— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №151045
I go on the bus. The driver came out on the light. He smoked, smoked and sat in the phone.

We went back, the green burned, and we went.

Red for 3 minutes on the central street - it's always so fun!

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151044
I am interested in my ancestors. My father died early, my grandmother too. Therefore, there was a large gap in information on the father’s line. From his father’s side remained his brother and two sisters. I delayed the trip for a long time, and five years ago I decided to go, I took my son - three or five hours and we were in place. My uncle did not recognize me immediately. Then he pleased and called my cousins. We sit and drink tea, we talk about it, how, what and where.

- Uncle Van, wanted to know more about our ancestors, who, from where?

Can you tell me something?

Uncle tells me, I note in the notebook what I did not know.

What is the second grandfather’s name? and ah. How about the grandmothers? I recorded. What about the grandmother’s last name?

She did not have a name.

How is it?

Her grandfather stole her from the camp.

From what camp?

She was a Gypsies, a Gypsies. and beautiful. My grandfather was a cowboy, and he stole. The name changed to ours.

After that, Dad, are we Gypsies?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №151043
In Russia invented a new computer font for doctors.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №151042
Glory to SE

The travellers.

When you go to Georgia, take a backup liver. With the usual set of organs, the beauty of this country is difficult to grasp. The landscapes there are incredible, and hospitality reaches fury. Guests are given more rights not to attend work than a leg fracture or cholera. In the depths, a guest is considered a common prey, it is celebrated by the whole village, each time as the last.

Our acquaintance Robert with a group of water tourists returned from Georgia. Usually, the Aquarians sing the song of "crossroads", remember the broken veils and how ridiculously Edik crushed his head. After Georgia, everyone was silent and looked away in love. Some could not remember if there was water there.
Swimming on our rivers is a separate horizontal pleasure. The direction of the current is guessed by guessing maps. The flooding without waves takes years. In Latvia there are swamps and one conditionally breaking shore. All three of these dangers are known to tourists. They wanted real wild mountains and rivers. The tour firm gave a bonus to a wild driver on a wild truck. The driver considered it a humiliation. Over the breaks he sang songs and danced for illustration. After five minutes of travel, there are no dangerous adventures in the world. To say goodbye, the driver gave five liters of the best wine in the northern hemisphere. Such a cautious assessment was based on the fact that the driver was not in Australia and does not know how to get there.

There are three kilometers to the river, and it feels like a hundred. Immediately met the chaban in the papaya and with the oak. The shepherd did not ask why the boats were in the mountains. He was also not interested in political news, currency exchange rates and football results. He just asked what these people were drinking. He was shown the best wine of the Northern Hemisphere. The old man nodded his head. It was bitter and shameful for him for the whole district of Hevsureti, where guests are sung by a scapegoat. If there were ammunition, he would catch up and shoot that truck. Chaban gave the tourists his wine, five liters. No one can fool your dear guests. Down from the mountains to the ground, late at night, in their Mukhosransk, carried by snow on the door pen, curving at night on a bench, as the poet Brodsky would say, they will find something to remember. Chaban was drained with money, and only a lack of ammunition prevented the gun from responding to such an insult.

For ten days, tourists fell on a Georgian river with varying degrees of responsibility. It was not scary. I tried not to shake anything. Overnight in supposedly deserted places, they gathered a good wine stream. It turns out, absolutely every Georgian knows where to get the best wine in the world. He usually makes it by his grandfather’s recipe. Between the grandfather’s wine and the nearest quality vinegar from the neighbor’s Givi, there is a cosmic difference. The term “losing innocence” in Georgia is not associated with naked babies, only with the tasting of alcohol. For refusing to drink, even a very good person can be shot.

Ten days later, the waters were on the road. A beautiful country revolved around. The first police car arrived. The officer immediately realized that they were alcoholics. Boats carry for sight, but only to eat. He nodded his head and asked not to lie down. He left, but immediately returned with his wine, five liters. Less dishes are not produced in Georgia. This, he said, is a real jewel. Very similar to the legendary French Romance Conti DRC of 1934, but markedly better. And if there is a better wine in the world, let the policeman not come down. He immediately came out, which proved everything. He said to rest not in a hurry, the police will warn, do not pay attention. He stood up nearby with a flashlight on. Tourists are upset. They began to tell a new friend, what a wonderful people here, soulful people, no one to protect. Dick, kiss, in a month you won't leave, the policeman objected. A year ago, the Estonian group was released by the entire department, with a footwork and a weekly feast of reconciliation afterwards.
From this knowledgeable story, I derived the following. The battle of the bobra with the donkey in the Georgian religious tradition will not end in an apocalypse, but in a feast with songs. When everyone loves you, there is nowhere to go, you have to love in response.

The second. Regardless of the taste, always praise everyone. You swear that you have never drank the best wine and will never be able to drink it again. Same with cheese. It is beautiful, no matter what the shoes smell. I myself carefully follow this rule, thanks to which I became a good interlocutor and expert in cooking.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №151041
Zhirinovsky warned Putin of the inadmissibility of copyright infringement on the use in public speech of the word "podonok".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №151040
I started breaking up with optimism. Stocks are exhausted, and reality breaks down supplies.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №151039
To the story from 02.10.2018 by avel about a dog laughing in the front basket of a bicycle and the horror-disappointed passers (or, on the contrary, about the horror-disappointed dog and the horror-disappointed passers? It is :). It reminded.
Beginning of the 90s. I’m just over 10 years old and I have a dream of any child – I got a dog! The Sheep! On the condition that I have to do it completely: feed, walk and educate. After reading the smart books, I knew exactly that with a big dog you have to go to training, otherwise the dogs will train everyone by themselves. The training area was far away, but In the trolley buses at the time it was not to push and one, and here also with a dog... And to pay was to two ends for two, which with competent savings poured out in quite good pocket money for gum. Walking around the city was boring. Something had to be invented, and so on. It was winter, then in the course went small plastic skis, long cm 40 for me, a couple of my mom's old strap bands for the dog, after which, clinging to the strap with a leash, I went out, gave the dog a command "forward" and on all sails (or rather, on skies) went to the place of training. The main commands the dog already knew, and there was no problem with the management. In the winter, the streets were not cleaned and cleaned, and there was snow on them. All went well for us.
And now imagine the picture from the passers: you go a little quietly, here behind you is heard an unstoppable loud cries and at an enormous speed passed by a lying teenage shepherd with a teenage man in the back on a rope. Our streets are narrow and, turning around and seeing THIS, every second jumped into the hole.
The record for jumping from place to place was eventually accidentally beat by the head of the training club, coming out of the same club to the classroom and jumping from surprise immediately back to the door. After that, I was gently explained that my grandfather was already in a very respectable age for such pirates, and the young lady (that is, I) should (literally) "manage the "crew" more gallantly and it was not appropriate for her to wear, as in an oppa buried, to death frightening passers." At that age, the young lady for some reason imagined herself as the hero of the cartoon of the same name "Black Coat" and wore in general, of course, did not stop (to give up such a dog-ski trip? Here is more! In addition, no one in the city moved like this, and the boys' peers just came out of jealousy with saliva, well, at least I thought so then), but the speed, seeing people, slowed down. But that's not all, my brain at that moment somehow strangely perceived the care of people, and, looking at the note I read, I found a whistle and, seeing a pedestrian on the horizon, began to whistle all over the device (it's in addition to the roaring dog), for which I got the nickname "ment" at the training.
My parents were little before me, live-healthy-business busy and fine, they were 90s adult. The chairman of the club periodically grabbed the heart, then the baldness, seeing us roaming circles around the district, after which, as a former military, recalled that if the mess cannot be stopped, it should be organized and headed and periodically began to invite me to ride so by other groups, as a specifically distracting action, of which I was terribly proud of myself)))
How many gray hair I added, now it is even scary to imagine. There were no casualties or destruction, but it is not certain) And you are here: “...bikes... bells......”

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №151038
Deputies of the Duma are preparing a bill on criminal liability for refusing sex to people of pre-retirement age.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №151037
For many years, he taught chess in the district center. He was absorbed by this process, and he himself plays great, took prize places in various competitions.

But he was fired. There is no pedagogical education, the type has no right.

Now it is OK. We found a new teacher, with an education, a musical profile, a historical profile, but he does not know how to play chess. But for all of this, the formal observance of the rules above all.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №151036
Not with me, but with my acquaintance. A friend buys products in a supermarket. It is not much for about 500 rubles. The cashier spoke quietly. I can give you two checks. Fight if you need. He pierces her two checks and then speaks loudly. Congratulations you have our hundredth buyer go get a toaster at the stand. Suddenly the next buyer became hysterical. Why is it a hundred? I ought to be. What the cashier says. The woman asked to take out the goods with separate checks. My acquaintance got into the situation. In a further interruption it turned out that the aunt has been guarding the hundredth purchase all day and has already received a couple of toasts. So the cassiers tried to fight the unfair hole.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №151035
But it can easily be that the project "Earth and Humanity" is for somebody, just laboratory work.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №151034
Surely not one irritates me when someone in public transport speaks loudly, long and thoroughly on the phone.
A typical situation. You go quietly, quietly hanging in the phone, touching no one, and someone calls, and the whole voice begins.

And in the next 10-15 minutes, tons of someone else’s personal life fall on your unhappy head and ears. From the colour of children's cocks and family clashes on the phone to super important business issues that need to be solved right now in the bus and not a minute later.

But today I’ve gotten a little overwhelmed.)

I am in the bus, the people are carpenter, I am standing in the passage, a 50-year-old aunt is sitting next to me. Her phone rings and for the next twenty minutes the aunt talked loudly and in detail with someone about her niece. I learned the age, the name (Oksana), the place of work of the unfortunate, what health problems she has with the "woman" (because of which she couldn't get pregnant for a long time), learned about her grandson's pups and kindergarten. Finally, when it came to me that she needed to urgently give birth to a second child in order to get maternity capital, a friend called me.

I took the telephone and, looking into her face, said loudly to the comrade that I could not talk to him, as I had not yet known when Oksana would be giving birth to the second child, and whether it would be possible to do so because of her gynecological problems.

Seeing the angry and red face of the aunt, as well as hearing the laughter of passengers, is invaluable.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №151033
To prepare a magical greenhouse, just take any canned pasta in the "Five". There is in the composition just everything you need - the skin of the cockroach, the nails of the soya, the mouse powder.

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151032
An intelligent is a person who, when he comes to you to repair the water supply, does not take off his shoes in the hallway, but puts on the bagels he brought with him.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151031
I am here in the dictionary mode, just liked the story with a friendly cake. His best friend tells me about him:

Girls, I apologize wildly. Anyone who wants can close their ears. Or even go to the garden. I am going to express the inexpressible. The words will be different. Have they all gone out? Then we went! One day, he and I got drunk to the sunsets of the wicked. Just by inexperience. The occasion was painfully already worthy - Volodya handed over the last gentleman! (The translation is the last. The MSU exams. We have shrunk from the soul. Sitting well. I’m afraid of myself, and I’m afraid of the thought – tomorrow is my own exam!

I remember nothing further. I woke up in the morning by the alarm. Looking around, I’m at least in my apartment. I am Uewoo! I am very happy! wow! And time shakes. I suffer painfully, walk around the house, dress up. Dress, tie, clothes and everything else. It seems to have time. But what matter? Bishop, she is breaking up! How do I take the exam with such a shoe? It is empty! Fuck, five years of teaching in the best university of the country! And in this shoulder at the most decisive hour, there is only pain! A terrible pain! And nothing more. Fuck that vodka!

Here is a bell at the door. Who did he bring to hell? I am late! On the way, I attach my pants, jump to the door, furiously open. And on the threshold, this beautiful man is Vova. With a hand in hand. There are two glasses for champagne. There is a cabbage salt on top. Like a cherry blade on a cake, in each floats a cucumbers. Next to him are two small, ugly men. and a package. one one.

I am Owl. He looked at my face and walked benevolently, alone, because I no longer needed it. And you swallow yours all the way. Eating is done, Barry.

And you know, guys... I didn’t even understand how to express my feelings... (here he started to get a little bit overwhelmed, cut off by internal censorship) It was, crazy, as if friendly aliens broke into our miserable planet Earth and gave all the stars to the enemy. Greetings, everyone is happy. At the time, I was unable to think in such categories. I passed this:

Fuck you WOW! You are a-hu-enny! You would know how bad I am!
by Vova Hmuro:
to me too. I didn’t even have time to crawl. I rushed, afraid of not having time. Well we go!

They hit.

And you know, it was my best exam. I usually worried terribly. I could not sleep at midnight. Even sleeping pills did not work. He was tormented at the exam, scared and confused about the simplest. And here I was hit! The absolute memory within me may have awakened. Direct connection to the astral. Whatever my professor asks me, I do not only know the answer, but I remember for a moment when he explained it - where the mole fell, where the mole fell again.

I was thrilled – I became a super-being. But, as an intelligent and virtuous super-being, he held back his aphlomb. I tried to respond humbly and politely.

When he finished, there was just a silence.
My teacher finally took the word. He said thoughtfully:
You know, I always felt like this student was listening to my lectures halfway. There are times when you are glad you are wrong. Over the years, I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that the main thing about our university is not toothed knowledge, although they are necessary. And not even critical thinking skills, although they are also necessary. The main thing is that we are from God knowing what we create a Personality capable of doing miracles. This is the most important thing in our work. Sit down Vladimir Ivanovich. Dear members of the committee, I have no more words. I would like to thank this student with applause.

The good forces left me. Astral completed his mission and turned off. I walked on cotton feet to my place, and my head was empty again. There was only one thought knocking - by the name-father's name I was named for the first time in my life. I restrained, but the tears in my eyes just sprinkled. I went out immediately, not rattling me in the room. Following me, there were fluid applause from the commission.

It was one of the best moments of my life. But no one will make me get to that state anymore. There seems to be a lot of strange things hidden in Astral. But well, his naphygmatism, with such bodies.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №151030
Why do you marry such a young woman? You will die, and she will remain.
Better to stay than not enough.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №151029
I was late at work, there was no opportunity to eat. Hungry, I go shopping and go home. And here in the nose smells of fresh, divine baking. And I have half a roulette and a crust of bread at home, all the rest to cook. And so thirsty on the soul became, I remembered family evenings, in a distant childhood, when my mother was cooking cakes, as he revolved around her with the desire to squeeze a couple soon. I went home, didn’t have time to dress up, the door knocked. On the doorstep, the neighbor's grandmother Masha with a plate of smoking cakes. I know, he says that you live alone now, not cooking for anyone, here eat. I felt so excited, hugged her, thanked her. I’ll tell you, nothing more delicious than these fresh, fried potatoes have not been eaten in the last 20 years. All attentive neighbors and pleasant surprises.

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151028
So it happened that in the entrance of my mother settled one of the most successful entrepreneurs in our area. Well he bought two apartments on the same staircase, well the door steep set. Nothing – everybody was silent.

And then he decided to repair the entire entrance "a little bit".

"Light" suspects underneath itself plastic windows, the entrance door to the entrance for a few thousand euros. The keys were all distributed. Postcards on the latest word of fashion, everywhere cameras. The plate is new. The stucco is new (old, Soviet, was broken down).

And this entrepreneur made one single mistake.

He hanged a sign at the entrance: the repair at the entrance was done at the expense of the IP.

What started here. The first appeal to the court was of a character: what a right this IPeshnik had to change the entrance door! ? to The wood was closer to my heart. Well, and the second door that is in the basement: why it is glass! ? to

The last complaint was to the prosecutor’s office. I read it because a young girl was going through the apartments to collect signatures. 15 pages on both sides. What were they complaining about? To the fact that we lived in the shit, and here some of our entrance made unrecognizable.

I remember coming to my mother for lunch, climbing up to the fifth floor, and on the fresh patch the shit is melting, some blood is melting. It feels like it’s a signature, but it’s a signature. I was ashamed, even though I did not.

My mother has a cage in the basement next to this IP. There are a lot of machines installed there, and I like to master something there. was somewhere there. And suddenly I hear: boom!

That same drunken singer is mounting in his own door of the basement.

I use it, I ask, what are you cuddling?

- Yes, I just asked, he replied, the more people I try to do good, the more they want to me.

And the mounting on the door of his basement is a hook.

I’m not saying I fully understand it, but in part yes. Money is not everything. Our Buddhist society will not accept anyone. No one who is not part of them.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151027
If you are lost in the forest and do not know where the sides of the light are, quickly cut a tree. The annual rings are thinner on the north side.

[ + 27 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151026
People, have you ever thought about how many taxes each of us is paying to our country?
I somehow counted.
Growthfully speaking, I came to the grocery store to buy. I have a sin, I eat sometimes. And even (thinking) a few times a day. Sometimes I also drink it. When coffee, and when beer with water.
So, I gave in the box for the purchased, for example, 5000 rubles.
What does it mean?
That food I got in the best case for 2500 rubles - half of the paid. And in the worst - and generally rubles for 500.
Where is the rest? All for him, his homeland.
Why is?
And because the second half is the taxes that are paid on this goods. Manufacturers, processors, carriers, sellers and a bunch of other people. All these costs were eventually included in the price of the goods. Which I bought, refunding them all that I paid.
Who paid all these taxes? 100 Years Without Communism. The “Incorporate Chest” shop? The red network?
No FIGH – I pay for everything in the end.
And how much?
Yes, one VAT - 18% (and soon 20 already). At least 180 rubles. for every thousand.
Plus taxes on profits, land, property, on photography and the hell knows how much more.
That is why I say that at least half of the price of a commodity is not a commodity, but a trail to the state.
Alcohol is even better. The cost of a liter of vodka is 40 rubles. (20 r. for 0.5). The minimum price is 0.5 - about 200 r. 10 times more. Where is the difference? In the budget. 180 r. from each batch.
That is, having arranged a banquet for 1 litre. vodka with a snack of prosthenka - I will give the state 360 rubles for this lunch. for alcohol and another 500 rubles with each spending a thousand for a snack. That is, I eat - I drink less than half of what I spend. for once. and constantly.
This is despite the fact that my salary has already been withheld and income tax (aga, the smallest - only 13%) and contributions to funds (aga, and retirement too - despite the fact that my pension is not on the go).
Everyone pays taxes twice or even three times. For themselves - NDFL, PF and so on. “For that guy” – for all manufacturers-suppliers-sellers. Fuel taxes are not forgotten either.
And the pensioners too. They have everything in chocolate. At first, they disappeared for 40 years at factories and in the fields. How much for this time built - 30 years can not be broken (neither in the flower plant to cut, nor in the winter cherries to rebuild). Then for this they received a pension (few who have more than 15,000 r. per month - that is, 500 r. per day). Of this money, half is paid back in the form of taxes (calculation above) - that is, they spend a maximum of 7 thousand on themselves. And the TADAM!! - They then all kinds of slugs pour their thumbs into their ears on the topic "it is shameful to be a retired at 60 years, you eat the state."
Give it up!

And here two questions arise.

First, why am I paying for this? What does all that codla (pu, me, all kinds of deputies, officials and others) do to me so good for all this money?
In fact, they explain to me for my money that I am alive, only by their mercy. And the pension is not earned by me and given to the PF, but only their mercy. The state is paying - and could not pay - and it is paying, so it does a gracious service.
They didn’t kill me, they didn’t rob me because of them. What, the bottles in the ass even the bandits in the 90s did not steal the enemies? Well, our pursuits are not bandits, we need to understand.
They fight terrorism without laying hands. True, I do not need any terrorist - at my death, he will only spend a bomb (poison, bullet, etc.), but he will not be able to earn anything.
What else do they do? Everything is like. Not in the sense of “everything is done” but in the sense that “the list is finished”.

And then the second question arises immediately - am I not paying for all this? And all of us?
The situation is beginning to develop badly. Almost as 100 years ago.
And so many people have endured - endured, and then... remember what happened. It brought neither happiness nor health.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna