— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №151525
and Havana. Russian delegation (geologists) at the cafe. The guests are entertained by a pianist. Looking at us (the nationality of the visitors is calculated by the staff instantly), the tapercha played Vertinsky: "and maybe, in the prithons of San Francisco...". I had to give her money. Inspired, she performed “Podmoskovne večera”, then “Kalinka”. We gave her a few pesos.

Deciding to expand the target audience, the pianist looked around the hall and performed "Hava Nagila". From the corner came a few polite cotton. The piano and the pianist too.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №151524
I go home from work, already dark on the streets (winter). I see a nice girl coming to the meeting, listening to music through headphones, and having a tubing (on which no one is sitting). I decided to shine with my humor and say to her, “Girl, you lost the child.”

She stops, takes the headphone out of her ear and asks what I said. I repeat my joke. The girl at this point turns her gaze to the tubing and says as if she was a whirlwind: “Aaaah! My child! Dear God, I have lost my baby! “”

Here my face looked like this (O_O)

And then she calms down sharply, and she says, “Well, I’m’d see your roots now.” When I said this, I put the headphone back and went on.

[ + 9 - ] Comment quote №151523
A woman, like a super-popper-wrapped phone - a lot of functions, and you need only one, but in order to use it, you need to connect an extremely unprofitable rate.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151522
Two years ago, the daughter guarded at the Christmas tree, very wanted to see Santa Claus, but didn't wait and fell asleep. Last year, my dad and I put some traps on Santa Claus. They thought Santa will come with gifts, fall into a trap, there will be noise, everyone will wake up and Santa will see. And this year, the daughter offered to turn on the video camera to record for the whole night, the father appreciated the idea and helped the camera to install - and the daughter finally "catch" Santa Claus. In the morning on the video was seen as under the tree like magic boxes appear... bac, bac, bac, one after the other grown pyramids with packed gifts. Then you can see a little bit of a sleeve or a piece of a red shirt - and that's all. The child talks all day about the "catched" Santa Claus.

In general, you have to pay tribute to Dad, the fairy tale is good and technically sophisticated.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №151521
Have you found a new home for the New Year, or what will be the last time you will meet your parents?
Well Maam...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №151520
Two years ago, the daughter guarded at the Christmas tree, very wanted to see Santa Claus, but didn't wait and fell asleep. Last year, my dad and I put some traps on Santa Claus. They thought Santa will come with gifts, fall into a trap, there will be noise, everyone will wake up and Santa will see. And this year, the daughter offered to turn on the video camera to record for the whole night, the father appreciated the idea and helped the camera to install - and the daughter finally "catch" Santa Claus. In the morning on the video was seen as under the tree like magic boxes appear... bac, bac, bac, one after the other grown pyramids with packed gifts. Then you can see a little bit of a sleeve or a piece of a red shirt - and that's all. The child talks all day about the "catched" Santa Claus.

In general, you have to pay tribute to Dad, the fairy tale is good and technically sophisticated.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №151519
My nephew is 15 years old and will finish school next year. At the NH, a class leader (57 years old) was called to hold a New Year's morning for the younger classes by the forces of his class. I decided to serve the type before the new director.

For some reason, she in the best traditions of marasma and due to the lack of understanding of the youth decided that all the youth is listening to rap and the New Year's number will also be in the style of this is all. Type here the entire final number they all the class depict the rap of some, and at the end she reads the rap. Spanish shame is short.

It is clear that almost the whole class said that there would be no cooking in this hell. Not because they are against participating in the event, but because the scenario is damaging on all fronts. Clash of tears, complaints to the director, the challenge of parents, an extraordinary parental meeting, threats to fall on the EGE and all in this spirit.

In the course of the conflict, the director proposed to parents to turn on the animators, since their children decided to organize sabotage and break the morning. Parents from such extortion flattered and offered the director a complaint to the Department of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Prosecutor’s Office. The director has also been a lot upset. Just as soon as she was appointed to the post, she apologized, said she was hot and so on.

As a result, they decided to do Santa Claus from the clan of laborists / fisrucs, as well as a 57-year-old snowflake from the category of "so-your-class leader".

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №151518
When I was a child, I wanted a console very much, my mom could not afford to allocate so much bubble to the "cinescope burner". I searched and handed away bottles and cardboard, accumulated, about half. Grandma, knowing, decided to give the second half to her birthday. But she said that she is afraid to entrust such money to me and will give it to her mother, and she will buy it. And bringing my savings, mom gets the second half, we go to the store... and buy shoes to my older sister, and I get plasticine.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №151517
This morning my brain offered me an adventure. At 7.10, when it was already necessary to get up, he suggested to turn the alarm back to 7.05. Wake up at 7.05 and set again at 7.10. To win another 10 minutes. At first it seemed to me a general idea.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №151516
To break with the question to the President is easier than to understand on the spot.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №151515
He stumbled onto a funny story, as a cat rushed to the robber protecting the mistress, thereby showing that not only dogs are capable of deep devotional feelings. And I remembered my own beast, of a noble breed, the Siberian courtyard, who lived with me for 19 years and rested in the bosom five years ago, but managed to become so close friends with his daughter that at one time he caused the child more confidence than I did.
From the first month, as he took his daughter from the nursery, he was constantly trembling near the baby bed, silently endured all the crushing and crushing for different parts of the carcass. When the daughter was capricious at night, he was sitting next to him and whispering, whispering like a tripping tractor. As a result, when the daughter just started walking, in a year and two months, there was an incident that determined who of us with the cat, the more trusted person :)
My wife went to the store, I walked in the kitchen, with the cat waiting nearby, and the daughter played peacefully on the floor in the room, but apparently bored and decided to visit us. She reached the wall to the kitchen and lost her support. We and the cat froze, thinking what to do - to throw the burned bowl and run away, or it will happen, and the daughter shrinking gathered with the forces for a powerful rift, as it is usually in children and happens, we must first realize the depth of the tragedy, then find a trusted person who will rush to comfort, and only then to rage from the soul. I stood there for a moment, looking at the cat, then at me. To him, to me. Then I went and hugged the cat :)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №151514
Dear passengers! Be courteous to each other. Give up seats to the elderly, passengers with children, pregnant women and children of Briand officials.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №151513
Periodically get calls from all sorts of companies that promise gold mountains in business after using their services. Always polite to them said “no, thank you”, “not interested” after which there was a bunch of questions like why you don’t want, etc. and etc. And the last time there was a good mood and there was the following dialogue. I was sitting in my office and discussing the production issue with a colleague, as a cell phone call came from the Moscow number. Next I am (I), the girl manager from the company "Rog and Copy" is (M), the operator from the company "Rog and Copy" is (O).

A: Hi, you are concerned by the company "Corn and Copy" we are the pioneers in the field of web design and generally the coolest in this field of blabla

I (with a Caucasian accent): pornographic sites do it?

I change you to the manager.

Hello, my name is Olga, what is your name, how can I help?

I (all the same Caucasian accent): I’m Mahamed, I need a porn site, there’s a boy boy video, a boy seeking, a boy 2 girls, a bamboo?

M (with the speed of the bullet) : We do not want to see! He dropped the phone. This was the first time they interrupted the conversation.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №151512
Recently, as in almost all cities, we put a tree on the square. Yesterday I walked past her and watched a wonderful picture. Near the tree stood two people - a mother and a child aged 8-12 with a backpack. Mother spotted something in the tree and just as I passed by, she took the ball from the tree, showed the child and put her jacket in her pocket. A great example to imitate. And judging by the small number of balls at the distance of the stretched arm, this mommy is not the only one. I think it should be just shameful to steal from the public tree, and even more so balls, which cost 20 rubles a piece maximum. If you really need it, go and buy it. Why steal it?

And then people wonder why everyone in the country steals... People, start with yourself. Those like this mummy are no better than other thieves, because they not only steal, but also teach the new generation to steal.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №151511
Today I and my wife are in the company. We work in different places, but it coincided. Yesterday, my wife was dressed in different clothes until night, and I worked as an expert on women’s beauty. Today I brought a health package with equipment that can be equipped with a small barber.

I also had a corporate, I thought and put on a new tie...

The Wife:

Who are you there to tempt? ! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №151510
Last year, on December 31, he began to receive a lot of homogeneous greetings from friends and acquaintances (stories there, jokes). But I personally decided not to use templates, but to write congratulations to everyone myself and from the heart. Started with a good friend, wrote several lines with wishes, humor and warmth. I read it, I read it, it did not go badly. And, not only that I decided to send this compliment to everyone else, I received it back twice.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №151509
Once Pulkovo will now be named Dostoevsky - the general hall will be renamed "Humiliated and Insulted", and the business - in "Besos".

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №151508
They told the story of an ordinary man who married a descendant aristocrat. White bone and blue blood. She ate on silver and understood all the subtleties and shades of wine. Young people decided to live separately from rich parents and rely only on themselves. And at some point, the man became wondering if his wife could really distinguish the ordinary good wine from the great one. And he bought a bottle of the most expensive wine he had enough money for. I put it in a bottle of ordinary wine. And trying not to give up anything, he offered to drink a little wine in the evening. He poured wine on the glasses.
The wife looked at the wine, made a little swallow and said:
Oh my God, what a fool you are. What money will we spend the whole month?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №151507
She found sketches of tattoos that she still kept in the universe.
For the first time, I was glad I had no money.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151506
XXX is insomnia. is boring. I decided to remove the wattsap. It came to me that it seemed to me that he was somehow strangely encrypting the local archive. I tried to open the archive of one account from another account. has opened. Probably the key is used one for one device, I thought I decided to try with my wife’s phone. It has a password, but Bluetooth is included. Okay, we get remote access to the FS on bluetooth. I have her archive. Opened up! That is how I divorced.

yyy: And how to access the parched Android file system by bluetooth? A friend is interested.

Did you want to get divorced too?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna