— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №35178
Pony (23:37:50 27/08/2010)
Do you know the cost of illegal manufacturing?

Grifon (23:37:58 27/08/2010)
years 8

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №35177
Lack of strength does not guarantee the existence of the mind.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №35176
A hundred years ago, we, four boys and three girls, went fishing with tents to Vyatka.
A local man took us to a small island for two days and sailed away.
We felt like robinsons, the weather was great, the mood even better.
They set up two tents and caught fish for ears. We look forward to the evening, dancing at the fire and a light flirt. We talked about places not so far away.
One of us, Valera, stayed there for a year and a half. He was caught on a motorcycle, which was stolen. Valery is extreme.
“Poor girl, how offensive it is, you’re sitting, and life goes by the window without you.
Why without you? Life everywhere. But I got a lot of experience that I’t get on my own.
- What is the experience of breathing clean air and using parachutes?
Well, not only, I learned to understand people, to be content with the little ones,
Do you know what kind of bread I made? I am still quiet there.
prepared to enter the institute and entered the landing.
This is a plus.
So for conversations we picked up wood on the island, put a boiler for the ears and...
And they realized that none of us seven smoked, so no one even thought about fireworks.
At first it was funny, and then we realized that two days without heat and hot food were rough. We only had bread and salt, and all hope was for fish. The island became our enemy. The girls, shaking their hands, cuddled: - Well boys. Imagine some friction. Whoever catches the fire will be rewarded with a kiss.
We took the business. I built a small onion from a branch with a leash and started to spin a stick in the crust. Someone ter with a boring war with a dry stick on the strings of the guitar. Third, he threw a stone. Only Valera lay on the inflatable mattress and smiled, looking at our agitation.
My hands were tired, the strings broke on the guitar, the third caught a piece of stone with his eye. Only Valera lay down and laughed.
The girls raised the bet: - who gets the fire, he will not be disappointed.
We rushed to “prometheism” with a new force. One of us, even dismantled his photocopy, but with the help of a small lens, got only a black dot on the paper. We got our hands down, and Valera said, “Lena, if I get a fire, will you fulfill any of my wishes?” The girls knit.
To do, to do, to do, to do anything.
Okay anybody.
(Valera long and unsuccessfully cared for Lena) He jumped, pulled out a piece of cotton from the pharmacy box, sprayed her an activated charcoal tablet and asked for a condom.
First the fire!
Valera went down with a condom to the river and brought it with water.
Put a beautiful and shiny water ball to the cotton...
In a minute there was a fire.
In the evening, we were all three sitting at the fire, hanging on one string and jealous of Valerie’s strategy.
Women love heroes.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №35175
Give me that red ass.
This is not the ass, but the heart.
I have been working as a cardiovascular surgeon for 20 years. Give me that red ass.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №35174
Myths are burning. Once they tried to check whether it was true that if you lick the iron in the frost, the tongue will stick. And yesterday they decided to check whether it is possible to make a sunflower on the sticks and not fall.
What a boring childhood of Pentecost.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №35173
I need to put something up for the weekend.
So that the summer ends well.
I propose a change of power in the country.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №35172
Playing the game Worms.
He created a team of four worms, all named by the names of the members of the Beatles (John Lennon, Paul McKartney, etc.)
John Lennon was shot first.
You cannot escape fate.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №35171
> Rene (12:25:42 27/08/2010)
> The jump now stands outside the railway for 500 hectares
> Rihanna (12:27:58 27/08/2010)
How much does a portable hard drive with a memory volume equal to 500 gigabytes cost?
> Eve (12:35:49 27/08/2010)
> Blya and I exit the railway for 500 hectares

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №35170
My niece Masha, four and a half years old, once again struggled:
Grandma, am I going to be pregnant?
Yes to Mason. If you study well.
My grandmother is a teacher. My grandmother also disappeared.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №35169
13:38 x: did you get promoted for a good job?
13:39 and the
13:39 y: I was promoted because I was transferred to an engineer
13:39 y: and translated not me alone, do not worry)
13:39 x: fucks
13:39 x: well okay
13:40 x as follows:
"12:25 y: Hi I am still busy 10 minutes

12:39 y: I was raised my salary!and"

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №35168
The news shows how Putin himself sits behind the wheel of a yellow machine, he drives it.
Mom says: I would show him how he goes to the toilet himself... big boy, he knows everything...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №35167
Max: For stability, the grid needs to be strained urgently.
The light: Shake up! And just try to say that you "not meant"!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №35166
If: Actors are needed for filming in a porn film.
AB: What are the requirements? The size is there, what? I’m 21 cm, is it okay?
If: C rich fantasy like you need :) And remember, 12 is written the opposite!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №35165
Aelia: and in the first and second place of work almost nothing to do
Aelia: from the first sysadmin fired because of the fact that there is nothing to do - so he did not come at all

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №35164
He: Everything I need to know, I already know. Something I don’t need to know, I know too, and what no one knows, I know too.
She: Are you a fucker?
He: Well, partly yes...
She: And what percentage?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №35163
Why do girls like to make things worse?
You answered at the end.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №35162
What about StarCraft II?
YYY: I am not playing games. I only played before.
Okay, I’ll ask in six years.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №35161
I'm just the first time I'm seeing these guys.)
Raman: Do you have a big life experience?
Bestiya: well a little comparison is with that.... just suddenly my life experience on you =))))
What about health, sweetheart?and (

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №35160
X: Greetings
A: Healthy
Q: Have you seen Sanya?
U is yes. yesterday
Do you know his nose is broken? I asked, but it’s gone %(
Yesterday he greeted me like this.
X in the sense? That he told you? Why are you him?
A: No, I saluted you in the real sense.
A: I wanted to shake my hand.
Going on a big...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №35159
I was in the bank yesterday. The defacka asks, say who I work, I say - maintenance of computing equipment, she is so loudly speaking and writing - a PROGRAMMIST. I say no, I am not a programmer. She was so surprised, I thought the eyebrows would stay on the back of the neck forever – and who? I play – the programmer writes the program, and I set up the technique. She’s like that, aaaaah, just we in the common people call you that.
I wanted to tell her a parable about the eyelid and the p#$juka, but I didn’t 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna