— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 119 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26768
Q: What is your name?
See also: Nürgistan
Q: Did you hit your head on the key, or is there really such a name?

[ + 50 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26767
The earthquake in Chile has led to a slight shift in the Earth's axis, with respect to which our planet is balanced. The axis deviation was approximately 3 inches, i.e. and 8 centimeters. The shift in the earth's crust also reduced the length of the Earth's day by 1.26 microseconds.
The first stone:
I watch at night I can’t sleep. and :)

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26766
It wasn’t a delay, it was 28 days in February 😉

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №26765
Beauty: I now from fear barely put in the pants =-O shorter on the crossroads complex cut Santa Fe. I go, and he follows me. It goes, the lightning flashes, say stop, I go on. He is equal to me, signaled, said to stop, I became even worse, I went out to the square and stopped... Here... He comes in to me, I closed all the doors and opened the window. And he goes out =-O and spreads in a smile. He says I’m the girl of his dreams...he’s been looking for me all his life, he wants me to be his. forever!! *ROFL* and said he would do anything to make me fall in love with him. *IN LOVE*
Lisa: :-D ran away from the prince on a white horse in panic
See also: Ushaha
You are the picture

[ + 100 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26764
In connection with the malfunction of his "Lexus" (cinderella full and the front glass dirty) had to go from work on the tramway (also not quite fine - the light did not burn in the cabin).
At one of the stops came a lady aged 50-55 (such a lady from the category of roasted pests, who are now lacking in this life and will never be silent about it). The driver is a young man. The further dialogue:
A young man! Well, tell me why you don’t have the light in the tram, right?
K is (after the pause)... don’t believe, JEK for the failure to pay off...
L. What are you doing of me? How does the tram go?
K is Don’t believe it, with candles and pedals!

I went out minutes after 5, the people were still crawling in silent silent hysterics)))))))

Dear employees of public transport of beloved Kharkiv and other not less respected cities!
We know and understand what a scotch and disgusting job you have...Hold on, friends!!! to
Health to you, patience, optimism, material wealth and spirit! Be happy! →! to

Passenger of the 6th route, who chapped on the 8th

[ + 92 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26763
If suddenly you have eaten something unfresh and you have an affliction, do not despair! Sitting on the white throne, raise your hands up and fold the house, hold your breath and... no, you will not take off, but with the rocket at the start you will have time to feel yourself)))

[ + 56 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26762
<13Murena> In a crowd of two-legged like a shadow
<13Murena> For witch punishment clear day...
<13Murena> And death seats her seat

[ + 98 - ] Comment quote №26761
xxx: go to the castle
yyy: on her* goat*
xxx: the fucking
YYY: Baran
XXX: You have played
Tagged with: заебал

[ + 64 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26760
About the Olympics:
In 1972, at the Olympics in Sapporo (Japan) before the ski races for 30 km, there was a heavy snow, and our Soviet skier Vyacheslav Vedenin began to grind skies. A Japanese reporter ran around him and asked in Russian, saying, what, helps? The witch replied to him...
The next day the newspapers headlines (in English) came out:
"Soset skier said the magic word DAHUSIM and won gold"
So is this :)

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №26759
Yesterday I listened to a conversation between my mom and her aunt about my aunt’s husband, a large entrepreneur.
What is Cole doing now?
Perry is trading...
What is it trading? 0 - O

[ + 69 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26758
XXX Moskovskiy
YYY: HZ...I did an anti-missile manoeuvre on it)))
XXX How? O_O
yyy: There was a toy like Flanker, completely simulated the SU-27...So, I played it for a long time, and there when you are launched a rocket you hear a whisper...Well, I go on the track, I turned on the radio, and there the song starts with the same whisper... Ride on yourself, left, along with the emergency and heating the rear glass type shot of infrared traps and dipole reflectors)))
xxx: Under the floor))))))))))))))))))))))
yyy: I still in the quake second played in the first class and failed in the well first thought was there should be a rocket launcher))))

[ + 49 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26757
The most famous commentary of the Vancouver Olympics.

She is the daughter of a Norwegian and a German. Sorry for the German.

Emmy Williams showed the best result and from her height plunges on rivals, especially on the golden helmet of Annie Huber. Sorry, I couldn’t keep up with that epithet. I don’t like to wear gold t-shirts.

The light of Trunov hit his head. Nothing of light. Life continues, and we continue.

Finished by the beautiful blonde Melissa Hollingsworth. She takes off the helmet. You see, I didn’t cheat about a luxurious blonde.

When Dick San learns how to jump the fourth, then the rating system will change.

The Canadian figure player in Canada put a lot. It cannot!

Sergey Novitsky sang in childhood in the choir in a simple way, on the spoon.

People have been bullied for two years that Plushchenko can’t ride. Serious work has been done.

[ + 74 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26756
In the house where my girlfriend lives, there is a very poor noise insulation. Good listening to neighbors. The essence of history. The weekend we rest in two in a horizontal position, and the neighbors from above go for a walk in full swing, something is noted there. And this is when at the moment of the culmination of our rest, at the very moment when everything is very wonderful... Neighbors from the top rushed three times URA, URA, URA!!! We and our loved one had a laughing attack such that she fell from the bed from it became even more funny ))))))) Apparently we laughed so loudly that the male voice from above very loudly asked to tell what we are laughing about (not over them) After that we had another laughing attack, I could not talk a long time later and the stomach was sick of coliques. I have never had such fun in my life. 😉

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №26755
Ural scientists learned to charge a laptop from fire
With the help of a ski stick.

You say British scientists.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №26754
Who said a soldier dreams of becoming a general? The soldier dreams of becoming a baker.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №26753
To yesterday’s story about the strong memory of some individuals...
My colleague, the Kabatsky Lip, had a gift of his own – he remembered people’s faces, taking into account their metamorphosis from time, their names, and the situations in which they were brought down by fate. Sometimes there are comedy moments.

... we played somehow in the cabbage (sorry, at the sovkha still) and closer to midnight the man started to ask for songs, and with the money to break up is not in a hurry. Here is my companion and says:
The Mercury?
and yes!! to
Sergey Evgeny, it’s time to pay!! to
Listen, how do you know me?
- Yes, three years ago, when you left the "Satellite", you exceeded me.
Speed has stopped...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №26752
The Russian feature is to steal on the construction of roads, buy on them a expensive car and break it on bad roads.

[ + 56 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26751
I live in the same apartment with my husband, his brother, his brother's wife and a mother-in-law.In this regard, I am faced with an urgent question: what should I do about this, for which they are placed in a single chamber?

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №26750
by KMP

My daughter (4 years) is looking at the apartment of family friends, to whom we came to visit. My mom has the same mirror! She looks at him when his cheeks shave". When I look at it, it is corrected: "Or the moustache pulls out".

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №26749
That’s why I don’t have a girlfriend.
I do not drink, I do not smoke, I do not use. I am engaged in sports every day, I close the sessions only for excellent, with a sense of humor, I write poems, like not angry...
Do we have a ride today at 9?
Sanner: Yes

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna