— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145104
XXX: in two weeks hanged the announcement of the victory. Today, after the event, someone YYY writes to me "XXX, and why didn’t you say it was a victory?I also wanted to! 11". The curtain.
YYY: Because I wanted, and you didn’t say! You never tell me anything!
I wanted to get married to Robert Pattinson. It’s your fault that he didn’t offer me.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145103
Over the basement of the carton there is an ad: Please do not place cat food. They are not here!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №145102
Here is look. For example, I am fat (100+) I have a girlfriend (about 40). I have a couple of friends – Phytonash. And that is not a problem. I myself willingly admit that I am fat is NOT a bad word, not an insult. This is a constatation of fact. But you’re not limited to the word "thick", right? You won’t resist calling me a lazy, roasted beemot a piece of salt, a stinking stinker. And then I will call you Drift and Board. My girlfriend, note, I will never call it, and I will not even think of it on her side. Understand the mechanism?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145101
I read Atlanta after one small oligarch urged me to read it.
XXX: I have read
xxx: the oligarch went on his bandley to his fools, and I still have the aftertaste of shit.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145100
How disgusting it is to offer a sleeping bag to a person who is not fully awake and who goes to work early on Monday morning!

[ + 27 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145099
If people are seriously interested in who the king ate hundreds of years ago and they are ready to defend this opinion with their fists, then they have a roof. Do they have no hobbies, no work, no family, where they could put so much effort with undoubtedly more benefit for the business?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145098
XXX: Working in the cell
The hipster came to them and asked to replace the protective glass.
XXX: The finger crawled and says there is no protective glass in you
xxx: He assures that there is, when buying for a couple of thousand bet
XXX: So it says once there is, then shoot yourself, there is nothing difficult.
The man takes the office knife and breaks the tachscreen of iPhone Nahui

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145097
Where did this nonsense about the "coats in the machine do not wash" come from?
Is this “savings” on water, powder, electricity and the number of machine launches?
Or in some models of the 60s release from small pieces of fabric the drum half broke?
The negative Feng Shui?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145096
Love for English is not sexually transmitted, and love for anime is very even. be careful.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №145095
On September 28, all general directors in Russia celebrate their professional holiday.
Do you already know what to give? No is? Then we present to your attention a selection of gifts from 400 rubles."

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145094
- One acquaintance, a meat technician, asked the question: what is more useful, cooked sauce or smoked sauce?
“It’s better to smoke,” the technician replied.
c) Geektimes

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №145093
Love goes by much faster than the pain of losing it.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145092
I work as a waitress in a restaurant. A young man recently came to us. Now every time he sees me, he stares openly at my bust. Then he greets and begins to talk.
And yesterday another waitress began to boast that the new man was constantly looking at her chest. This was accidentally heard by our deputy director and broke out in the whole voice.
As it turned out, the guy just very poorly remembers Russian names, because he is not there. Here he looks at our babies every time to understand how to treat us.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145091
Why fly for a week somewhere in Europe if you can have lunch in Domodedovo for that money?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145090
Shamans, witches and astral witches, let me know that the teeth of the forks have begun to fold recently, just so. In the evening, the fork lies, from the morning bent quite noticeably.
For now, my most bold assumption is that during the day they are very heated from the plate, and at night they are cooled from the cold, and this is the case. But this is treacherous, and not very logical. The plate is far away, and they will cool in 5 minutes, not when the night comes. The cricket.
YYY: In short, you have a home brother. At night, while everyone is asleep, he cleans. Do not eat from these forks.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145089
Who should be killed in order to stop the fucking sound advertising in the fifth?
WOW: Captain Evidence says that no matter who: you will sit in jail, and the advertisement in the five-point for you will stop. If the deadline comes, just kill someone else.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №145088
Discussion of the video "Theory of the flat Earth"

Derand: the earth is flat and consists of a multitude of earth circles lying on each other, the largest is the equatorial globe, the smallest - the pole.
All together create the illusion of a spheroid, but in reality it is a lot of flat lands!

Cae32: Under these conditions, it is unclear where the elephants and the turtle are.

Rakovsky: And Where the Atlanta Shares

iosipboroda: They were cancelled by N.S. Khrushchev, as part of the fight against excesses in architecture.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145087
I cooked a rollon, a culinary show goes through the box - there is cheese, baget, red caviar... There was a persistent feeling, as if I was going to catch a porn.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145086
It was a long time. Summer, heat, garages, a bunch of brutal bearded cyclists, semi-dissolved motorcycles, smoke mangal. In front of the guys, the square is dealt, the welding is sparkly, matyugs are delivered. There is no stone flower in them, they go to the bikers:"Children, there will be no Bulgarians?" All such:"No, no, no". And here I am such in a pink dress, with tails, my-my-my:"Eyee, I have it!" I open the trunk of my baby and get a Bulgarian. The expressions of their faces keep me gently in my heart until now.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145085
And after all, there is some more or less quiet polyethylene, so why is all the food packed in this crisp shit?

Cellophane products in the natural environment are destroyed, decomposed much faster than products made of polyethylene and lavender, so they do not threaten the environment, unlike waste from packaging materials made of polyethylene and lavender. by Wikipedia

I BEAT a huge number of plastic bags, in which in the shops you have to pack everything in a row. Home deposits, you carry them in containers - you think they will either burn on the landfill, releasing poisonous smoke, or will lie there for hundreds of years in the form of disgusting scraps. If they were gathered somewhere for processing... honestly, while there was a reception house in our quarter, once a year I dragged a bunch of newspapers there and just left it so as not to throw it into the container. I would also give out bags/plastic bottles and other plastic stuff, even with a reasonable surcharge, only if it went for recycling, and not to poison our own habitats. I hope that cellophane will finally come to our city, not so harmful.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna