— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №24828
The roads are so unclean that lying policemen have turned into holes. This is the first time I’ve been on one ;)

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №24827
Sponsor of the movie "Our Rush. Eggs of fate" company MTS

[ + 115 - ] Comment quote №24826
From the review on "Summer":
Teenage vampire Edward has the ability to read the minds of everyone except Bella, probably simply because of her complete absence of thoughts.

[ + 106 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24825
It is not funny:

Admin BORA, please make an archive with the best quotes of 2007, 2008, 2009. thank you. I want to read, not anywhere. Thank you huge. I think many will support me.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №24824
3meyc: and if you shave with a dangerous shave and eggs - you can spend in the bathroom all day!
Orlangoor: And with the proper dexterity and get good vocal data!

[ + 57 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24823
Angelus incarnatio
And the apple is what I have... red.
Mr. Tanaka
What red apple do you have?
Angelus incarnatio
The eye! Melted...

[ + 105 - ] Comment quote №24822
I am amazed by Windows. You enter the panel "Start-all entertainment programs" and find a noise regulator there. Have fun.
Mesk: I imagined a man with a smile to his ears, turning a pen at the music center.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №24821
I almost put the flash in the sidebar.
I opened it, put the flash... and I think... what shit?! to

[ + 102 - ] Comment quote №24820
XX: Technically speaking, I’t want to be bitten by worms after I die, it’s better to actually let them burn. And a synthetic diamond will grow out of the ashes, maybe the descendants will need to upgrade the computer or sell it in a difficult moment =)
yyy: a that topic)) genealogy collar)))

[ + 113 - ] Comment quote №24819
An interesting fact:
If you knock on the dean's table, then passing the exams is no longer necessary.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №24818
My husband and I decided to buy a monopoly. The game is like chips, cubes and cards, who doesn’t know. We came to the children's store, there is a great choice, and the seller offers us one, another - we look, then very easy, then poor quality, then incomprehensible...
Can you tell me how old the child is?
After thinking a little, I said:
22 and you are here :)

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №24817
How did I surrender?
XX: She struck me down.
Me: In what sense? O_O
Additional Questions (
My: Fuck, and I was hoping for dirty porn...

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №24816
XXX: What kind of movie is that?
YYY: Imagine yourself
XXX is m.
YYY : M?
XXX: What to introduce?
Tagged: film
XXX is OK. I begin to present
YYY: Imagine it
Yyy as Eddie Murphy
Tagged: film
YYY: Imagine yourself
Tagged with Eddie Murphy
xxx: whaaaaaa
Yyy: Fuck, Fuck, Yura, Fuck
XXX: I’ll hard to imagine
yyy: movie, fuck, called "Predict yourself"
xxx: oh ept
xxx: whoever could think

[ + 111 - ] Comment quote №24815
111: Kirill, thank you for sitting with my cat! By the way, what is he doing now?
He sits next to my boots with a clever expression of his face and whispers at me.
111: Hey, you just don’t bother him very much.
222 What is it?
Yes, he just has fun, and the smart look does only in one case.
222nd Sukhothai

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24814
For what you give 2 years in life, you give 20 minutes in hockey.
People, do the sport!

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №24813
Have you ever seen people who have no sense of humor? I have always had an unhealthy interest in them, moreover, I collected. One of the most outstanding “examples” of my collection was
Sarah, the administrator of our Doll Theatre. A cute, kind, glamorous woman, but the joke did not understand decisively. We all played it, of course, and I was more than others. She, indeed, was not offended, but only promised, "Winter, you will get it on the side!" and came out.

Once the Doll Theatre toured in a small Russian town. The resettlement of artists. I quickly settled in my room, missed myself and went to the lobby in search of adventure. I go down the stairs and see our gorgeous Sarah standing, swinging her head into the administrator’s window, and having an intense conversation. I understand that the issues are discussed of the importance of the extraordinary: whom of the actors to transfer from the shadow side to the sun and vice versa; whom to move from a two-bedroom to a three-bedroom, and who "by the staff" rely on separate chords... The view from behind is just luxurious. The idea has not yet matured, but the momentum has already appeared – and I’m going down the stairs. And when I reach the goal (Sara), the idea materializes. I catch our administrator for the most outstanding place, I get him all and at the same time even shake... Class?

Sarah turns in anger and... it turns out not to be Sarah! Could I have imagined that there is another woman in the world with shapes of such a scale? I find the perfect way out of the situation I am in is to die on the spot. And indeed, something like this begins to happen to me: the heart dies, the blood ceases to flow through the veins; I am covered from head to foot with a sticky cold dust... Here a good stranger begins to revive me. She grabs me by the shovel, not allowing me to crumble on the floor; she beats me on the cheeks with a boat and says, "Well, it is, don't die. Well, puppy, live, I ask you! Whoever doesn’t do that is wrong!”

I survived... It turned out that she was a doctor of chemical sciences, a professor; a great smart woman. We were friends with her all the two weeks that my damned passion for joking brought us to this hotel.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №24812
Having lived in the depths for many years, the husband considers himself a true rural guy. However, his wife loves to hide over his urban habits. She said, “You didn’t know what a cow looked like when you were born until you met me.”

[ + 105 - ] Comment quote №24811
Do I really get a rating of 35 points?
You have to pass the exam to the maximum. In the hard 5
Did anyone take the exam for hard 5?
- Yes, it was the case, as I remember now, in 1981, I had a great student of Tola his name, Tola... mmm how he has the name... fucking... I remembered! and Wassermann! Talia Wassermann, here he gave up on 5 )))
Thank you so much, let’s teach you :'

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №24810
(2010-01-11 11:20:15) glukur: you forgot my waving socks and blue T-shirt
(2010-01-11 11:20:41) dronozavr: ch0rd
(2010-01-11 11:20:55) dronozavr: have to come and pick up)
(2010-01-11 11:22:35) Glukur: I wake up and feel the smell of a human spirit
(2010-01-11 11:23:15) dronozavr: it's what you don't forget about me, dear)

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №24809
Lighting is everything! I have offended you!
The light:
And don’t write to me anymore!
Hell, where a crying smiley is!? to
Ner: :' ( second line, fourth on the left.
The light: thank you
Issue of :'(

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna