— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №37058
He said, “Is he a fucking shit?”
She: Do not be mother.
Like a fucking shoe.
Why do we always take the example of shoes?! to
The shoes are normal people.
But he does not eat! All the Russians think that the shoes are the motherland!
He: but here are the welders, the slugs, the taxi drivers... they don’t eat! They are not mothers.
He: You sit on your feet... you get stuck... Fuck! Soakyoumathy Nakhon! PIDAAAAAAAAAAR!!!! to
he: and the slug... climbs into the well, the foot from the staircase landed, three meters of fall... in the jizz fuck fucked, they fuck... and such: ай ай ай ай, trouble trouble....
See also: ROFL
by [INJEE]

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №37057
Do you know why I don’t like to work with girls?
I was sent once by fax an official letter, and at the bottom of the note - "for Davydov", hand-written. I call the sender the phone takes a girl:
Please remove the note in the letter and send it again.
I wrote there with a pencil.
The rubber? Fuck, we probably don’t have it in the office, let’s send you a delete and send it back, okay?
And then the lady thought, apologized and sent a normal fax.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №37056
Kill me, I refuse to work in such conditions!
and silver?
Goodbye at midnight. I write an essay on philosophy, I develop the problem of understanding the essence of man in the teaching of Democritus, and suddenly from the block comes "denis, can you melt faster? I can’t stand it anymore!"

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №37055
• By anonymous at 06,Oct,10 16:55
Everyone knows that torrents are the main source of piracy. So why do you, fucking pirates, not respect the powerless work of programmers, designers, who worked to make you, fucking, use this program?

• By troll at 06,Oct,10 16:56
Let the bourgeoisie go, the art belongs to the people.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №37054
I don’t want you to give birth prematurely.
A child writes to me.
Anton: and we will test for relativity) you will be a mother - you will not turn away, you will have to get married))
Christina: Oh lords, Tony, I'm sorry that I didn't use the spam filter in the correspondence, now you're pregnant...
Anton: here you are all such... allergy to the filter, allergy... and antivirus to bring me from the pharmacy, it is weak for us...
But without a filter is more interesting than with a filter.
It was my fault, I knew who you were writing to.
Anton: I trusted you... I did everything for you... I even spoke to you, and you... it’s your child, Chris, yours!
What is right now mine? You have proved.
It wasn’t just me that wrote, didn’t it?? to
Anthony : No! How could you think! I have always been loyal to you. You were the first person ever to write to me! Tears, the thistle has flowed
Remove the child in the basket.
Anton: What is it? You have broken! How could you think of removal? I'm not a chatbot for you to write to everyone and remove the kids!
Go ride with him yourself.
I'm not going to pay for your child on the internet.
When he grows up, you will say that his father was an admin and died during the execution.
And I will install it! I have been suffering for 9 months, jumping and installing! I dare not get closer than a mile. Traffic will still be paid. My child will not suffer because his father is irresponsible.

Z is. The real correspondence

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №37053
A couple of law. Prepod (a young girl) Talk about territorial belongings.
Consider the following case: a citizen... emm... of Colombia beat a citizen... no... of Australia on a ship belonging... to Japan, in the coastal waters... emm... no... of Mongolia, for example.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №37052
A banner of some dentistry jumped out with a calling text: "Even the elderly will have teeth like a baby!"
I thought long.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №37051
She: Can I ask another question?
He is: Yes
What does the disk look like if I get it?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №37050
Fuck, I am a tough man.
I broke the plate.
The Greek fucking.! to

[ + 65 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №37049
The idea may be nonsense, but what confused me... I propose a universal flashmob - Do not shave those (men, guys, men, etc.)Who "do not give"! You see it, or we turn it around, or vice versa, or they will begin to understand. The girl, for example, looks - unbarred... or maybe it is fate...? and 86

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №37048
1: no) all quietly waited :) Only our bus was on the edge of the road and overtaken everyone))

2: in Moscow there would be a side of the road and the side and the side of the side and even where you can cut through the forest would also stand.))))

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №37047
XX: Change the abbey
Fuck that :D

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №37046
This morning I saw a trolleybus with the advertisement of the Chelnin Meat Combinate in all length and pictures of meat, sausages and sausages. There were so many people in the morning that their faces clinged to the windows.
And some original man with a fat marker wrote:
We are going to the Chelnese meat factory!
It was scary for people...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №37045
<Red> I was sitting here in the headphones...
<Red> On audio support on the site should be a separate article in the Code of Conduct.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №37044
Ask only boys what you like in girls.
Tagged: literacy

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №37043
Floyd: It was just roasted.
Floyd: The wife of a couple of computer scientists, the prede asks the audience the question - who knows the structure of the processor?
floyd: well Dash and issues: cache memory, tire, registers there all kinds of
Floyd: a predator with round eyes: and all? and motherboard, operating machine, power unit, winchester with sideroom where do you share?
My school :D

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №37042
Letter to the online store:
Good day! Do you have a solution to this task? I am controller. I take evidence from electrical energy recording devices. I do not want to walk anymore. There are 280 registration devices. Hanging where it is. Where in the house, where in the house. I would like to smile at your suggestion that I will not have to walk around anymore. Do you have a helicopter with a camera that would show me an image on a monitor or a televisor in the rail time mode? I would, armed with this equipment, sit at home and the helicopter would fly around my village, and I would record the evidence from the recording instruments, flying to one or another counter. With respect, x
p.s Radius of action 1000-3000m.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №37041
Kudrin (Minister of Finance) successfully stated: the fight against corruption is the main evil.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №37040
I walk around the universe.On the whole floor, the glue clamps the moment. Naturally, all the noses are covered.And here I hear the voice of one girl:"Damn, but I did not smell")

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №37039
All my life I went to the goal. It was the horizon.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna