— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №151345
When I was a child, I was afraid that when I spoke to people they would hear something completely different, I would try to write them something and I would see one thing, and they would read something completely different.

Worked in technical support, the phobia has become a gray reality.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №151344
The lamb, whom the lion did not eat out of pity, will always be confident in his own greatness, invincibility and superiority over all predators.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №151343
and Taxi. I take the order on the spot, the client, the girl, talking, carried her somehow already, remembered. We talked on the road. She tells us:
We were forbidden to work! If you don’t hold up and someone hears, the prize will be cut! As a child, I am a teacher in kindergarten!!! to
I kept the drive exclusively reflexive.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №151342
You should not be afraid of aliens, but people who have seen them.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151341
He works with us in the organization of gas maker Vital. He is a healthy man, powerful. See also 198. Weighs under 140 or more. He is engaged in powerlifting. I even tried to speak, but did not give up.

But there is one problem – Vitaly’s voice is very thin, even very gentle and feminine. The paradox yes. Testosterone machine with a female voice. His director even invited the sales department to push services by phone. The type of scope of activity knows, the voice is, it will work out. But it’s all on the level of humor, of course.

When you see him for the first time and start communicating, it is very difficult to keep laughing. He understands it himself, jokes, like eating his girlfriend and she climbs out. Everyone is used to it and there is no problem.

And recently, Vitaly explained why his performances in the sport did not end. Again because of the voice.

At competitions, when he pulls and sits with a barrel, not a terrible lion's whistle comes out of his mouth... but a scream in the style of Maria Sharapova. In all competitions, he was the biggest guy. And it all caused wild rust in the room. This, of course, is difficult to cope with and so Vitaly decided that the competition was not for him.

By the way, according to Vitaly himself, his mother’s voice is very low and even bass.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №151340
The bell in the entrance means: “Citizens, at the buffet the theater works!”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №151339
A partner from Canada spoke the day before about the atrocities of women’s organizations and the fight against harassment.
I remembered this story:

In the early 2000s, a foreign journalist came to the businessmen’s forum and began to ask questions about the relationships within the team and the attitude of managers to such service novels.
The reaction of managers varies from acute rejection and even dismissal, to understanding, if it does not interfere with work.
He addresses a man under 50, who looks like a brutal Russian Siberian:
How do you deal with corporate romance and relationships within the group?
We have everything at the highest level. All conditions for relationships are created, no one interferes, moreover - there is a possibility to keep the relationship in complete secret. But to be honest, in 20 years of work, I have not heard of a single novel or relationship.
How is it? You say that there are all the conditions, and even the possibility to keep the relationship secret, and there has been no precedent in 20 years?
In my company, I have 400 long-distance drivers working in pairs. The average route is 5-8 days, all the time together, the bed right in the car.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №151338
The government rejects the progressive income tax scale, motivated by the fact that it will not be able to control taxpayers. The tax paradox. They will be able to control millions of unemployed and self-employed, and a few thousand oligarchs will not.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151337
Yesterday I went home after work and saw how the man became ill through his extreme observation (the man leaned on a concrete fence).

And I'm a simple person - I see an incomprehensible body, so you have to pass by.

It’s hard, far from bombarded.

Well, I was driven to approach this man and ask how he feels, because karma needs to be corrected, someone above supposedly will count.

I am the T-body

I am a man, are you sick? Can I call an ambulance?

I want to fuck P.S.

It is not my job to help people.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №151336
Just had it. We go with a friend on the street, behind a voice: "Hey guys, help push the car, akum. of death.” The Audi A4 stands. I said to the driver, "You sit behind the wheel, and we push (the more it was from the hill)." It sits down, we push, we push, we have already run out so well, I’m already rushing to the whole street “push the second!” I look through the back window, and he sits with one hand rolling, and the other phone holds near the ear. I say to a friend, yeah, his naker, go. We overtake him (the car rotates, but quietly slows), I hear the passage of the conversation: "Wait, sunshine, (it seems to us:) oh men, help to push!"

Go to Nashville!! to

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151335
Three years ago I assembled a couple of system units for my uncle, because to use them he was going to assemble at the workplace and before I encountered the replacement of parts by the workers (uncle is not very familiar with the technique and will not understand the difference) and to make it easier for me to revision, I targeted power units, and operations. Two years ago one of his points was robbed and a couple of comps were taken out. No one was found, the case was closed. Now to the actions themselves. Today, at the other end of the city (relative to the point where there was the robbery) I sat with the customer and did some work, a man comes in and asks if we buy used computers, the owner of the property asks me to see if it is worth taking, at least for spare parts. I reluctantly decided to look (there was laziness, but the client was constant and did not want to offend). After opening the case, I discovered familiar labels and, with a little brainstorming, decided to play a little bit to extract the information. I said that I would buy these computers myself, if I drop a little in the price and let me copy my passport + write a receipt. Greed obscured the mind and the suspect without consideration got the passport, simultaneously assuring that he himself works in the police and will not be a problem. Corka stated that he was a sergeant. When I got my passport, I immediately made a copy and put it in my pocket. He then asked him to explain where he got the two stolen computers. At first, there were raids like “What you carry at all, can’t be.” Then, “Do you know who I am?” I showed the labels and disassembled the computer that I was collecting for the client I was working with now and showed the identical labels. Later, he tried to retire, but first insisted to return him a copy of his passport. I refused, began to walk and threats partially flowing into a plea that he is not, it is a misunderstanding, but even such a coincidence will put a cross on his career. Soon I handed it over to my uncle together with the cases, let him decide what to do. But I wonder what was the probability in 2 years, at the other end of the city selling these cases in the city for 4 million people, to encounter the one who collected them.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №151334
When I was a student, I worked in radio. He received an unusual task for the green young man - to carry out a patch cord outside the building under the roof. Since it required permission for high-altitude work, which I did not have, I was sent to the office of the security technician for instruction.

The instruction turned out to be short: "Don't get there," the person in charge said and extended the journal to me for signature.

I followed the instructions, it really works.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №151333
Wood cuts are wood cuts of non-traditional orientation.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №151332
decided to buy a car. Then it was still real, that without loans, without debts, but immediately - went and bought. The “Seven” is not the first freshness, but immediately. Well, we went and bought it, and went on it to the dacha. So much can be taken! Parents carry something on their own, we carry something on our own, and not plant, forgive God, with mattresses, but a boat, a child, a shale and a boat. My husband is not driving. Nothing at all. never ever. None of once. The cars he calls “collected iron.” It characterizes him. I dislike my husband for that. My car has a name. And it’s not “iron” at all, but even the Wolf (sorry). The husband after the shawls and hips penetrated. Once he is a wolf, he says, they went, you will teach me. It was no other than oxygen. Okay, I think let it. My father drove me off the car when I was two years old, and since then I have not been able to get out. What will I teach my husband? She cut off her hands from the ground, fixed the cushion, took a sarafan. And we went. On the track, on the village road, through the lawn, then the woods, to a distant field. No one should see this shame. Around the crap is such, the field is infinite, the circle is round, the birds again, and I am not silent about the grip, gas, brake, more accurately your mother, let go, press out, and not the second, but the first, I said! Go out to the fucking grandmother! Okay, get on the road. And all that, to the damn grandmother! My husband went. Wheel wheels for water. Exactly as it was for them, it was perfect. Only the wheels do not get to the bottom. I say, go and push. I don’t think it’s going to push, of course, but at least I’ll take revenge. They stood for a long time, listened to the birds, admired the harvest. The distance just stopped. I looked at the dirty man and cried out. He looked at me in the sarafanchik and the coconut. It is. I pulled the wolf. I took it to the side of my husband, and to his ear, but so that I could hear every word, clearly: "Man, my advice to you, like a brother, grandmother, especially a blonde, never, ever, do not drive!"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №151331
Is it Putin’s fault that the economy is collapsing?
What do you think is his merit?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №151330
Imagine your parents’ careless faces when you take away a vacuum cleaner or refrigerator when you move away from them, or anything else they supposedly gave you for your birthday as a child.

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151329
My colleague had a poltergeist at home.

I picked up the tree on Friday night and put it in the corner. I come from the store on Saturday, she stands in the center of the room. I was surprised I didn’t have a cat, but I moved back. When I was in the kitchen, I heard a noise. I look into the room, the vacuum cleaner moves her diligently into the middle of the room. The most important thing, I calmed down. independently

Did you put it in the corner again?

No and I will not. I liked the tree in the middle of the room even more.

Interior design is a rather unexpected feature for the vacuum cleaner.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №151328
As a child, I was constantly confused in which direction to twist and twist the hooks. But one day, once again asking my father, I got a mnemonic rule that I still use. He replied, “If your head is opened, you will be against it.”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №151327
A relative is sick. As a doctor, I accompanied her to the hospital. While there and there, the design in the receiver, the rise to the department, the chamber - along the way you communicate with many. He has worked in this area for more than 20 years. Almost everyone knows me, and I know almost everyone.

They took a relative to the chamber, put her in a prepared bed, began to inject her. Everything seems to be fine, the process, as they say, went. I see, and in the next bed, about my years old, a lady, unfamiliar. I greeted her on the occasion, asked how to do so as not to offend the unintentionally. She answered, and we talked a little with her. She turned out to be a long-time patient from Zalukodes (it lived in the Zolsky region of Kabardino-Balkaria). In that village, your submissive servant practiced as an ambulance. This was in 1986-88. A lot of water has leaked, yes.

And suddenly this patient says one unusual thing.

I asked if I remember her sister. Sorry, I answer, I do not remember. Almost three dozen years have passed.

The patient says:

You helped her very much, actually saved her from death. Then she lived another twenty years.

- What, it happens, - not without a shadow of humor I answer - this is our job. Thank God I was able to help her.

Do you know what she told us later? I was at the meeting then, and she asked that if a boy was born, he would be called Arsen. In your honor. For your kindness and attention.

With these words, she took the phone out of her pocket and showed a photo of the young man:

Here it is, your headache.

To confess, I was confused. I was surprised and a little embarrassed by this fact. I did not immediately find what to answer. It felt like this guy was some kind of my child who was born outside of marriage. You know when he is already an adult. It turned out to be some subtle, like a thread, but a relative connection. The patient looked at me with a gentle look, and I was somehow uncomfortable. But at the same time it is pleasant somewhere. Probably not in vain we are killing in this eternal messy work.

I thanked the patient for the kind words, and wished that my life was long and happy. And that the upcoming operation itself will be completed easily and safely.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №151326
A year and a half ago I worked in an investment company... The company was on track with time and at one moment introduced a new program that, when you assign a meeting to a client, automatically sends him a message: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich, we are waiting for you at the address of XXX at 10.30.”

Who thought, I don’t know...

The system is designed to increase the number of meetings - so that the client does not blink and do not blink. In fact, the number of meetings has decreased dramatically. They understood – why?

I found out.

tk. Customers are not always present at the first meeting and by phone, we killed them in the base as we could. Now customers are sent messages such as: "Dear Fat on Lexus, we are waiting for you to meet at the address..."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna