— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145624
xxx: Cold then you cover up when you see in the alerts messages such as "Red Hand, Black Frog and Tomb On Wheels signed on you".

[ + 34 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145623
Some individuals are so underdeveloped that they cannot imagine how it is possible to have money and not buy a car! And when someone says, “I don’t need a car or a right,” you can hear the stunning crack of the breaking patterns, repeatedly reinforced by their empty skull box.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145622
It happened yesterday at the house. I put the pump in the well and, of course, one hammer was not enough. I went out for neighbors. Fortunately, one was found. The owner expressed the desire to install it personally. Next is important! 1st A few kilometers away there is a psychic. 2nd He folds from the box with all sorts of bottles, and from his pocket with a quiet bell the keys to the car and the apartment fall out.

Pash, pick up the keys, or you will lose.

He puts them back into his pocket. We approach the well, he climbs inside, crawls there, I hold him for my feet, and suddenly I hear the same quiet ringing and splash.

The keys have fallen! I have to go up.

of Obaldo? There is a water pillar of five meters.

First we exhaust.

"I had the pump working for 4 hours and the level did not fall at all. Take a magnet.

We went together in search of magnets. No one has. I broke the column and got a great magnet. No rope anymore. I pick up the stick, stick the magnet, the catch begins. Scene: Two psychics are sitting at a well and catching a fish. There were no foolish workers there.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145621
I can understand other languages in Java. I found and repaired the bag. I found a magic code – rounding double through conversion into a line. Added another piece of ineffective code to the class initializer so that it would not be called every time a static method is called. I sit and think, may the Java programmers go what I forgot about these managers?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №145620
The more comfortable you are to go, the more likely you have chosen the wrong path!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145619
My sister’s husband told me.
He went to his grandmother Nure for a weekend in the village with his friends. Grandma's godfather: the bathtub to their arrival was melted, the shift was cooked. And here sat 5 brave strawberries at the table after the bath, opened the bottle "white", got salt cucumbers. Baba Neura poured out the shield to everyone... and then one of the boys raises a guilty look at the grandmother and says, “Sorry, but I don’t eat the shield.”
Grandmother dried up for half a minute, went out to the kitchen, brought a bowl with roasted beets, took a spoonful from there and knocked the cotton into the plate with the words: "You won't be a bowl - eat bowl!“”
and eaten.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145618
Every time a criminal case is initiated against another official, I wonder – how do you need to steal, so that even your own people decide what you have done?! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145617
"Video: Football fans beat the guards of a pub in Manchester with sticks and stones".

The Neanderthals, sir.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145616
Never confuse social darwinism and eugenics. Social Darwinism is when you breathe from hunger under the fence, because there was no money for a doctor, and without treatment there is no working capacity. And eugenics will kill you so that you thank her, she will give money to your mother for early fetal examination, and when she learns that she has passed on to you hereditary disease, she will just try again, and you will not even learn that once he died and from the second attempt was born a completely different person.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145615
Now came the time when the corpses of my enemies floated by me. And some unpleasant double feeling when I see this covers me. and sorry.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №145614
Former Naughty Dog level designer has accused the studio boss of sexual harassment.

And that boss was Harvey Weinstein.

yyy: 1)"If you do not finish the level to the deadline I will you@bu!"
2)"The level designer from Naughty Dog accused his boss of sexual harassment!"

I apologize (

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №145613
When my cat goes to bed and drives everyone away from the bed and smokes, I usually wrap it in the corner of the blanket, condemning "prepare for the shaker, all the evil cats are wrapped in the shaker, get used to."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №145612
Learn the match:
>>The first solid-fuel engine was not in rockets, but in steam wagons/dampers: wood and coal are solid.

The first solid-fuel missiles appeared in China in the 3rd century AD, when coal only furnaces were melted in the rest of the world.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145611

At the request "the story of the first teacher" (given the son in school) also gives erotic fantasies writers)))))

All because in school asked to write a story to the son, not download from the internet to the dad.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №145610
What is "square"? It sounds like the fighting cry of the Tajik invaders on the crowns.
It means "everyone’s own" in one of the rap dialects)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145609
The DPRK has pledged to destroy everyone who prevents the country from striving for peace.

Will there be war?
No, there will be a struggle for peace, but such that there will be no stone on stone! and c)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145608
- It is necessary to record the script so that when the fresh build after the assembly was first installed and launched for tests, a woman-conference in glasses would appear on the screen, with a haircut and a dress on the floor, in the times of the USSR on television announced Lechchenko and Kabzona, and with a delivered, measured voice spoke with intonations: "Machine code from the release candidate version 3.17.104 of such a number, the authors of %developer_name_1%" and %developer_name_2%, UI design %ui_designer_name%, arrangement of obfuscation, in the performance of the Intel Core i7-7700K processor. This is the first time."

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №145607
Alexander III had two allies: the army and the navy. Vladimir Putin also had only two - prunkers and hackers, but here the Pokémon moved.

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145606
Yesterday Father Nicholas came from the monastery. In economic matters, the monastery is also a kind of enterprise, something is purchased from me from time to time.
We talk with him a little every time. A wide range of topics, from drunkenness to ISIS. I ask more, of course. I like him, he always answers something interesting, his look at a lot.
Yesterday I asked him what he thinks of Matilda.
Who is this? He asks.
- So the movie, - I say, - about the tsar, about the ballerina, everyone is now discussed, on TV is constantly shown, have you not heard?
He shrugged his shoulders:
No, we are not watching...
I left, and I think that’s an interesting thing. For a month, all the media as cockroaches in the kitchen with this Matilda are worn, in two ears we blow - the tsar, the ballerina, the fried, not the fried, the worshiping, the saint, the rpz, the cyril, scraps, prohibitions, Medina, Orthodox activists, threats, etc. T.P...
And here the people of God live peacefully and do not know.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145605
The problem of the Master, who filmed Matilda, will seem flowery compared to the director, who decided to film the Unknown on the Moon.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna