— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146124
The Garden

>> - The vibrator is good to smash eggs.

Who is good and who is hurt?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146123
X: give advice, what to give a fan of Game of Thrones on the sunrise
Good shit and poison.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146122
In the evening, I take the bus to work.
The bus broke down and everyone went to pick up their tickets. When approximately half of the passengers are left, the driver with the words “I’m off” closes the door and starts the movement!
The misunderstanding of the people who remained at the stop had no limits.
I thought I was rid of the sinners.)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146121
Wut: - The sign in the logo is not that important... But here we introduce the group "Floaters in the stomach." What is playing? What if there is a knife in the logo?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146120
Alexander: I watched the story of two psychics who organized a mass shooting at school. I didn't have time to close the tab - contextual advertising offers to buy a machine, a tactical curtain to it, summaries...
Yandex, what do you push me to?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146119
I came to the evening of a meeting in a cheap cafe - 18 years since the end of the universe. Singing the chord and folk songs, swinging clothes, shake marrakeches... To such life did not prepare me at 39 years of age, such a feeling that soon to die

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146118
Meanwhile, I fixed everything.
No in the sense of "nothing is broken now", but in the sense of "nothing is broken now"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146117

She lay down in the afternoon with a book and chocolate candy on the couch and fell asleep. I woke up in chocolate. Sometimes I imagined this situation quite differently.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146116
In the 90s, the younger generation of the time called the simple clothed hat no differently than the “cockpit” because of the similarity of the dressing process, right?
As if I had heard something like this.
The present is called "fapotka", from the word "fapat"!
There is no torch. Gugliem "...and Fapotka" and we read origins in the form of an anecdote.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146115
Yascher: Well, there were a brother and sister on the journey, almost peers. Such funny shit.
Yascher: When we were going home, my sister and I had a small mess in the train. With elements of handicraft (not serious, of course).
Yascher: Her brother from the neighboring plackart ran into the noise and asked, “I didn’t understand, is someone beating my sister here?”
Yascher: and absolutely without a pause added: "The most important thing is not the mouth, or she will lose its commercial appearance, and I will still get married to give it."

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146114
X: Soryan and Lettu. I will take a horse and I will.
Sorry, I wrote this to my husband.
Q: Pure for personal development, can you translate?
X: Sorry I am late. Need to recharge the car. What is not clear? :D

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146113
We can ride in the asphalt, but normally put it - not.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146112
Stories about parents and children. My friend, a forty-year-old married lady, came to Moscow to visit her parents. In the morning, she woke up from the smell of my mom’s blinkers, the dishes in the kitchen and the father’s furious whisper: “Still, you will wake the baby!”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146111
I am impressed by our heroic past.
But it is very stressful to feel that the future is also heroic.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146110
Oniya_Lixareva: Today I went to a paper store, decided to buy a notebook for small records. Well, it cost about 22 rubles, the cheapest. Then I go home and look at her. Blue cover with a wave-shaped pattern, 48 sheets, poor quality paper. I got bored and decided to look at the information from behind. Everything is standard there too. Only one but. Pride, in a circle, with large numbers written: 18+. I read the whole notebook in good faith – ordinary. I looked at the light, smelled (what little?) I began to cheer her to all my acquaintances. I even wrote something in it. Now I think, why didn’t I ask for a passport... When buying cigarettes, they ask, and here? I thought about it all night. Why is life so difficult?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146109
My wife calls the cat a mouse, the dog a cat, and the pig in the village a beauty. This is innate and untreatable - I understood it when she called my first night - p*zdenyshim, eyes - blinds, and when she saw my naked hand, she said - "Oh, you have a hand. Just like my feet" Then she still admitted to me that as a child she confused bodyguards and bodyguards.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146108
In my life, I have never encountered rescuers who would call other people’s lives wreckage and treat work as a duty, not as a matter of their whole life.

- Read the comic "Spaskom". The author is a former rescue worker with many years of experience. You will find out a lot of interesting.
- Read or listen to the Radio Vera website interview with pilots of the helicopter search and rescue team "Angel". I quote (this was said after half a hour of explanations how not to do):

A. Mikhailov: Well, if you went to the forest, here you went to the forest in camouflage, without flashbacks, with a sewed phone...
A. Pichugin (leader): You are already a strange person.
Mikhailov: Why are we looking for you?

(No, they’ll look for it anyway, of course... But they’ll be angry too.)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146107
Alexey Teacher and Natalia Poklonskaya share the income from Matilda:
“Yes,” she breathes up, “I’ve gotten into something. I read so much shit about myself every day.
– Listen, Natasha, an experienced artist – by finishing the calculations, the Master answers. There is no bad pirate.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146106
(Another other blunder)

xxx: With a high probability many of us under Stalin would now work for free :)

Yyy: If Stalin were alive now, it would most likely mean that he was a necromantic wizard or an alien cyborg, and then it could really be EVERYTHING. O_O

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146105
Whoever is

"We are employed so often foolish that I suggested our HR in an interview to first give a drop of Google for filtering underdeveloped..."

Apparently, your main fool is not the mercenary, but just the eichar. After all, it is he who finds them for you and recommends them to the boss.
When the cook begins to feed with feces, you need to throw out not only shit, but also the cook - in the first place.
Or divorced such "personalists" with Soros’ methods from the 90s in a single twist...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna