— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №39421
xxx: "the position of the regulator allows you to move in all directions, and the tram - only to the left, which is not part of his plans, because the rails are laid only straight";
How much irony

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №39420
The premiere of Harry Potter:
In the plot, Harry and his team must destroy some kind of artifact that, as they say, you will destroy, Harry is confused!
And there’s a scream from the room:"Bring him to Mordor"!

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №39419
This is a shit!! I am a witness to the century affair!!!
xxx: caroch, we have been living in the entrance for a few days) with everything as it should be - sret, sash, blush and so on. The people are outraged, but they cannot burn it any more. We have a key to the entrance door.
Well, it turned out that he wrote on a sheet of paper "do not close the door, work is underway", glued it to the door, opened the entrance to the basement for persuasion, etc... he put off somewhere an orange vest "lenspecgaz" and all this time mistaken in it in the entrance, and the workers of the utilities look not much better, nobody suspected anything)))

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №39418
On the status "Everyone likes small kittens, small puppies, small chickens and chickens... And only a little chickens do not like anyone." 18 people inContact clicked "I like"

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №39417
Topic: How do I know if I love a cat?

‎ One of the answers pleased:
Throw away your cat, it’s not worth you! He is using you. Besides food and accommodation, he does not need anything from you. Run away from him with the rookie. How can a girl be so disrespectful that you live with such a cat!!!! to

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №39416
You know, when I finish school, my dad will pay for eggs, I will go to a prestigious university at a prestigious university, and then I will be taken to a prestigious job, I will meet a guy in a white BMW, who will marry me, and will love my whole life!
M: And I think, in your stall, you are beaten by some collective farmer, you will fly away from him, you will shoot his children, all your life you will feed a cow and he will collect seed, and you will live long and happy.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №39415
I have a monthly period at this time. But now the delay has begun. I’m getting worried slowly (
I hope it’s just a shift...
He: I will also hope
So let’s not be sad ?
He said, “Who do you want? HDD
She is Andrea!!!! to

[ + 56 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39414
on "xxxx: evening.les. we sit in his car, sex naturally. asked mynetic.Well, I'm what, please.After: you're smart, I didn't expect, you're fine.Oh.I dress slowly. I’m going to start reading this autumn!! Listen to!! After a minute!! Poetry is fucking!and "

Not these ones:
The noise and rumor in this log is terrible,
All night until dawn,
I read poetry to prostitutes.
And with bands hot alcohol?

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №39413
How is the weather, by the way?
black_drozd: 8
Arsenyk: Is it a fucker?
black_drozd: This is minus eight.
The curse of the internet!

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №39412
There are 3 groups in the audience in total as a person as 100.
Well, here, a girl falls for a couple, being very late.
In this same second comes a text message and to the entire audience :"I-efemefka..I fled";
Silent rubber, Prepod asks the girl's name.
A mixed...
The Wild Gogot of a Hundred Men and Tears of Teaching

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №39411
i_bobr: All the energy we use, except atomic, is the energy of the sun.
ColorByte: Light up the spirits to see how wrong you are.
BOBR: Where did the spirits come from?
LordCrimson: from the store
i_bobr: alcohol is not sold at night. It can only be purchased through the energy of the sun.

[ + 56 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39410
The army is fun.
xx: Yesterday we had nothing to do to bend the looms, dump the word "x..." in the snow so that it was seen from airplanes... and hanged on the perimeter of the part of the tablet "Care, mines!".
yyy : ) )
Are they feeding well?
Ohhhhh very much. Today on a piece of meat the knife broke... the meat scratched...

[ + 55 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39409
Matvienko, SUKA, cleanse the city from the snow!
In the second year, you spend the budget money, and the city because of the snow in many hours of traffic jams, the streets do not pass, the car is not put!
Clean up the city and go to the Canaries, you have already paid five hundred pensions!! to

With respect, voters and taxpayers.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №39408
I work in a book club.
Aunt ordered books: “home baking”, “cake”, “cabbage to the house. The book “Why people get fat and how to get back lean.”

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39407
The case was in summer. It’s 2 o’clock at night, I’m in bed, I can’t sleep. Under the window, a fucking drunk boy whispered and said, “Katia...I love you.” 20 minutes pass, the neighboring window opens, and from there, with no less sober voice, it is: "Romeo... IK... You have already taken everyone... IK... Go home. Julia has been sleeping long. »

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №39406
Optimistic letter from at 8:30 p.m. with the theme: Your world has been successfully removed.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №39405
I put food in the microwave, heated it, opened the olive.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №39404
Review of the film Skyline on the forum of the cinema

The movie is super! I came, fell asleep, woke up 15 minutes before the end of the movie, and just cried out from what I saw! I advise everyone to watch it like this.

[ + -11 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39403
A bad man is one who does not dream of becoming a lover.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №39402
The story of the factory director. From the first person.
Have you ever had millionaires? No is? And I had one – just named hearts, not an employee. I worked in one capital of the Baltic state (with “our” side of the Baltic Sea). The plant belonged to a Scandinavian company and with tolerance, tolerance and attention to disabled people ("disabled people" to be politically correct) everything was on the go. This is how we worked with such a Gunnar.
We call him the truck driver. He was deaf. That is, not quite deaf – he did not hear, but could speak, indeed, the speech was not very discreet, as if in a tube, but everyone with whom he worked together understood him. The man is very diligent, friendly - a good worker, in general.
He had a wife – also deaf, and two daughters – hearing, one schoolgirl, the other was already working. The whole family lived in a hutor near the city. There was not much wealth, but they did not suffer. And here... this Baltic country joined the European Union. The good European Union decided to build good roads in this country. I allocated money for that. The roads were planned. Here is one of those roads, and it went as planned... right through the Houth of Gunnar and his family.
The European Commission arrived, determined compensation for people who lost their family nest... and after a certain time Gunar, as the head of the family, received no much or little – two and a half million euros on his bank account! He became a real millionaire.
In another, the roof would fall – but not in the strong Baltic hummer, who grew up with the consciousness that labor is everything. Gunnar did not leave his job and continued to drive his truck. The only thing that changed was that he started his business in parallel: he bought an evacuator and began to provide appropriate services to drivers who were in trouble on the same route that passed through his former hut. The calls are received by the daughters, and he drives the evacuator when he is not busy in the factory.
So, if someday (don’t give God, of course, but everything happens) you will have to call an evacuator on a trip through the Baltics, and the driver of that will be deaf – don’t be surprised, it’s a millionaire Gunnar.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna