— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №34058
When Vanya is focused, looking closely at the monitor means exactly the spider displays.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №34057
Dark Water: The site about pregnancy was "Myth: Infertility is hereditary".

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №34056
Blonde :D
As long as I was surprised, I went into the price of 1080p. A small, portable TV. O_O

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №34055
After the cold and strong you want a warm and elastic...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №34054
We are used to living in a world of nuclear deterrence. And we forget that it is simply literally an army of people - only busy watching - as if nothing.
So, there is such a city Obninsk, there is a bunch of different clever research institutes, on the territory of one of them there is, for example, a warehouse of weapons plutonium.
(This is not a secret, for example, here is a reference
straciya-sistemy-kontrolya-za-xraneniem-plutoniya-i-obogashhennogo-urana do not think).
Sometimes in this research institute at one of the routine NTS (scientific and technical council) the local authorities discussed the issue of "landing" in the city of a new nuclear heat supply station (well, they designed them here - wanted to sell for a budget account. Such negotiations last for years and usually end at nothing.
The prosecutor of the city, Dmitry Narusov - the brother of the same Narusova, who is the wife of the same Sobchak... - decided to come to this NTS from some body. What he needed there - now it does not matter, it is important that he went by himself, without warning anyone.
has arrived. And on the passing – the clock – “pass?” He gets the city’s prosecutor’s cheque. Soldier – 0 emotions – “pass!” What a hustle
"pass" - the City Prosecutor by law - has access to all enterprises of the city except military units, (where there is a military prosecutor) - and the Prosecutor
The city was excited - with a xia in one hand and a gun in the other he tried to pass the clock force. and ah. hour at the execution.
He overturned the lock of the machine, laid the prosecutor's mouth on the floor and pressed the alarm button "armed attack".

... as it then turned out – this BUTTON – “armed attack on a nuclear hazardous object – a warehouse of weapons plutonium” – simultaneously transmits a signal to: the local regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the local FSB, Minatom, the Ministry of Internal Affairs – central, the FSB (central), the Ministry of Emergency Affairs, the General Staff, the Ministry of Defense, the government, the administration of the President, the IAEA, the administration of the American President, the Pentagon, the unified command of the NATO Rapid Response Forces, and the hell-knows-where-yet (I think diplomats also did not stay aside).
How many serious people have been raised on their ears in just a few minutes?! to
The incident was quickly removed - a cradle of our laws - it turned out that the minatom enterprises do not have prosecutor's supervision at all - neither military nor civil.
— — —
But now we know who Xusha went to.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №34053
by Müller Stirlitz:
"We did not take Moscow in 1941 because there were freezes of -40 degrees.
Now it is 40 degrees and it is not hot.
All that is 40 degrees is good for the Russians.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №34052
The xxx:
It was the flagship of the fleet, a little later it became the emblem.
Well yes. And what we now have a tricolor in general was a trade.
The xxx:
What a power, such a flag.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №34051
I saw this picture today: Bilaynovsky stand, 2 promoter girls, on the stand a netbook with a 3G usb modem. On the display opened Internet Explorer: "Connection error". The right marketing.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №34050
[22:28:33] <L7H1> I roll out the album of the band BelloDuch
[22:30:43] <droonka> whiteheart is probably the Ukrainian version of the solvent "White Spirit"

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №34049
by Alan_Spacer
A friend from Latvia came to my mom in Soviet times and was surprised during a tram ride that there are Italian shops in Kharkiv. The store was named "Tissue"

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №34048
From the reply to
Q: What rope should be so that the bound hands do not hurt and are without bleeding?
I think the body you’re going to bury in the woods will be aligned.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №34047
I want to lose weight by summer.
ууу- Well, I will write you a set of exercises, called "Spartan".
Okay, but no shit in the ass.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №34046
Impaum: here is her, the holistic life.Learned to play the microwave entry from Mario...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №34045
Interview with the administrator responsible for the distribution of seats at the cemetery
Look at what my network is missing.
ADMIN: I’ll come and see what’s going on.
Answer: Well, if my network works, you can choose your place at the cemetery.
by admin (

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №34044
by Katya (12:21) :
I am now busy, this month I will do any repairs or follow up and invite)

by Andrew (12:22) :
...or before the New Year, or maybe after, but by spring it will be...

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №34043
16:43 Polina: Mom brought some new washing agent..I will go and try it.)
17.57 Polina: Throw, I have a linoleum in the kitchen blue!! to
19:15 Polina: and the table is white.! to

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №34042
<hadron> National Project "Happy Country" - to sow all cannabis turf.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №34041
There are two types of people: humans bees and humans flies. Bee humans fly with purpose and hard work to do good deeds. Nothing distracts you. And there are people like you - flies: these also fly on their good deeds, but they will never miss a bunch of shit down - out of curiosity!
There are people like you, flying cows. They fly and go, fly and go!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №34040
The news just said that the man was crushed by a garage that was overturned by the wind
xxx: "The man who was under the garage from hospitalization refused"
Soon I went to the nearest toilet.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №34039
People at NASA are working:
Test 3 stages "Apollo", the rocket on the stand, refuelled, waiting...The engineer counts - 3, 2, 1, INCENDIES... give lighting...

I’m going to go on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to
The missile carries a thousand pieces, everything burns, flies in all directions, wherever it hit, far away, the thunder, the panic...

The Engineer:
-"People, something seems to go wrong..."

I would have that kind of nerve...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna