— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146104
Tell me what you look like.)
very common: two hands, two legs, head, body
How sexy you talk about yourself) and your hair in general. Growth of the eyes)))
YYY: There is hair. But the body structure and the growth of the eyes... I didn’t even measure.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №146103
I had a neighbor, well, I have a neighbor, and he parked so that he violated several PDD rules at the same time. The Fairy Fool.

He parked in the zone of the sign "parking is prohibited", placed the car on the mark "fire zone", and closed the ring pass. I spoke to him personally, explained that it should not be done, but was not heard. Sending and sending.

Well, ok, called the evacuator, they came and picked up. He ran through the courtyard and spoke that would soak the puddles. I went out, I asked what happened, I started screaming that the car was stolen, I said:

Maybe they were evacuated?

Let him call and find out. I took it shortly. Where did he put the car?

is correct. and there. The Fairy Fool. Evacuated immediately.

His wife wept as if she was trying to scream to the COD.

"Your car has already struck me, so much money goes into it, your fines and evacuations, sell it or I'll burn it to the hell!

He also spoke something about the fact that the pydors alone in this house live and call the evacuator. Calculate and fuck. That he was the fool's fault, I probably didn't even think.

In short, he sells a car, but begins to use the car for rent. Parking in the same place.

I guess, fucking, how did you live through these years? I call the company, which is indicated on the car itself, I explain the situation that the car is parked in violation of the PDD, the operator accepts the application, says, now we will contact, we will ask to reset the car. After an hour, I look, I don't change, I call the rental companies, they explain that the subscriber's phone is "not a subscriber". Asked to call the evacuator, because they do not see violations personally and can not do so, they assure that for violations of the PDD during parking, the subscriber is also imposed an internal fine, when receiving several fines, access to services will be prohibited.

I call an evacuator.

A day later, the car of the company is standing in the same place again. I call, explain the situation, ask again to call the evacuator himself. I call.

No one has parked there for six months.

But I didn’t see carsharing cars in the yard anymore.

I've seen in my life various dumbabees, with such a stubborn encountered for the first time.

Do you think why he needed all this?

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146102
In the morning, a colleague argued that it would be time to stop considering November 7 a holiday. My friend’s name is Roman.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №146101
I was in the car with my wife early in the morning. I was driving, sleepy.
I: Dear, what are you willing to do to prevent me from falling asleep? (Working with the eyebrows, hinting at the mine)
Wife: I can give you a lump.
This is all you need to know about our relationship.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146100
Mongol: Once you have created a new subsite and you want discussions – put your right hand on the Bible and swear not to banish those whose point of view is radically different from yours.
jsnk: Yes, for the sake of God, only without hamsh, labels and address mat.
Verano: You’re now, essentially, asking the ass not to curl". Take the time before his first ham, it’s not long.
Mongol: And the truth is, what to pull is: let you go!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146099
This is:
If a girl has a vibrator - it is very likely a hint that the guy does not satisfy the girl (and so obvious that it is more direct - only in words to say the same thing). And this, first of all, is in itself a personal insult, and secondly - is a non-illusory probability that the rubber member will soon be added to the real. Not the current guy. So tired of such a meeting? >>>>

exactly! Find a choked frigid grandmother who has not heard of orgasm, as well as about vibrators, and do not satisfy her quietly, or go!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146098
The news:
NAPK launches investigation into Klitschko’s corruption
In particular, the NAPK watched a journalist’s investigation of the program “Schemes” about how Klitschko flew on a private plane with scandalous Kiev developers.
The commentary:
and gt; chemistry

Okay, even if he was involved, he didn’t understand what was going on.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146097
The tireless witch Geralt will soon begin to master a new craft - White Wolf is about to sing. In the Polish city of Gdynia will be shown a musical based on works of Andrzej Sapkowski.

I would go, but Mommy doesn’t let me go to Poland.
Do you think Hitler asked his mother for permission?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146096
Ilya Filler: Reality does not exist without an observer. You cannot turn away for a moment, spouse immediately.

[ + 27 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146095
Sobchak, Gordon, Chekhov... who will be more cool?
Is it Sasha Grey?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146094
xxx: I have good news: the task N has been cancelled - we do not.
YYY: And we haven’t done it a long time ago.
Zzzz: We are professionals!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146093
BceM_IIpuBeT: Why is the aquarium empty? Did you eat fish?
Ramil: She is plastic on the batteries, the batteries sat down, the fish lay on the bottom of the mouth.
Harald: where the world went, rubber women, fish on batteries
Ramil: electronic cigarettes
sehellion: alcohol-free beer, electric cars
Ramil: Mac OS

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №146092
I was 15. The words pedic, blue and gay I didn’t know, I didn’t even know that there could be something between men. There was no geo-propaganda at the time. My friend and I once got involved and played very seriously. I guess we do something shameful, but no matter. hidden from their ancestors. So far nobody knows. He served for two years, I didn’t. His daughter is soon to finish school, and my son is in 5th. Growing up will get a girl well. I’m going to be with a guy, that’s fate. I will support it even if my wife is against it.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №146091
The Air Forum

“If, let’s say, a child born to two geniuses, immediately after birth, be given to the flock of meteorologists... eheye... that is, wild boys, then nothing will ever come out of that child.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146090
I heard on the radio today that the police are looking for the murderer of a Gypsies. Sending a summary and an accompanying letter.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146089
On the video capture card manufacturer’s website ad: "Please do not use a splitter to unlock copying protection".
Fuck, if they didn’t write, I’t even guess, thank you!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №146088
I watch a porn-hub video where a charming girl brings pizza to five men. The pizza looked so appetizing that I didn’t watch the video and went to the kitchen for dinner. the old.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146087
Women’s sexual freedom has the same right to exist as men’s. But when I heard this story from her, I thought for a long time about the characteristics of female logic.

And what about female logic and logic (genderless) in principle? Full of men who believe that love (and family) in itself, and the freedom of relationships on the side of itself, and none contradicts the other. So your acquaintance just lived according to such a scheme, which is more common in men.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146086
[10:57:04] Dmitry Matrenin: And which smart man multiplying 1.36 by 100 gets 136?! to
[10:57:16] Dmitry Matrenin: Instead of 36
Victor Dobrov: Any normal person
[10:58:45] Dmitry Matrenin: Soryan)))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146085
With foolish enemies, you don’t even need to spend money on a piar.
Alexis the Teacher

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna