundred.

What about kissing?

Her face made my day, forgive me for filling my speech. Approximately this is how the intangible memes appear.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №151534
The main task of humor is to reconcile with life.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151533
by Vladimir Vladimirovich! I am not a serious boy and I am not 15 years old. But I want to ask you to fulfill a long-standing dream of my family. The dream is very simple. To live humanly! My grandparents dreamed of a better life for their children. But it did not. First World War, a couple of revolutions, civil war, famine. My mom and dad dreamed of a happy life for me and my sister. But it did not. The Second World. The difficult postwar years. period of stagnation. The restructuring. Loss of savings. I dreamed of a happy life for my children. But it did not. The restructuring. The Libyan 90s. Devaluation and denomination of the ruble. My children dream of a happy life for my grandchildren. But it did not. The regional wars. and sanctions. There was hope for old-age pensions - and those are not. And this despite the fact that all the generations of my family were not ineffective. There was no tuna. Everyone worked from youth to retirement. for the benefit of the state. So how? Can you fulfill?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №151532
New Year’s celebration in the State Duma. Decided to have fun, caused a puzzle with a spirit board.

Asked a question. When is it better to carry out unpopular reforms and introduce taxes? Before the election, during or after the election, to not anger the people very much?

There was a plate on the board. The answer was, “The people are better not angry at all.”

I laughed and asked a second question. Who is talking to us? Lenin, Marx and Stalin?

There was a plate on the board. The answer was “Nicholas II, Louis XVI, Charles I.”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №151531
Believing in Santa is more profitable than believing in the president. Santa has a predictable gift.

[ + 39 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151530
A woman in a coloured dress, accompanied by her husband, dressed in a modest suit, came off the train at Boston Station and headed to the office of the president of Harvard University.
They were not appointed for a meeting. The secretary at first glance determined that such provincialists had nothing to do at Harvard.
“We would like to meet with the president,” the man said in a low voice.
“He will be busy all day,” the secretary said dryly.
We’ll wait, the woman said.
For several hours, the secretary ignored the visitors, hoping that at some point they would be disappointed and leave. However, convinced that they were not going anywhere, he still decided to bother the president, although he did not want to.
“Maybe, if you take them for a moment, will they leave?” he asked the president.
He breathed out of anger and agreed. For such an important person as him, there is no time to take in people dressed in coloured fabric dresses and poor costumes.
When the visitors entered, the president looked at the couple with a harsh and arrogant look. A woman addressed him:
- We had a son, for a year he studied at your university. He loved this place and was very happy here. Unfortunately, he died unexpectedly a year ago. My husband and I would like to leave a memory of him in the university.
The president was not delighted with this at all, but even irritated.
and Miss! He arrogantly replied, “We can’t put a statue on everyone who studied at Harvard and died. If we did, this place would be like a cemetery.
“No,” said the woman, “we don’t want to build a statue, we want to build a new building for Harvard.
The president looked at the flowered cloth and poor suit and cried out:
The Corpus! Do you know how much one such body costs? All Harvard buildings are worth more than $7 million!
The woman silenced.
The President smiled. They will finally leave!
The woman turned to her husband and said quietly:

Is it so cheap to build a new university? Why not build our own university? The man affirmed.

The president of Harvard was pale, he looked confused.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford stood up and left the office.
They founded in Palo Alto, California, in memory of their beloved son, the university, which bears their name - Stanford University.

But Stanford would not have become one of the top three universities in the world if the U.S. government had not exempted investors from taxes and given the university economic and social freedom in choosing directions and standards of training. It is just profitable for private to equip laboratories there, because the authorities of the country encourage them with tax benefits, it is profitable for teachers to teach the most modern technologies well, because there are no stupid semi-literate federal officials deciding for you how and where you should step and what to say according to the programs approved by them, officials. and TD. This is their government, not ours. It seems like just reforming education. Take Stanford’s example and repeat it with us. and happiness. We also build with a song. Selected for the top 100 universities reduce the number of teachers in times, generally cancel the training of specialists as unnecessary, close the Scientific Councils, require review of their publications in American systems, the concept of vocational education is thrown out of displays, etc. and TD. The main thing, according to the medicines of foolish economists, is that of the underwhelming... Haliluya

PS The main trouble is not in the managers of education and economy fools, but in the fact that we have not yet Mr. and Mrs. Stanford, but there are owners of yachts, football and striptease clubs, whose children have no idea why they need to work and what profession to study, and their parents are stupid to care about the future of this country.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №151529
Oleg himself is cooking, cleaning, washing, washing and even sewing. In short, this bastard needs only sex from women.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №151528
I begin to believe in the afterlife.
See how many politicians and businessmen dig money that can’t be spent in this life.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №151527
My grandmother hated my mother and once declared without warning.
Cleaning everywhere. She is looking for something to do. The Scandal:
How embarrassing to a man without a son!
The father stands on his mother’s side and insults his wife with her, and then gives out:
Mom, you can’t imagine it! This woman is not that without a cushion, she sits around without cowards at night! She even gave me children!
Grandma knocked the door and left.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №151526
V.V Putin's full collection of promises

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna