— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147625
During the haircut, the hairdresser said, further with his words:

A guy comes, gets a small poster and asks, “I want the same.” No question, I cut my hair. When he finished his haircut and was about to put on, the guy says, “Wait. And put it like this" and gets the second poster with another hairstyle...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №147624
The oldest
Yes, the worker is... And physically hard, and it is disgusting - than they will not be deceived in the process of work. And in the eye / jaw / abdomen you get regularly, forever in the bleaches, but at the same time, be patient and smile. The leadership wants to smell out of school, the society considers it nothingness and inferior service. Even the salary of the teacher in the kindergarten the cat cried. If the prostitutes go out, they pay more.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147623
From the history of firearms:

“It is a pity that instead of really useful inventions – which could improve the quality of life, get rid of diseases, save from death – so many human-hours, so many brain resources have been spent on inventing and improving the unnecessary shooting shit.
Wauu: I will not say about illnesses, but with the help of weapons many saved themselves from death. Many people have improved their quality of life.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №147622
The xxx:
I stand at a stop. and frozen.
I begin to describe the circles around this stop. People look at it first with misunderstanding, then with jealousy. And I’ve gone, I’ve broken, a pair out of my mouth...
I watched a student-year-old girl run after me. There is another guy behind her.
In general, we were a man ten or fifteen, running a clear horse. And then the lady behind me begins to knock her elbows and sing "the dance of the little cock"
My friend, I support the song.
What would you think? One-and-a-half dozen adults are running the dance of small ducks around the stop.)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №147621
Patriaplex Kirill blasphemed the installation of a lifetime monument to himself.
I am looking forward to when he will begin to give life to his power. and #9763;

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147620
It is said that if you make a tattoo of an animal, you get under his control one day a year! Who has struck me with 365 invisible lazy people?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147619
Humans: Physicists' favorite dogs are bosons.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №147618
Advice on raising children is extremely difficult to give, but one ancient wisdom should always be remembered: "The strictest parents raise the most skillful liars."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147617
Sleep peacefully, my dear friend.

I will not fall asleep until I know the temperament of the salmon.

It is when, having forgotten about everything and not caring about everything, you break against the current to throw the caviar where you have grown out.

(And let you dream of a delicious fat moth)))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147616
I drank a pill and read the spell and I became easier - thanks to the spell.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №147615
I, I remember, in my youth I almost broke my head, thinking what prostitutes can do, what they are still paid for sex.

The brain is not fucking.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147614
In Copenhagen, a drug dealer rushing home with a cannabis batch confused a police car with a taxi. This is stated in a police statement posted on Twitter.

"He was very surprised when he realized that he was driving in a police car," the publication said.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №147613
XXX: A lot of guesses, no one conclusion. Know that a man has no baculum because Eve was made of it. And now scientifically: as you know, modern man appeared due to the intersection of the crooman (unfortunately, there were no Neanderthals in that area or they were too polite) and the female crew of the interplanetary ship. Since their development was higher, they tried to produce female offspring (all women on their planet). But the hormones of our ancestors were stronger. Therefore, as is known, the embryo is always first female, with a female whisper, which then grows (a scar between the ass and the eggs). Therefore, we have nowhere to take a baccalaureate. If it did not break the ship, it would.

ZZZ: Finally adequate theories, or have gotten with their evolution.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №147612
Give a good swarm so you can bring the girl there.
You are a romantic, I look at you.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147611
Age is when you stop fighting for quality of life and start fighting for quantity.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №147610
In 2017, Russia won 17 Olympic medals, most of which are gold.

December of 2017. International Junior Olympiad in Amsterdam. 6 members from Russia. 6 gold medals.
July 2017. International Physical Olympiad in Zurich. 5 members from Russia. 5 gold medals.
July 2017. International Mathematical Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro. 6 members from Russia. Six medals, one of which is gold.
The geography of the schools represented by the Olympians is the whole of Russia, from region to region. At the same time, the absolute majority of medallists live far beyond the Garden Ring.
and what? And nothing... The news went almost unnoticed. There were no wheels of expensive car gifts for champions and their mentors. Professional propagandists didn’t talk about Russia’s next great victory in ecstasy. Neither the president, nor even any stinking prime minister, congratulated the champions on their outstanding achievements.

This is all you need to know about the national pride of the Great Russians.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147609
I want to go out tomorrow with Monia for a fashion show. Let him think about a new dress for me.
Oh Sophia! You’ll think about a new dress, and he’ll think about a new wife!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147608
Do you think I can continue to do hamon or is it criminal?
You can. You are a Russian manufacturer.
Yes, but I use Western technology.
Nothing like that. In the West, they don’t eat meat in lodges.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №147607
You have thought,
Why so many ads from extrasensors "I will return my husband"
And not one "I will return my wife"?

Akahara: Because the men do not lead to this mess.

LiRix: That is okay! I know a lot of married men.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147606
A few hundred meters from the place where the child was approximately lost, he slipped into a small hole and could not get out, was silent because he was afraid that the parents would argue (normal logic for a 5-year-old child)

Here camouflage is to blame, just as much as the same cookie is to blame for alcohol poisoning.
Ignoring the minimum rules of TB, intimidating a child to such an extent that in a critical situation he is afraid primarily of his parents, this is already something on the verge of crimes.
With such introductory children, even in a bright jacket in the middle of the city, they can also turn aside and fuck in any open lounge. With exactly the same result.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna