— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №39061
XXX: Have you heard it? Director removed
YYY: Did you go to the tree again?

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №39060
I have the feeling that the admins of our company are the orcs of the vacha. All computers work only because the admin believes that they should work.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №39059
Hello Kesha :
5 year old nephew
Can I change the pol?
Do you? o
I don’t want to be a man.
They are brutal.
They are brutal, but they are all either goats or gay.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №39058
News on
Santa Claus received a glonass navigation
It will not be a new year (

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №39057
Busted Busted:
Yes, he is so TECHNAR that he even rebuilt his belt! Now the strap itself - a cutter for the cleaning of wires, a opening and a mini-split key, and three tongues in general drawn under the holes! And you still ask why it’s so hard to cook pasta!

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №39056
The news:
Physicists at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) have for the first time developed an effective way to obtain and hold anti-matter particles for a sufficiently long time.

The commentary:
While scientists from CERN are engaged in some nonsense, British scientists made another breakthrough in the study of physiology, determining that the amplitude of the oscillation of the sphincter during the forge cannot exceed the diameter of the buttocks.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №39055
The 21st century...
Before you get out of the entrance, and the inscription on the asphalt is beautiful: "Light, I love you!"
And now: "Hello, we have fun with you!!and "

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №39054
The xxx:
We also have a paladin at work... In the sense of a comrade with an aura – all the technique around him ceases to glitter. Even people are ceasing to dumb.
by Nuicho?
As you can see, he is an accountant.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №39053
And the girl and I came up with the original counteraction to the hostile grandmothers=) They always don’t like that we embrace / kiss on the street and they forever start to bruise, and give out their favorite "Stalin misses you". So we will answer them now that they "are not enough"Raskolnikov. Uninterrupted HD

[ + 87 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39052
I stand in a row to the store, a man in front of me paying with the cashiers gets new 10 (coins) and says, "I will pay with gold." I barely held.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №39051
A real gentleman is always ready to help a lady fuck another lady.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №39050
Wanna be wanna!! Where is your mother at the foot of the promised report of the done slavery?
I slowly take the mouse in my hand, weave it to the Word icon and with two confident moves press the mouse key.
WOW: I quickly press the keyboard keys, no click under my wet fingers! Oh wow wow! And even faster!
My fingers tremble of excitement! The first page is already printed. My fingers are sick of pleasant pain. The second page, haha!
I stopped, smoked and pressed ctr+print.
WOW: Luckily I’ll bring you this scratched report... it’s warm and smells like a printer, fucking...

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №39049
Fuck all my diets if there are sweets in the house.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №39048
Arven Evening Star: and?? ???? and?? ? to
SLY_FOX is ???? ? to and??? to? ? to ! to

[ + 68 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39047
Arven Evening Star: Hey, say, dear, do you know the killer of Lermontov?
SLY_FOX_: Do not hold the mine for the fool! A poet, not a murderer.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №39046
Rehearsal of the Agit Brigade scene at school

I am a cigarette.
The other two are alcohol and drugs.
They read their texts, and here I come out:
"I am beautiful and thin..."
And then the man who makes the production (later it turned out that he had not even read the script) interrupts me and says:
"That is a stop. And you who? A woman"

The curtain.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №39045
Kathrine: And I’m not going to tone my car – I’m cute!)))

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №39044
xxx: By the way, on the EOdinka saw an ad - type of contest We offer you to come up with the name of the new dog of Putin.
YYY: What to think? The Dog by Name "Plan"
Yyy: Putin’s Plan
xxx: the pattern
yyy: You can "Demon"
YYY: But it is uncreative.
Or Zacher for a Good United Russia
The electorate is not bad either.
The electorate! to sit! to lie!
And the most important thing is the voice!

[ + 82 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №39043
Working in our office as an assistant girl, immediately after the institute, quite clever and very sharp in the language. Her name is Lena. Picture with oil: Ed decided to change the overburned light bulb over his table... He crashed, he clumped up on the table, but only touched the luster - its dust and filled. It’s a mess, I have to wipe it out!
by Lena-A A scream to the whole office.
Realizing that something terrible has happened, Lena flies out of her office in all pairs, loudly and often cuddling her heels on the laminate. In the doors it freezes and from the summer, seeing under the ceiling Ed with his arms lifted up, he gives:
Soap and rope?
Bring a servette.
You are afraid of the dollar.? to
I had to wait half an hour to replace the light.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №39042
You as a microbiologist should know. Why are the spots sticky and stretched?
To chew was comfortable.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna