— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №35818
XXX: Message from a friend, invites to the Tusa

The attention!

On Thursday, 9 September at about 19-00 will be held a meeting of the experts of the club "A? What? Where am I?”
Have a wooden skate (GOST No. 93857/33), a drum, as well as a working version of the autopilot, preferably with the latest update of the route.

The meeting will take place at Moscow, ul. Butyrskaya, D. XX (Dmitrovskaya) in the beer restaurant XX (MORE than 80 types of beer! Two floors, cozy atmosphere, polite offices... then you hear some whisper, then a chill of death). The program includes burning on the fire of a witch passing by (probably witches), dances of the northern peoples, a competition "Come on the curve", and a sports cast of beer covers.

All members of the club!

Further Spam
Increase it! Up to 10 centimeters of your...

Q: Is it adequate for you?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №35817
Big cities harass small people.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №35816
The Master.
It was a long time ago, thirty years ago in Leningrad. The master of theatre course, the folk artist of the USSR, I will not name his name - he, unfortunately, is already dead. His kingdom is heavenly.
After another big role in the movie, our master finally bought the long-awaited Volga car, and being a man of a wide soul, invited his whole course to a expensive restaurant to wash the purchase. There were numerous toasts for the teacher, for the accidentless ride, etc.
But the Shalopai students decided to play their favorite teacher: they distracted him with conversations, pulled the keys from the Volga pocket, one ran out to the street and moved the car to the courtyard next to the restaurant. The master drank a little - still driving, happiness and so he was drunk. He was fun and conversational. He even went to call, ask his wife for a longer time, but it didn't work out - he was going home. The boys said, "You sit, sit, the business is young, they will bring a dessert, and I went. Don’t worry, I paid for it all.
- We can take you to the car, please, we can give you a pen.
We smell...
Look at me, sit down and dance.
Well please please please please!
Okay, let us go.
Everyone got out of the restaurant and came to an empty place on the sidewalk.
The teacher became hysterical: “Where?” They stole! They stole! The new car!
I’m suffocating... Heart, oh... It hurts. How is it?
The students, seeing that they exaggerated, immediately cried out: - Don't worry. It is us. A stupid joke. Forgive us...
Where is my car!!? to
Here in the yard, don’t worry, let’s go.
The teacher, suffocating, ran into the yard.
There was no courtyard in the Volga.
Where is the car!!? to
He must have been there...he was actually robbed.
The old master fell to the wall and began to slip to the ground.
I don’t care what your joke is, I’m dying guys... I don’t hold on to it.
Goodbye to you... Goodbye...
Do not die!
We killed him!
How can we live in the world now!!? to
Suddenly, the master of the course stands up, tears off his coat, everyone has a bad scene.
Well, I’ll tell you, guys, for the third class, a little weak. when
You distracted me in the restaurant by talking to get the key out.
Jacket and rating 2. I did not immediately believe. Remember your inner.
state when you voiced a ridiculous but acting very complicated text:
Do not die!
We killed him!
How can we live in the world now!!? to
There are no complaints, I believed, because you didn’t play anything. In the future, such a note will be useful to you all. And why did you open your mouths, and which whore did not put the car on the handle?
This is I...
Okay, take me along.
The teacher walked into the neighboring courtyard, and the students sat behind him. He sat in the car and started the engine. Looking out the window, he smiled:
Did you want to play the Soviet People's Artist? The children.
The car dimmed, under the joyful screams and whispers of beloved students.
The Master.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №35815
In the psychiatric hospital, patients watch the news in the morning. One suddenly knocks himself on his knee:
I am glad I am in a psychic!
Behind each other’s backs:
This one seems to have healed.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №35814
I went to school on a bus.
The woman had doubts about the route and asked for help from the conductor:
Where will the next stop be?
A moment of silent reflection and confident answer:
to go on!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №35813
The boy
Whisper to Fuck!

The girl

The boy
Ups, I was wrong with the window. Excuse me! The truth is wrong!! to

The girl
And I think Nifga, you suggested me to give you a meal.)

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №35812
Thumbnail: @}->-- @}->-- @}->--
High: @}->--->-->>--
Tagged with: zloy repeat
High: *ZLOY * repeat
The cabbage :-(
It is :-(
I will buy you a nork coat.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №35811
She was 12 minutes late to work, as she was driving in the director’s car in the morning, and he had to go home to change his clothes. So I was late. I promise to fix the situation and not be late anymore"

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №35810
Reviews on motivation in British American Tobacco Russia:

Today I heard a story about motivation in Russian. I am proud.
In the headquarters of the company BAT decided to hold an attraction of unprecedented tolerance. We set up a gay festival with representatives from all the offices.
In the Russian office came a mess — to send 3 gay. The management thought deeply.
They held a meeting and began to think. They invented.
The ruling came out: the heads of units that have achieved the lowest results in the quarter go to the gay parade.
Such production, sales, marketing, advertising, supply the company has never seen - the productivity has increased by 100% and above!
And management achieved its results - and profits were obtained, and pidorasses were chosen.
And you say – prizes, training, career growth, company anthems... Fignia is it all!and "

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №35809
thx (15:25:18 9/09/2010)
I found an article about how to do mines and what ways there are... how to do mines... wanted to throw Yulke in the assu and threw his director maniki... how to grit in the wrong window... stucco
yyy (15:25:35 9/09/2010)
xxx (15:26:22 9/09/2010)
He writes to me in a...Amin... enter the room.
thx (15:26:28 9/09/2010)
I think it’s all... shit.
yyy (15:26:35 9/09/2010)
xxx (15:26:50 9/09/2010)
He turns my note and asks me what this shit is???? to
xxx(15:27:00 9/09/2010)
I am red and silent.
xxx (15:27:19 9/09/2010)
The bird breathed out: Yes, I gave my girlfriend the usage guide.
yyy (15:27:21 9/09/2010)
xxx (15:27:35 9/09/2010)
He grit well... I have to give up his wife too... let her read.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №35808
You will hunt for four breasts, you will catch the puzzles from two babes.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №35807
by def1ant:
The year 2024. A father looks at his son’s diary.
Note: Your son is late to school...Do you want to increase the penis?

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №35806
XXX: Going I Bugs Calling
<< advised to read on leisure book the exile of buffs, bubbles, homeowners.
<< Book from the series Domestic impure force.
YYY : =
XXX: People call out ghosts.
But the bugs cause the amins. :D
YYY : :D
XXX: I presented myself with this picture:
Half-dark room, all the windows hanged, in the center of the room a pentagram, black candles, some sacrifice, on a bloody altar.And there are bushes, all such.One slowly ignites the candles, and quietly says: Everything is ready, open the quip, we will call the admin.
YYY: ughu..... in the center of the pentagram, a blue flame burns the computer with BD 1C..... the bugs begin to stumble, shaking the bills, and condemning "Debit, Saldo, Credit, Subcont".....And here is when the swings reach their apogee.
The administrator breaks into the accounting system and cries: “What X%No do you create, Herodes?”and "
all! A great action took place. Admin was called.
XXX: And the head of the buch says: O great odmin!We have disturbed the ancient evil, and our magic box no longer shows us 1s.I think it is cursed.O great Odmin, help us!!! to
YYY: And then the proud Odmin arose. He lifted up his mighty head and spoke with a loud voice: DOSTALI, C%? He put the statement on the table and left. And was such.
They say that to this day, in one deserted office burns a blue light of computers and bugs circle around him. For now he serves other gods, and the bulls have no power over him anymore.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №35805
She: I move to you.
He is: Oh
She: Today at 7 am I am waiting for a vehicle to transport my cosmetics to you))
Don’t forget the gloves and gloves.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №35804
I will soon marry.

For the sake of... e. Congratulations to!

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №35803
Arab detectives have found that Kennedy was killed not from the window, but from a rifle.


[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №35802
I live in Kiev. The villagers know that at the exit from the metro station there are 3-4 spammers stable with some papers, and I every day, from the universe when I go, I go out to the station and I used to take these papers from them (they are even better if the papers break up faster... probably ))) and after 10 meters to throw them into the urn.
I go home, in the ears of the player, in the brains of a lecture on the Matan, in which I do not petry a belmes. He got out of the subway, they gave one paper, the second, the third, the fourth. I go on, throw them out in the garbage. As usual, nothing predicted trouble. Here I even through the music in the player (and the headphones I have with a good sound insulation) I hear something like "THIS WHAT HAVE HOLDED THE BAD?!?!?!". I stopped, removed the headphones, looked around - a man of some sort looks at me like Lenin on the bourgeoisie and can not even say a word, so he wandered... when I got a little out of the situation, I realized that I was given only 3 spammy papers, the fourth I took myself... and it was the start package of the billayn O_O I still can’t imagine how the man wandered when in the middle of the day I dumped him the start package of the billayn, and when he wanted to go after me saw that I threw him into the urn O_O.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №35801
My husband’s relatives have a happy daughter. History removes something. So Dr. she is 4 years old, she was given a bicycle, all of it in the packaging and it is written in large letters "Bicyclists". Well, the little girl, as she learns to read, decided to read what she was given, and with such a cleverness on her face, she says:
The bicycle!
All are such:
What? what?! to
She thought a little:
and no. The bicycle! )

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №35800
Which ink is more harmful, colored or black and white?
Oh, and why do you?
I wonder which piece of newspaper to clean the seed.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №35799
You may be tired today.
She: What did you decide?
You look tired in your profile.
What about FAS?
He is in a façade.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna