— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №24848
Pitohui dichrous: This small and pretty cute bird has glands that produce a very strong poison.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №24847
*~evilbizon~* ‎(15:09): I walk on my face, I hear two boys bats: - Fuck I looked at the "Avatar" and realized that my life is full of shit. You could look in the mirror to see the same thing.

[ + 112 - ] Comment quote №24846
Title of the article on the website of the online newspaper: "Spanish scientists found harm in cocaine". The British take positions.

[ + 105 - ] Comment quote №24845
(from the Twitter page):
@Rogozin: Even in a hospital, Somali pirates are trying to seize a foreign ship

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №24844
xxx: You have a vocabulary like a coffee mill.

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №24843
The Battery:
I'm currently choosing the clock, I can't decide between the three options. I most like the second ones, but they have a water protection of 20 meters, and the first and third - 30 meters. Probably the first or third one. Thirty meters smaller than twenty.
by Vizza:
Tell me a friend, when was the last time you were 30 meters deep?
The Battery:
never ever. and what?

[ + 78 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24842
Marshall (08:32:53 12/01/2010)
I’m trying a dish called "food"

Irismarra (08:33:11 12/01/2010)
What is its composition?

Marshall (08:33:48 12/01/2010)
peelmen, strawberries, sauce and bread... Everything is roasted on a bowl

Irismarra (08:34:06 12/01/2010)
How would you call it?

Marshall (08:34:14 12/01/2010)

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №24841
bomBEERman: Then he ate and went out to stick to the passers, convincing them that a yogurt with pieces of fruit is not shit!"
bomBEERman: found an erudite who replied "just with pieces of fruit - not yogurt too"

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №24840
Whoever does not put the cock in the microwave will not give up the session!

[ + 89 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24839
When the prelude time is longer than the time of sexual intercourse, it is called to engage in love.
When the prelude time is roughly equal to the time of sexual intercourse, it is called having sex.
When the prelude time is less than the time of sexual intercourse it is called fucking.
When the prelude time approaches zero, and the sexual act is increased as much as possible, it is called - fucking.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №24838
I am an irreparable roller coaster.
I see in contact a group - "Only for the modest, brave and beautiful!!! Corsets, erotic costumes for role-playing games." The first thought - "Who is going to be in such a role-playing game? O_o and O"

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №24837
Guys, if a girl asks you to reinstall her Windows, it means she needs to reinstall Windows. But if she asks to put her Linux, then...

[ + 113 - ] Comment quote №24836
A dark night!
Only bytes whisper on the net.
Only the wind blows in the wires.
The monitors blink...
In the dark night,
You, I know, are sitting with Anime,
And with torrent toys,
You are gigantic...
c) Oren

[ + 98 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24835
Grandma in terms of morality is strict, plus pets do not tolerate any, and I, while studying at the biofak, always wanted to have some life. One such attempt:

I: Ludmil Ivanna, and let’s get the madagascar caterpillars? They don’t bite or smell.

Grandma (not interrupting from watching the interference series): Better would you have a man...he will even fix the TV...

I roasted until evening.

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №24834
Susla: Fuck... well, I can only do that... I got the flu, called the doctor at home))
While she went to me, she broke my leg.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №24833
When I was a kid, I watched all kinds of movies like Star Wars and wondered: why is there enough to take away any detail to fill up the huge Machine of Universal Evil? Are the people of the future really so stupid?
And then I grew up and the future came. And in the 21st century, in the 3rd millennium, the lights are extinguished throughout my district, traffic jams and video cards are burning, because the builder Vasya has a spat cable.

[ + 137 - ] Comment quote №24832
XXX: What is the curve software?
Is it possible that your hands are wrong?
xxx: no
xxx: the
xxx: not
XXX is guilty.

[ + 97 - ] Comment quote №24831
(I would have eaten)
But there is no food.
I eat all the time now.
xxx all the time.
[xxx] and there is still halva
I am Uzbek!
In horror, he ran to the mirror.
[xxx] Beethoven to be!! to

[ + 276 - ] [9 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24830
People, let me explain what fashion went to write a console through the defiant? Type the font more softly, speak more slowly. Or not even a prefix, but a pretext: I dance drunk, I dry. What shit is this? Is it possible to make such nonsense according to the new rules of the Russian language? Or are you all fucking fuck?

Remember the fool! Remember once and for all that the defect is placed if the speech ends in -om, -em, -ski, -ki, -yie! Examples of:
1 in my opinion,
In a different way,
3 in Russian.
Exceptions: so, so, why, therefore, in Latin.

Combined speech is written in a comparative degree: larger, faster, and so on.

With substantive and place names, the pretext is written separately!

Sorry for the heck, heck. Someone who is angry with the illiterate school.

P.S I have a technical education, I am not a linguist. Writing literally is not difficult. and :)

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №24829
So ended the rides, the drinks and drinks. There is no more lack of sleep, no more broken face. The skin is not on the ears, the legs of the hands are not in bandages. Clean up in the house. No bottles on the balcony. There is no fireworks in the salads, all the doors are twisted again, there are no sausages on the luster, no cowards are scattered. Even the cat after the fun stopped getting sick with a hammer. I don’t sleep in salads. A pleasant smell from the mouth. Cleanly shaved and washed the New Year is completely forgotten. I will go to work soon. I will fall into my worries. The fucking! I forgot! Back in the sweat! Today is the Old New Year!!! and

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna