— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147605
From the Jipper Forum
XX: The gas pipeline to the lakes is now not to pass.The pipes were excavated and taken away.
[Photo of a cane 2 meters deep and 5 meters wide, filled with water]
VU: It is not necessary to write "not to travel," and "it became more interesting"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147604
A goat is sitting in a condensator.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147603
Only people with the temperament of the salmon leave, the rest can only force majeure circumstances.

I will not sleep until I know the temperament of the salmon.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147602
Alexander time in general from Perovsky came the answer, in which "i.o. Chairman of the District Court Andreev o.v. "no found disciplinary violations" in the actions of Judge Andreyova o.v."...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №147601
For 5 years, I am already invited to this friendly company for corporations, I drink a lot, but I save on clowns.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №147600
here here :

By the way, with goods and services, no one is ever forced. The only really nasty entrance spammers are witnesses of a non-state pension fund.

This is how a generation grew up, not borrowed to death by Jehovah’s Witnesses, Kirby vacuum cleaners, and a village potato hanging right in the entrances.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147599
Knowledge of mate for a man, as knowledge of martial arts for Shaolin monks: all master in perfection, but only the steepest can do without it in a critical situation.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147598
xxx: Nabiullina explained why it seems to Russians that prices are rising.
xxx: now it remains to explain why the Russians seem to have such a small salary?
YYY: And why does it seem that citizens have the impression that their rights and freedoms are compromised?
zzz: How does the illusion of corruption arise in the highest levels of power?
yyy: What is the mistake of those who think that budget funds are robbed by officials?
zzz: What causes the false sense of helplessness and vulnerability of the population in the legal sphere?
yyy: Why do the socially disadvantaged segments of the population surrender that they are beaten by a fox?
And finally, how can we stop blaming the government for everything and start with ourselves?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147597

Most men engage a woman not to talk to her. Certainly not to listen to her. Furthermore, from the words of family psychologist Paul Zygmantovich (maybe, a man at least someone will hear): when another such "genius" leaves his wife and he gets to a family psychologist with the request "normal but everything was, do everything back", there is a stereotypical conversation. Maybe his wife was unhappy? Maybe it was. Did she not say? Yes, I said this, this and that. A hundred times a day. Did you do anything about what I said? Changed something? and no. And why? Little to say by the grandmother.

And I’m very happy for women who have spent on such “relationships” only part of their lives. Those who survived them. Those who realized that their life shouldn’t look like that. They are not obliged to be silent. You DO NOT need to negotiate with someone who does not want to be counted with you, who is convenient to do their own way without regard to your needs and who thinks it is right. It’s right when you’re someone else’s, not when one relationship has one and the other doesn’t.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147596
I will tell you more about the inequality of starting conditions. About it, inequality, is rarely understood by those whose birth privileges are slightly more than the dope. Here you will be born in the next life in Zhaozopinsk, a woman, not a Russian, in a family with many children, where father left, and mother is, with an intellect below average - then you will tell how to everything yourself.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147595
and Camouflage

As a specialist on mushrooms, I can assure you – mushrooms see you in any camouflage. And what is not hidden - this is the only way for the passionate part of the fungal society to leave their native fucking and see the big world. You are on them with knives.
You are beasts, gentlemen.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №147594
In fact, "coat" is a useful thing. If an ancient Russian peasant had seen you call the cockroach cattle, he would have given you a...
The evil! Return to reality. This is the 21st century, you are in the community, I cut black metal. If the ancient Russian peasant had seen me, he would have given me a sense of self-preservation.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147593
First-class student Vovochka hit classmate Lenochka with a wallet on the head, although he wanted to say to her, "I love you!" Lennochka understood everything and wanted to say, "I love you too," but struck the Wolf first under the breath with her fist, and then her knee into her mouth.

[ + 28 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147592
(Programming in Africa)
I did not write this code on a notepad, but on a button phone on the J2ME platform.

How it was

At that time I had not yet had to write the code on the note. I simply had no money to buy it. The parents wanted to help, but it was difficult for them: they would have to choose between buying a notepad and paying for school or other necessary expenses.

I was lucky: a relative gave me a Nokia 2690 phone. This phone in the picture above changed my life, it was on it that I was developing my Xmx Me, a not-flown social network and several other projects. With this phone and the desire to succeed, I spent hours printing code on a tiny keyboard. And in another way, I was lucky: I found an app to compile my J2ME projects. So yes, creating a J2ME app on a J2ME phone is really possible.

Fully determined to my goal, I found a job – I made a site on order to earn the missing amount on a laptop. How to make a website on a Nokia phone? It’s very simple: bring a friend with a hospitalist on Facebook and every night get him asking to see your website on his screen and give feedback. It was cheaper for me than daily trips to an internet cafe.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №147591
In Russia, every dog knows – if you have a dumb master – learn to swim.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147590
Not the mother.

A few years ago there was a case in the city:
However, if a child were NOT in camouflage, it would be so easy to lose him.
And no, I am not a mother, I have no children at all.

Your history has never been characteristic of the present Holivud. It is rather one of those in which moms embedded in smartphones push their wheelchairs with their children under the cars.
If you took a four year old into the forest! As a child, you should understand that you did not go for mushrooms, but for an excursion. that your goal is to spend time with the child in nature, to introduce him to the fauna, to teach careful treatment and the basics of orientation. If the only curve is set on the mushrooms, then your child will still be lost, even if you hang him with guirlandes.
And the fact that a child is afraid to seek help from parents because of the fear of being offended also says a lot.

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147589
"You did not arrange a grand scandal with clarification of relationships, so everything was normal" is not such a rare phenomenon.

Oh yes! How many times have I tried this!! While quiet, without screaming and roaring, you say something - many just miss it by their ears. In the end, you propose to break up, and immediately:

Oh, how did it happen?
I’ve told you this and that many times, but you’ve ignored it.
“Well, you didn’t scream, I thought it wasn’t a serious request.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147588
A fool like you, Lena, must be searched for.
Why do you look for me, I didn’t hide.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147587
Fans of camouflage in the forest!
A couple of years ago in our city there was a case: a family went to the forest for mushrooms and lost a child 4(!) of years. He was dressed in camouflage pants, camouflage t-shirt, camouflage jacket and camouflage bandana (which impressed me). According to the parents, lost literally in a couple of minutes: mom and dad turned the mushrooms to cut, turned - the son is not visible and does not respond. Fortunately, we found it quickly in the morning. A few hundred meters from the place where the child was approximately lost, he slipped into a small hole and could not get out, was silent because he feared that his parents would argue (normal logic for a 5-year-old child). It all ended well, generally.
However, if the child was NOT camouflaged, would it be so easy to lose him by bending behind the mushrooms, and would it not be easier to notice in the wool before the call of the rescuers?
And – most importantly – well NAFIGA dress in the forest by mushrooms like Rambo in the jungle? Even a camouflage on the head, or suddenly a sniper on the mushrooms... And yet, why should this camouflage be released on a child’s size?
And no, I am not a mother, I have no children at all, I just don’t really understand why to create problems where you can’t create.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147586
by Kolkhami

Among other things, most of these organizations lure customers by phone to their offices to force services and goods into credit in a suspicious way on the brink of illegal. And the staff of the call center is often aware of both the relaxing tea in the reception room for visitors, and the "free cosmetic procedures", after which some naive housewife in the state of a zombie buys a suitcase of unnecessary sheep.

I get back quickly when I say I have a different citizenship. The loan cannot be hanged.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna