— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №149525
Just today asked how the affairs on the personal front of the acquaintance - grit, expelled! I asked to put a pen on the door of the closet. I said " well, you can see". The furniture. She swallowed, she swallowed, and she drove him out.

One of my friends is a cook. Home cooking refuses because "work is tired". Much laughed, imagining a cleaner who was tired of cleaning at work, or a teacher who was tired of checking children’s lessons at work.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149524
Oh Noah! Thus e. Are all “democracy-driven operations” in insufficiently democratic countries in the United States entirely free?

Listen, no one can be 100% satisfied with the use of his taxes because they go for the common good. In my city, for example, a bunch of playgrounds, social centers (type DC) were built, sewerage was updated, road coverage was changed in some places and a fountain was struck in the center.
From this: platforms, dc, sewerage and roads are useful to me. The fountain and the stadium surrendered. Moreover, I personally do not see the benefits of the stadium at all, I consider football a waste of time and money and therefore noise... But you understand that this is a personal opinion, and someone has not given up a hundred times the children's playgrounds, and the stadium is a super-new?
However, having all this together, I see that the taxes paid went to the benefit of me and the city. But if the city were to add the annual budget to the stadium...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149523
The best name for a cruise missile with an atomic engine and with an unpredictable trajectory is WHERE!? to

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №149522
With great love

I recently interviewed a police chief. He himself did not come out in height, a meter sixty, approximately this together with a tall fur. But the Colonel.
The filming ended, they began to curl, and the Colonel said:

Guess, guys, you’re not going to be shooting today? Let me give you a cup of tea. Are you hungry, god? I will get a good cognac. Oh, I will call my wife, let her come after me, so that I can drink with you.

We did not refuse.

They drank, snacked spices, the conversation smoothly moved into a nostalgic course, the boss went into memories:

I am from Belgrade. Hunted there around the village on the batin "Dnepr" without a wheelchair, even before the school of the police the matter was. It is now I have a pulse, and then was thin, fifty pounds weighed, but anyway, on the motto chased as a professional, all the babies were mine. I remember going to the disco, riding a motorcycle and "lipping" the slide to myself a beautiful, and bigger. To admit, I really liked miniature girls, but I specifically chose which is more helpful, as they say - beat grandmother. We drank a bottle of wine with her and went to the forest to watch the stars. Those were the times.

Here, I could not stand, interrupted this poetic story and asked:

Why did you choose a bigger girl if you liked the thin ones?

The Colonel struck us by the eyes and answered with a question:

“Well, Pinkerton, no one of you has ever understood why I was riding girls higher and more helpful at the disco.

There are various versions of us:

Provided protection from local hooligans.
For the right motorcycle?
- Or maybe because the big and powerful women were more courageous to go into the woods to watch the stars?

A former village motorcyclist pulled his hand on us, grabbed another portion of cognac and said:

It’s clear that you’re not Pinkerton or even a motorcyclist. Well, throw yourself: the night, the forest, within you half a bottle of wine, the lighthouse at the "Dnepr" is nothing, of course, the road in the forest is also nothing. In any case, as long as you arrive, the front wheel will get stuck in something and you will fall on each side, or not once. If there will be a small and fragile girl with me, then we both will not raise the moth in any way, we will have to melt on foot until the morning, but with a healthy grandmother we were quite able to cope.

On these words, a woman of fifty years of age entered the cabinet: height under a meter ninety and by configuration - a master of the sport on pushing the core. The drunk Colonel smiled and said:

- Meet, Danetka is a filming group, came to film me, and this is my wife Tatiana. And don’t think of roasting – it’s not what you thought – it’s from great love.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149521
The Chinese joke about themselves.

When there is no money, we keep a pig. When we have money, we keep the dog.
When we live poorly, we are content with wild grasses gathered in the mountains. When we live richly, we order wild grasses in expensive restaurants.
When there is no money, we ride a bicycle. When there is money - twist the pedals of the bike trainer installed in the living room.
When we don’t have money, we dream of getting married. When we have money, we dream of divorce.
When there is no money, the wife goes to work as a secretary. When there is money, the secretary begins to work as a “wife”.
When we don’t have money, we pretend to have it. When we have money, we pretend we don’t have it.

[ + 26 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149520
A 30-year-old teacher whispering 15-year-old students? How is it called at all?! to
Probably a pedophile.
ZZZ: Teacher

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149519
here here :
Alcoholism is first the consequence of problems, and then only the cause of new ones. From a good life no one begins to buckle or throw.

Look at the root, Karl. Why do boys want to chew more often than girls?

And if you dive a little deeper - there are problems for everyone, but not everyone drinks them with alcohol. Did not think, why?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149518
U.S. plans to send a man back to the moon
Has he escaped from there?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149517
Unhappy, they are out of the country. All meets us.

And you, guy, move every time you have a crane running in your apartment, right?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149516
xxx: here you are all about socks jokes... and in the meantime last year, it turned out, a computer game, where armed to the teeth socks goes to search for his missing couple. Strange are your deeds, lord.

Does anyone know what the game is?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №149515
And if the woman earns less than her husband, then the pet is she?
Yes, if she is a decorative woman, and the order in the house is brought by a special worker. In all other cases - (about 99%) women, in addition to earnings, are extremely useful in the household. Like a work cattle. Not a bitch you are!

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №149514
Just heard a remarkable quote in the CGC: "go beyond the plane of the globe".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149513
to this:
If I meet a girl who tells me “It’s so sexy that you can translate literally from English synchronously and in the ear!” then I’ll think I’m lucky in my personal life.

I am! Fuck, I’m ready to say that! At least every day!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №149512
I can explain about photography. I am going to buy a photocompact, for photography and reporting, my husband is going for the company. A boy consultant talks to her husband, completely ignoring the fact that I need a photocall! When the husband demonstrately leaves, the boy runs after him. When his husband tells him, “It’s her need,” the boy kicks and tries to throw me the most expensive thing on the window, saying the words “professional mirror,” and frightening me with the number of megapixels, naively believing that the larger the number, the sooner I will behave. A large solid camera weighing more than 400-540 grams - not for a woman's hand at all, take a parade, for example, - the hands will crash, and it is uncomfortable to hang on the neck, the belt is treated! It’s important for me that it’s lightweight, fit in the pocket, turn on quickly and focus quickly. Minimum of programs. But manual settings and other balloons are all for studio shooting and I don’t need it at all, because I’ve had it for a long time. So for the boy, I am not a well-deserved famous photographer, but a dull gray aunt who doesn’t understand the fuck in cameras.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149511
boy: he sits behind the wheel, he sits behind the comp in the office, he sits behind the wheel again, he sits in the cocktail, he sits dancing chases. The result: forever sick back, obesity, alcoholism.

girl: cleaning (walking, sloping, hanging), shops (walking + pulling all sorts of things), cooking (doing something with your hands, usually standing), picking up with the child (there are generally all kinds of gymnastics). Health and longevity.

This is why the old lady is full, and the old man in the day with fire.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №149510
You are a doctor? Can you look at my penis?
YYY: I am not a doctor on this part.
XXX: Please look at it. Here is.
I don’t know, I don’t see anything strange. Is something hurt?
XXX: No, I just wanted you to look at it.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149509
Because I, as a manager, know: most women have a secondary special education, or even really school (well, if 11th grade, or even 9th grade), but consider themselves for the most part smarter than doctors of sciences and at interviews sometimes behave superstitiously and pathetically.

Give me a guess - you are the head of a network of 24-hour bars and you are hiring a job ("based on the results of the interview"!) The sellers? In fact, according to the 2010 census, higher education has 248 women per 1000 women over the age of 15 and 217 men per 1000 men over the age of 15. Data is open and publicly available. But of course, if you hire workers for positions that don’t require “high” and low wages, then most of the women without a higher education will go to you, right? We look forward to sharing his life observations with us by the director of some JEC ("Most men are unbarred, in telogreeks and smell garlic").

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149508
The boys girls

Boys younger than me somehow forget or have not had time to learn about the simplest things:

1st In the USSR it was forbidden not to work. A year and a half of childcare leave appeared not so long ago, before it was a few months. Then the women did everything the men did, plus all the homework.
2nd Return to modernity. Every third child in the Russian Federation is raised by one parent (suggest how?). What do you think these children eat? in the air? No, my mom is working, otherwise there is nothing to eat. And in marriage, many mothers work for the same reason: you can’t live for one dad’s salary.
Three As a result, a small percentage of women cannot afford to work. Yes, they usually give birth to one child in their lifetime, so you don’t do so especially during these three years, especially when the child wants to eat every three hours, when he rolls up anywhere, pulls everything in the world into his mouth, etc. It would look like not to kill yourself, not to sleep yourself. Even if the child is healthy and calm. How did they grow before? Five will die - three will remain, from the age of three the younger crawls with the younger, from the five - in the garden are forged.

And keep your stories about the benefits of childbirth for health. Spamibo, laughed, but there is humor and more elegant.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №149507
The task of the military is to protect the civilian population, even at the cost of their own lives.
The task of the military is to execute the orders of the superior military.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149506
Boys models are strange. Those who do not have data - want and dream, rush to the podium, so eager to show their unsuccessful data to the world. There were so frankly terrible guys coming to us, low-growth and curved-foot, that it is thought that some evil man advised them to come to a modeling agency. But the beautiful guys - tall, slim, with long legs - you can't imagine how they have to conjure! And no one came alone, on the streets and youth events we catch up, guys are always lacking.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna