— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №48984
No, reading the Dune book in the bathroom is cynical about her characters

[ + 60 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №48983
XHHH: throw it out, now my stuff began to glut and I immediately used a fool to cut off the hole without pulling it out of the net...
It was :)))
Gamal Genah in his Seugu,
See Gena in Sega bag.
He put his hand down in Seoul.
And it was heranull!! to

[ + 67 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №48982
C has been:
ZyL is
This is what is called the “world of straits”: two Russians, one from Canada, the other from Brazil, found a common acquaintance, who is an American from Seattle!

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №48981
Recalled from studenthood: A group of students standing in front of the audience is waiting for a girl in 4 or 5 times passing the matanalysis. It comes out.
All: What did she give up?
She: "No, and I don’t know what to do next".
and pause.
She said, “Can I learn?“!”

[ + 109 - ] Comment quote №48980
@katya_titkova: Mom convinced me to wear a dress at the graduation. I don’t get the idea that for this money you could buy an external hard.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №48979
Do you think I am stupid?
and yes.
Why is?
Because I’ve told you this many times before, and you haven’t reached it yet.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №48978
I have three children!
Work is a place to leave the house in the morning!!! to

Andrei is??...

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №48977
I am leaving in two weeks.
Every weekend I went looking for a suitcase. I found it, like that, terribly liked, and comfortable.
Now my cat lives in it.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №48976
XV-22: Sleeping tired webstocks, mice sleep...
Flashs and keyboards are waiting for the guys.
Windows is asleep.
To start in the morning,
Shut up... Ba-u-bay
All normal contacts sleep for a long time.
The skyscraper in the container is not destined...
The virus falls asleep too, well, and we will help him -
Kasper update, ba-y-ba...

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №48975
New July: Choose 3 characters of your password that you can hide from other users!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №48974

Last year was a normal drought. This year in the Kiev region complaints - for a month no rain. Well, we will listen to the head of the hydrometeorological service here, if the rain does not give - we will remove from work and appoint a new one," Azarov said.

In Samara, the mayor is named Azarov. And also python. Is it family?

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №48973
Give me my driving license back, I want to get rid of alcohol addiction!!! to

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №48972
xxx: Good morning, we are from the Department of Combating Gravity, you use heavy?

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №48971
xxx: My choice for Kawasaki was not dishonesty... Beauty, etc. This all decides, of course, but there are such advantages that have no Suzuki, no Honda, no other motto other than Ducati... it is about the manufacturer itself...
There is such a city - Kawasaki, which makes an exceptional motto, the whole village stumbles =)

Why didn’t you buy Ural? The Urals are protective mountains, stretching almost from the north to the south of our country, close to beautiful cities, there ends Europe and begins Asia. And our country is the largest in the world, there is no other, we have the best president in the world. And in terms of mineral reserves, we generally give all the forums. We also make rockets, space stations, tanks, Kalashnikov machines. What a fucking deal with foreign goods. We are Russians, we drink a lot of vodka, we live in the 200s. Every month, in our villages always curved fences, etc.
Sell our coffee and buy Ural. Don’t be foolish, they’re still making cars. Such a good Ural with such a rich history, the German design of the 30s without refinements entered the 21st century - it is a lot worth it, a rarity at birth.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №48970
Dark and late at night.
The size of 3 crabs:
Are you smoke?
No, I am not a smoke.
Yes, not you, I need the one in the red mantle.
I, why is it?
Come here, let’s talk.
After a few minutes, the passers watch them go under the pen. Girls need to be brave.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №48969
News "CIA will create a secret air base in the Persian Gulf" has caused a slight stupor.
They never burn!

[ + 69 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №48968
X: Do you eat dinner?
I’m waiting for the cup)
X: Do they often fly to you?

Use all the letters of the alphabet

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №48967
You don’t listen to what I show, you look at what I say.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №48966
I make history, I write a chronology of the 20th century, it reached the 1980s. Suddenly, my mother has a promise.
Serena, go and eat!
I: Right now, I’ll just write.
Mom: How much do you have to write?
I am: 20 years.
Mother: O_o

[ + 52 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №48965
XXX: Go to the ass, go to the ass
YYY: I did it to you.
XXX: The Fool
yyy: I didn't lie you asked me you asked me in 9th grade and you I said too and you asked what exams you would take well I said and you said this and all
XXX: I don’t understand what you wrote.
Yyy: Read Again

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna