— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №147645
Do you know the bird? You are what? This is the same bird that gives bird milk. That's why her meat is so unfavourable - so many years doy, doy...
And she is also friends with the fish of Shprota and Wobla.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147644
Girls in note. To be loved for your inner world, you will have to dress anyway.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №147643
A story of fear.
My driver told me.
When our last one was born, in the 90s, he even slept at night, but sometimes woke up on the "dough", and his wife lacked milk. A little boy wakes up one night and begins to sneeze, his wife wakes me up and asks me to prepare a mixture, feed him until he finally wakes up – then he will sleep further, and we will sleep peacefully for the rest of the night. Fast-soluble mixtures then were still in the wild, it was necessary to boil, then cool... Who remembers will confirm))

I went out to the kitchen, not turning on the light, lighted the gas, stood heating milk. When I hear, it is like a clock whistle on the street at 3 o’clock at night. I quietly pushed off the curtain and looked, and there some unconscious person at the neighbor's wheel from the car turns off. The first thought was to call the neighbor, but I think the phone will ring, he will turn on the light, until he will understand what the demand is, scare this parasite. To scream, or go out, the child will wake up completely, and then until the morning, together with his wife, we will fuck. When I look, I have a tomato ripening on my window, the size of two fists.

He completely opened the fork and threw it in. Targeted, of course, in the head, but from the fortress, on the ballistic trajectory, try to hit from the first time. The tomato fell nearby.

And then it all started like in a slow movie: at 3 o'clock at night, silence, you turn off the wheel at someone else's car - even with the hair on your back listening to the slightest noise, trying even to breathe over time, so that the noise of the inhaled air does not interfere with listening. And then near you is a juicy slice, a splash, - I don't know how to convey the sound of a tomato falling from the third floor.

It had to be seen, or at least try to imagine how I can, I will try to describe.

The man jumps, begins to run, but exactly through the half of his leg, he falls. He quickly rises up, begins to run again, but he is again choked, but already another, the leg, falls. He makes a third attempt to escape, but again falls, and so on the four, quickly, seeds to get out of the courtyard, as if all the demons of hell are chased after him with assemblies. At the corner of the house, in the bushes, he had a bicycle hidden.

He scratches at him, scratches at him, and tries to drive. But the legs and here he is driven, sliding off the pedals, and he falls, tries to drive again, and falls again. As a result, realizing that he is wasting time and he is about to be caught up, he crashed the bike on his back to the corner of the house. Like a small moonboat with a strange antenna on the hill.

What happened to him, whether he stopped stealing wheels, history does not know, the neighbor then "secretly" ordered the wheels. And the child, sucking half a bottle of the mixture, fell asleep until the morning.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №147642
Nabiullina explained why it seems to Russians that prices are rising.
We are waiting for further explanations:
Why do Russians think they have a low salary?
How does the illusion of corruption arise in the highest levels of power?
Why do citizens have the impression that their rights and freedoms are compromised?
• What is the mistake of those who think that budget funds are robbed by officials?
What causes the false sense of helplessness and vulnerability of the population in the legal sphere?
Why do the socially unsecured segments of the population surrender that they have been hit by xep?
How can we stop blaming the Putin government for everything and start with ourselves?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №147641
This neighbor got to knock on my wall.
YYY: You have a distorted perception of reality.
XXX: What is it?
YYY: You think your neighbor is knocking on your wall, not really.
XXX: Does he not knock?
YYY: No, he is knocking on his wall.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147640
A story adapted to the realities of the Russian village.

My grandfather planted a rainbow. The roof grew too big.
My grandfather pulled the rainbow out of the ground. It pulls and can’t pull.
My grandfather called. The grandmother came, called her granddaughter a suck, and the grandfather an old alkas, and pulled out the reed. The end.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147639
I live shit.
Do you want to say "no"?
HH: I said it all.

[ + 38 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147638
The friends! Help me to spread!!! to
Today is 23.12. 2017 on the track from Perm in the direction of Kungur goes a young man of a stinking appearance (the long-distance drivers isolated as they could). His name is Andrew. He really needs help! Take at least a short interval of his long road, if possible, feed. He returns home to Krasnoyarsk. It has been 11 days on the road. My husband drove him only a few kilometers, then the roads split, but all the way cried himself that he did not give his gloves. Andrei worked on construction at the border with Belarus. The employer did not pay them, the brigade broke up. In order not to bombard, Andrew moved to his homeland. Road through the whole country. Worst at night, when cars are rarely taken, and in the road cafes he is not allowed to rest (there is no money, and the appearance is unrepresentable). He is very educated, correct, and does not smell bad from him (this is for those who cheat).
New year soon! Do a good deed! Send Andrew or spread this post. The good bumerang will come back to you!!! to
P.S It was lunch, maybe the kangaroo had already passed.
Please be anonymous!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147637
and anapest

> I’ve been working with "smartphone" for three years.

Why are you writing so rhythmically?

I’ve been working with "smartphone" for three years.
He changed the fourth.
One day in the dirty weather.
I dropped him into the well.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №147636
Points - Our Everything

>> You work out without weekends and holidays, while wearing blackmailed clothes, using outdated equipment. Even lunch is probably taken from home in a bowl, or coffee is expensive.

The argument is just brilliant!
If work is fun, you can do it without a weekend. Not in the spacecraft.
"Drained clothes" is not a rubbish from washing, but just decent and inexpensive clothing.
"Old technology" – what’s wrong with it? Do you need to change the refrigerator every six months? Did not know...
Lunch from home is often more delicious than in a cafe, where it is not known what and what date is cooked. And too expensive, yes. Portions are smaller.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №147635
In freelance, I write texts for the website of predictors of the future. Many specialists with awards and diplomas. Prices for services - go-go. The guarantees are all. I wrote them to send the correction before I wrote the texts, so the work will be more convenient and faster. They refused. There is no faith in people.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №147634
In the southeast of Moscow, the robbers, threatening the businessman with executions, tried to steal more than a million rubles, but suddenly changed their mind.

They scratched the gold ring, the Rolex clock, began to knock on the pockets, found the FSB crusts. They returned, apologized and disappeared.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №147633
When I was studying in Germany for exchange, few people knew that I was from Russia.

And here, one day, arranging a party on my birthday, invited new friends to the celebration, everyone drank decently, fun in the height. I warm up the pizza in the kitchen, a guy comes in with an empty beer bottle, opens the closet, where I have garbage and a bag of bags. Long looking at the package with the bags, then on me and as a whisper in Russian: "Fuck! You are Russian! You have packages!“”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147632
and blues:
After watching the last Star Wars, I just saw the dialogue that preceded the film:
Meaning so is. Take a record. Build for me a docher of enormous ships for my New Order. Basic requirements: they must be paphos, they must be like pieces of pizza and on the largest of them there should be a barley throne hall.
– Emm... Can we put more powerful engines on them? Will I have to catch the enemy? I can also recommend long-range guns and capacitive hangars for the fighter fleet. And I know how to build fast cruisers and support ships.
Are you stupid? I said, pathos, protectively enormous, like pieces of pizza and the throne hall. What do you not understand?
Okay we do.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №147631
The main problem of our business is that often business is called activity built only on corrupt communication. This business cannot be transferred, sold, estimated its real value (which is essentially the value of the same connection).

Once a relationship ends (and it always ends, it’s only a matter of time), business ends. Often a criminal case.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №147630
In Japan, a policeman on a bicycle caught and fined a Lamborghini offender.

That’s what the Sacrificer does.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147629
Privileges are almost accidental. One has rich parents who press him trying to break. The other in the family has no capital, but the relatives are ready to support in any possible way. With a third health problem, parents are ready to kill at work to find money for doctors and rehabilitation, but they do not have the strength to have a kind word. The fourth has brilliant brains, but is hated by teachers and children at school. The fifth has no brains, and he is hardworking and optimistic, he has a good family that does not require excess and health like a bull. No one gets everything at once, stop being jealous of everyone in a row.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147628
Not charged :

"I have not encountered - therefore, this does not happen" - from the creators "I do not need - therefore, this is a hernia".

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №147627
That is logic, of course. You feel better for those who have overcome this inequality. They had to smell the Nipadets, unlike those who regretted themselves and those who got everything for nothing.

Why sympathize with those who are okay? Is it logic?
I feel sympathy, yes. Those who are harder than me. I am a programmer. And my colleague too. I have twice as much, roughly. And I am very sorry for him. He is a great guy, he tries, but - the education is slightly worse, the brains are not so sharp, a child with a bunch of wounds does not give an extra couple of hours to spend on the project. In your way, I need to get up in a posture and stumble over it: - ha, fuck, I could, and you didn't?
What a child’s view of the world, where everyone can everything if they try...not everyone. can not. But that is not a reason to humiliate them.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147626
A human tragedy.
Thus dreams are broken.
Kolenka went to the sanitary not to repair someone’s toilets there!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna