— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №49024
Married for five years. My husband is on a trip again. Before going to bed, when the children are sleeping, I send him a MMS photo of a new beer opening. He responds with a satisfied SMS and so all the purchases on the list. Then I photograph my breasts. No response minutes 10 then comes the SMS: "You there daughter a new bleach put and I have to notice or what?" I begin to consider myself concerned.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №49023
I want to be small.
Yyy: cut off your legs at your knee
XXX is an idiot?

[ + 84 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49022
XXX is
Grandma told me

XXX is
In the village, my aunt went to the forest to collect raspberries.

XXX is
She met a bear and fainted.

XXX is
He swallowed her moose and beard and left.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №49021
Discussion of girls:

- I used to take care of her even... Well, she is basically a goat, but like a calf - she is a sheep.
Thank you I explained.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №49020
The boss explained why it is necessary to write reports on each completed case:
The sheet of paper is thinner than the hair, but covers the ass better than the armor sheet.
You will not argue.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №49019
Chat games online
Hahahah, play, let’s watch the lunar eclipse!
With the elves?
ZZZ: the
AAA: Take this

[ + 85 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49018
The father decided to teach his younger brother to physical work in the fresh air. In advance, he bought two royal copper coins of 50 rubles at the ruins, knocked them in the marked places of the future bed, waited until Vanka came out to boil the puzo in the hamac, and began to dig. With an interval of five minutes in front of his brother’s eyes, he naturally found them, with unfailing outcry, “Oh you!” and “Look, another!” The brother instantly crashed from his place, but he did not take the blade, but sat in the car and flew with the phrase "I will." Father thought, well, maybe even a cultivator will bring some, all the benefit. Instead of the cultivator, Ivan brought... a metal detector, which showed the complete absence of colored metals at a depth of up to a meter. My brother was scratching the bricks.)

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №49017
Svart: I recently saw a giant jeep, upstairs filled with whispering girls 12-14 years old and driven by one of them, how can you now scare me?

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №49016
Title of News:
"A pilot who spoke about corruption was suspected of disclosure of the state"

[ + 64 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49015
I found a way to avenge my ex-wife. She is a light girl, and her young men are like gloves. I am a dentist by profession. So here. In contact, close friends / girlfriends of her new passion (1-2 people) will be acquainted, in an informal environment I will get to know them, in between I will colourfully tell about the profession, with all the honors I invite you to treat. They come, I treat them offensively well, in the meantime I say, to bring friends, family. All this goes to the ex-wife, and she is told about the following: "What a disgusting doctor I found!" She bites the elbows. If he changes his satellite, history repeats itself. In the end, we have a huge customer base and a madly jealous ex :)

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №49014
removed from contact)
Status xxx: Kids, leave the songs positive. Or I will break your legs.
This is fucking you.
Brush your teeth, I’ll go home to you.
The door is closed to the lock, don't open your friend :D
XHHH: I will shake the door with my foot, turn to me with a puddle.
You are coming home with a broken leg.
“No, my leg is fine, I’ve ripped your bed.
You were castrated and sent to bed.
Rhythm was not and no, make for the night to me
Ask someone else or hammer it manually.
I’ll give another door, maybe, and I’ll send you home.
zzz: fucking, gentlemen, you have a little bit of trouble, stop fasting the hut, better put the ubuntu.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №49013
Let them look:
And you had a friend, always drunk and constantly falling into some nonsense. His name is Vasa?

by Malabar Melis:
This is his short name.

Let them look:
Full of how?

by Malabar Melis:
and Nicholas.

[ + 94 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49012
From the forum:
Japanese poems based on Soviet poems for children

Look carefully at the grass.
There was a green carpenter sitting here, similar to the fruit of a cucumbers.
It is a frog.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
He was attacked by hunter nunchaks.
A shirt, a shirt.

Pleasant rice traders crawl on one leg.
A foolish man.
With four fingers.

A girl and a boy walk through the garden of stones.
Tile-tile rice bread
Future husband and wife.

Lost the face of Tanya-Tian
He cries about the ball that has hit the pond.
Take yourself in your hands, daughter of the samurai.

The cat died.
It’s not the one on the tail.
Drain or eat.

I lived with an old woman.
Two fish fugu.
One white, another grey – two fun fish

[ + 66 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49011
xxx: The Google search engine has done more for my education than school, university and cognitive TV shows combined.

[ + 72 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49010
I read Bulgakov's Master and Margarita:...And then the swollen air was thickened in front of him, and a transparent citizen of a strange appearance was woven out of that air. On a small head, a Jokey kartuzik, a weaved turquoise air jacket... A citizen of the height of the seedling, but in his shoulders narrow, thin is incredible, and the face, please note, glamorous.... - and I understand - Pavel will is immortal.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №49009
Dear road users.
If some nasty driver chases, cuts and doesn’t give in, it’s not necessarily that he’s upset, he might just rush home to joke.

Respect for rushing home.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №49008
From the Women’s Forum:
Say, and if he entered into me with a finger all the way and ended up on my stomach, am I a virgin?(Interested in the psychological aspect, not the presence-absence of a virgin pleura).
222: 111, the finger finished? Oh the horror!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №49007
xxx: The desire to buy a macbook, and there is no money even for the mac breakfast.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №49006
A brief overview of the conversation of two professors at the University: "We need to get a grant of $150 million a year for 12 years to make cows lay eggs.
But :
Eggs smell of nuts
2) It cannot be broken.
Cows only live in space.
Eggs carry at the speed of light
Cows are radioactive
If this does not run, then you can develop a car that moves from point A to point A at the speed of light.

[ + 66 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49005
I sit in the bus today, waiting for us to finally go. In the bus comes a company of eight people, in appearance - students of the 2-3th year, who are sure to go outside the city to celebrate something. There are plenty of food, drinks and so on. Also, two guys in their hands have something like sleeping bags, carefully folded into blankets. One of the girls is sitting next to me, two guys are opposite. The bus finally arrived. I drive home for about an hour and a half, so I usually sleep while I eat, but today I just didn’t really want to sleep (session like no other). 10 minutes pass, the girl gets the note and wants to show something to the guy in front of me. Naturally, this is extremely uncomfortable, the guy shakes me on the shoulder and asks me to move with him in places. I say that with pleasure, only I can have a sleeping bag in his hands for the time of the journey, everyone shrugged, he agreed, changed places. I placed my bedroom on my knees, put my head on the bedroom and fell asleep. I woke up when I was already entering my village. Sleepy, got out of the bus, came to the house and only opening the door realized that I was carrying a sleeping bag in my hands. I thought a long time about where he came from, and explained it to his parents. I have a sleeping bag =)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna